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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/855098-J-B-Shaw-and-Creating-Oneself
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#855098 added July 22, 2015 at 12:16pm
Restrictions: None
J. B. Shaw and Creating Oneself
Prompt: "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." George Bernard Shaw Do you agree?


I like Shaw just fine, but create myself? I’d botch it up. I’d have feet coming out of my hair or something.

Joking aside, if by creating he means in a psycho-spiritual way, I’ve done so many things or rather tried doing so many different things that I may end up being like that Sybill character with so many personalities.

Still, as long as I have life and breath left in me, I’ll keep on revising, re-doing, trying different things all the time. And when and if I can pass through the pearly gates, they’ll have a difficult time which one of me to judge.

I guess if I were to answer this prompt with my serious hat on, I would have to say something along the lines of: This prompt is about realizing that we have the ability to craft and shape who we are and what we experience in this world…blah, blah, blah…

Or I could say, I can forgive the past wrongs and forgive myself so I can become a better, re-created person…Blah, blah, blah. But the serious stuff is easy to say and difficult to do, but I do try. I think we all try in our own inimitable ways.

Still, my serious hat can be the joke and my joker’s pointy hat could be the serious one. I am never all that sure of anything. Come to think of it, I am not even sure of the most serious stuff I have ever written, either. *Laugh*

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