Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/854920-One-Last-Attack
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#854920 added August 6, 2015 at 1:47am
Restrictions: None
One Last Attack
         “What exactly are they doing?” I ask, hoping to get something out of Retnil. Even he stood in shock! That thing is reaching at least half a mile in size!
         “Well, first they combine their aquatic capabilities to form a super attack. Then they’ll compress it to make a basic explosive of Ice. To ensure that, they’ll drill a few miles underneath and implode the planet from inside. If we don’t get everyone within a 20,000 mile radius, let’s just say you really don’t want to be on this rock anymore!”
         I frantically look around and see that they’re coming straight towards us! What do we do..? What do we do..!? What do we do!?!?
         “Oh, forget it!” I run to a closer spot, charge up from what I can bring from around here, and wait for a second to catalyze it.
         “Arseron, what are you doing!?”
         “If we go down, I’ll at least be grateful that we tried!” By now, tears were coming from my eyes. “I will not live down that we couldn’t do anything to protect the people here! If we die, we will try!”
         “That’s it, he’s off his nut.” Hannah says, earning a glance from the others, I think. I felt them shift. It got really loud so I couldn’t really tell.
         “I DON’T CARE! VOLTAGE..! OVERDRIVE!!!” A large torrent of raw power came from my hands as it rapidly reached the nuke, which, as soon as I hit it, starts to bring me down. “AH! DAMN IT!” I look at my teammates. “WELL, HELP ME OUT HERE!”
         “HE’S RIGHT! LET’S GO!” They get next to me, charging up an attack of their own. Except Wayne.
         “BUT I’M A LOJARR!” He grabs it though. “WHAT EXACTLY CAN I DO--” The sword guided its tip to the nuke as a blast of light came out. Even he felt the weight.
         All of our combined attacks, made a bigger pressure on the ground, bringing it down with us. I was starting to kneel and so was everyone else from this intense pressure. It only felt as if it was trying to knock us down.
         “(All) GOT IT! (Grunt)!” Our attack radius intensified as the pressure became lower. Come on..! There’s gotta be-- Wait… I got it!
         “Energy Ball..!” They couldn’t see or hear me well, so, hopefully, it won’t be much of a reprimand if I do this.
         “Sorry, you guys, but if it’s really necessary, then at least it’s just me… STORM ROUND!”
         With the combined effort of the Ball, a Sonic Punch, and Lightning Strike, I jump up into the power lines, mix them all up, and make my way to the nuke, which I just realize is starting to crack. Here goes..!
         “SYNTHETIC ATOMS..!” A shield came over probably the whole planet as my hand carried a nucleus. This is it! “TAKE THIS!” (EXPLOSION)
         (3rd) As the lines of power were dissipating, everyone could only see in horror as they saw Matt going into the nuke and stopping it with the attack he just did.
         “Matthew… no..!” Judith says, reaching up, tears coming from her eyes. “No…”
         With all hope left, and the nuke now destroyed, she kneeled down, covering her face. Her sobbing was the only thing that anyone could hear, even if it was a bit quiet.
         “Arseron…” Retnil could only salute as his tears covered his eyes. Wayne was trying, but he couldn’t take it harder than Judith if he tried.
         “We come and go... but why did you have to go. Bakana!” The Ice fragments fell down, making cracks or splashes wherever it fell. With a shred of hope, they run down to see if there was any chance of their brother surviving.
         “Arseron!? Arseron!” Retnil starting to feel around if there was any heartbeat or shift in the rocks, sand, etc. Yoshi and Judith were looking around, using remnants of the ship to move the earth around and Wayne was sniffing around for his scent. But there wasn’t much luck. Only his sword was found by Wayne.
         “Hey, guys! I found.. his sword. Sorry, but I don't see anything else.” His ears were drooped down. “(sigh) So... now what...?”
         “I… don’t know...”
         Judith didn’t stop, however. With only slight hope, she kept digging through, tears streaming down like rivers. She cannot believe that he’s dead. Though, after 5 minutes, Retnil reached over and grabbed her shoulder, effectively stopping her and giving a bear hug. Sobbing her eyes out, Retnil can only console her by keeping his hand on her shoulder. Asteinieran law says that former mates cannot be claimed again by anyone in the duration of a year. And he’s not one to break it. She let go after a bit, still crying.
         “In honor of Arseron, our beloved hero…” He takes the sword and slams it to the ground. “I salute you and thank you.” He stands in a bow and a salute. The others soon follow suit, giving off a speech about him.
         “Matt, thank you for improving my life. I’m grateful that I had you, dated you, and at least kissed you before this happened. You showed me that life is beautiful and I;m glad you came into mine.” She takes the necklace and bracelets and balances it evenly on the sword then bowed and saluted. She tried to get Yoshi to talk, but he only sat in a divot he made, hugging an egg. He sets it down, marking the insignia of their clan. He nodded to Wayne.
         “Matty, we shared something. After I met you, I thought you were perfect, handsome, and so much more. At least I got a kiss from you.” He just sat down, not really doing much. One ear was up, listening; the other still down.
         “Arseron. You were the greatest warrior I’ve ever seen. Maybe even the best. I’m sorry we can’t be the ones to stop our enemies. But like you said, we’ll try. And if we die doing so, well, at least we did our leader proud.” They all closed their eyes, mourning over their lost one. Suddenly, footsteps were heard.
         “And you’ll keep doing your leader proud,” they turn their heads. “heh, cause I’m not leaving.”
         “MATT!!!” Judith exclaims, running towards the teenager carrying the Elites’ bodies.
         (Matt) And of course, I had to drop them. Being with Judith is the more important thing for me. “Judith…”
         She reaches me and tackles me to the ground, hugging me to never let go. I laugh because it’s adorable and to laugh the pain away. I can nearly swear I’ve broken over half of my bones. However, she was healing me, so just the adorable factor.
         And afterward, Judith slammed her lips against mine, dominating my tongue. Once she let me go, she slaps me. Ow..!
         “You bastard! How could you have done that to me!?”
         “(Chuckle) I didn’t think I’d survive. But luckily, I did.” I get up and rub my cheek. Then I get bombarded by hugs and celebrations.
         “Matty-kun! Do that again and you will wish it killed you, but I'm glad you're alive!”
         We stood there, celebrating and laughing that we won. We won..! “For Ocarelin!” Even more cheering. Luckily, half the city isn’t here right now.
         “Yeah, but what do we do with them?”
         “Don't worry,” I state. “I already Pacified them. Only the fairies can tell us what to do now.” Oh, there they are.
         As soon as they came, and became full sized, though Vanessa is 4 inches shorter than me, Phil is the same height as me, and Amber is 3 taller.
         Tapping Gathran with her foot, Maybelle asks, “So you did it, huh? Congradulations. You defeated your first major enemy.”
         “It wasn’t just me, Maybelle. The clan of Ocarelin did.”
         “So we saw.” They stepped back. “I really thought you died there…” Her voice hinted something...
         Out of nowhere, my captives started groaning. I put my arm over my group to protect them. Bringing up an Energy Ball, I cautiously walk over as they try to stand up.
         “State your name and purpose,” I ask.
         “Give it rest, Arseron,” Nartenrik replies. “Now vi are vree. Spasibo.”
         “Oui, merci beaucoup for freeing us.”
         “Yeah, thanks.”
         “No problem. Except all the damage we did to the planet isn't gonna fit with the Earthlings.”
         “Ha! Iz no problem. I fix.”
         “I'll help,” Retnil added. Together, they took care of the remaining Ice and fixed the terrain. Good as new. And all in under 3 minutes. Huh.
         “Now that that's over with, what now?” I ask, not really expecting much of a response.
         “Well, we do have the elements of the other side of the diagram. Maybe you can train with us for whatever will come next,” Gathran says, making me approve of that idea.
         “Alright then. And, uh, what’s gonna happen with the ship?”
         “This.” The whole thing becomes as small as my brother's. I guess it's new technology that humanity has no comprehension of.
         “Hmm. It works. (Sigh) Alright then, let's go.”
         The Elites were confused. “Where to?”
         They were surprised when I introduced the Gardens and their inhabitants. They were especially grateful of the Zoo. Is all life for Majeylins training and getting better? Well, we are a domestic warrior race. Hmm.
         But anyway, we were thinking of having a feast, one to congratulate ourselves for saving the Earth. But what we could've done is beyond me. I was thinking about something classy and classic. However, Wayne had a different idea.
         “I know! Chuck E. Cheese's! It's a great place!”
         Okay, no. I know that for a cat, that may seem like a great place, but... “Didn't you say you were banned from all of the affiliates of the company?”
         He kept his smile and then turned sideways. Yep. I remember that.
         Yeah, last week, he tried to go inside. Naturally by being a cat, he enjoyed being there... especially for the mouse costume. However, his feral instincts got the best of him and he chased after the guy soon after seeing the ears. After tackling him to the ground, he starts biting. Even after the guy takes off the head and started panicking and out having the neko boy removed, he only looked up for a second and still nibbled. The only reason I know this was because I was his emergency contact and that it was his police statement...

         He turned back, with a smug look. “(Slowly) Yeah...” Even his mouth was salivating. Does faux fur taste good?
         “Okay... how about we just have a feast here? Has everything we need, all the space we need, and even a great view.”
         Everyone agreed, mostly because it was nearing the end of the day and we just kinda need to relax. So, naturally, Retnil brings up a granite table with matching seats, Judith brings the food since we don't trust Yoshi to do so, and Hannah somehow with expertise cooks up a nice banquet.
         This should be good...

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