Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/854456-Yet-Another-Invasion
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#854456 added July 15, 2015 at 9:06pm
Restrictions: None
Yet Another Invasion...
         Saturday, July 6. We’re standing near the city limits around 2 in the afternoon, waiting for a certain crash of either one or multiple spaceships. Right now, it’s me, Judith, Retnil, Yoshi, and the fairies on a sand dune. I’m standing away from them as they converse for a bit. They’re close...
         I breathe deeply and slowly to get the nervousness out of myself. I just hope we are prepared enough. Think about it: our weaknesses are this:
My thoughts on how these things will work out and whether or not we can survive it,
Judith’s timidity and fear of not being able to get through with this,
Retnil’s overzealousness
Yoshi’s hunger
Hannah’s inability to fight (she’s scared to even get near here; she’s hiding in her house as we speak)
and the fairies inability to interfere. They aren’t exactly warrior material...

         Either way, I’m running on hopes and prayers.
         “You think we’ll be able to get through with this?” Judith asks, coming over and resting her hand on my shoulder.
         “Hmm...” I hope she doesn’t blame me for not answering with a direct answer. Looking over all the details, I make plans to see how we can use everything to our advantage. Looking around the field view, I see an abandoned shipyard with some metal scraps, a storm cloud coming from the southwest, and a dot in the sky which sorta looks like--
         Oh. “Got it. Alright, let’s talk tactics.”
         We all huddle together and discuss what we can do. Yoshi gets the idea of spreading exploding eggs around as hidden mines. Good start.
         Retnil also proposes to add his own traps, such as instant hardening quicksand, scattered diamond weapons, and stuff called Mystery Seeds. They’re random and do area splash damage, healing, or statistical changing. Hmm.
         “Alright. What elements are they?”
         “Well, Gathran has Water, so lucky you, Nartenrik has Ice, and Fedrunot has Wind. Matter of fact, I’ll deal with him.” I’m thinking this wasn’t for me because he looked away, whispering, “I have a score to settle.”
         “Attribute advantage. Okay. Well, let’s get this over with.” Drawing my sword, I see that the spaceship grew larger and was about to land on top of us!
         “Get down!” (CRASH) Who’s there!?
         A light appears and it’s the aura of the fairies. I realize that Retnil dug us down and now we’re in a hole. For a few minutes, we hid down here. Retnil is communicating with sand messages about what’s he’s hearing. We’re about, what, 25 feet down?
         I tell everyone to try and conceal their power. With some sand shifting, we get some sunlight and sound. Who’s talking?
         “Ver iz welcoming party, sadly disappointing,” I hear, from a female. No doubt, heavy Russian accent, probably an adult.
         “I told you, Nartenrik,” someone replies, someone very strong and slightly gruff, “we’re not here to be celebrities; we are here to track down our adversaries and probably destroy this planet if the situation demands it.”
         “Please, Gathran,” one last voice talks. Male, slightly soft but in no way sounding like Wayne (I don’t want to say anything to offend anyone, you could probably tell what I mean). “We’re gonna be the ones searching for them while you just jump in when you like. At least help us out this time.”
         Nartenrik agrees, “Yes, comrade, help iz more welcome to usual.”
         “Who says I won’t be? There’s a powerful force here that I really want to see. If he can beat Retnil, especially since he was no pushover, I’d like to see what we’re up against.”
         I signal Retnil to move us from this spot give or take 20 feet. We rise up and get ready. Though, they hide behind a rock and I walk out.
         “Then how about you turn around?” I cross my arms and smirk somewhat. I get a good look at the trio.
         Gathran is a stereotypical musclehead about 5’ 9, wearing just a tank top, cargo shorts and sandals. Black hair, eyes, and a stern expression. He’s also wearing a Sensor with a weird insignia. I can’t see it but I will later. Probably.
         Nartenrik, I assume, a blonde woman who I think has the Russian accent. Kinda fitting. She’s wearing a white tube top, with a light blue fur scarf, black capris and white heels. Aren’t those a disadvantage? Another Sensor. I only use mine to communicate. Those things are weak.
         And final person, Fedrunot, I’m guessing. His name was never said. Grayish black hair, near white eyes, but I don’t think he’s blind, and looks average. He’s wearing a simple light gray shirt and something that looks like MC Hammer pants. Must be good for a breeze. Ha. Again, Sensor. He’s Wind. That’s even weaker.
         “So, you’re the alleged destined one, huh? A teenager?” Gathran taunts, pressing his Bluetooth to a visor. “Arseron, hmm? Heh. Where’s that traitorous brother of yours?”
         “Yes, ‘Runt’-nil, vasn’t it? Hmm, such pathetic excuse of warrior.”
         “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t insult my brother,” I ask, trying to stand firm. “Now, I’m gonna say this once before this becomes ugly: Leave this planet.”
         They look at each other and laugh. I stifle one as well since I knew it sounded ridiculous. Gathran brings up a stream of water and shoots it towards me just before getting deflected by my own flash of lightning.
         “Hmm. Nice reflexes,” Fedrunot says. Then a slice of air was thrown and was again stopped, this time by a field I made. It flashed only at contact, then disappeared.
         “Not bad,” I reply. “Could be a bit better.”
         “Puny child, ‘ave you knowledge on power of Ice!? Freeze Ray!” “Lightning Strike!” (CRASH) As soon as the smoke cleared, they see me still in my striking pose. They seemed impressed but only just.
         “You’re stronger than what we give you credit for, Arseron,” Gathran admits, before bringing up a few streams encasing his hands. “But can you go against this!?” He charges and I get ready. He swings around and is trumped with my speed. With a quick spin and a kick, I send him back to where he was standing.
         “You know, if this is really how you guys are, I probably don’t even need to worry or use my full power.” He gets up and wipes the spit from his face that I kicked. Afterward, the rock goes down, revealing my family.
         “Chert! You’re not alone.”
         “Gathran, who are they?”
         He checks and replies, “Mihaylen, Jengma, and Retnil. Ha! But none of them are over 500. Look at this! 467, 302, 225 watts, and 480 grams.” What..?
         “Zis is pathetic bunch, Ha, I laugh!”
         “You’ve seen nothing yet.” Charging up, I rush over and take Gathran full force. First, an uppercut to the sky. Second a barrage of punches in which he failed to block. An elbow drop to the ground and a cloud Strike later, I think I drilled in my message.
         “One last time!” I yell from up here. “Leave now or prepare to fight!”
         “Wind Slash!” Huh!? Ah!
         Vacuum cuts of Wind came rushing towards me and I had to fly back down to avoid them. Fedrunot was eventually met by a boulder slamming down on him.
         “You chose the wrong day to mess with Ocarelin!” Retnil roared, putting so much pride into it. He then rushes and proceeds to attack Fedrunot. Well, that’s one occupied.
         “Hydrosphere!” A large ball of Water was hurled to me and gets deflected by my Energy Ball.
         “Hail Smash!” A cloud that’s making it rain large chucks of Ice was over us and I fly left and right to dodge them. Judith!
         Flying down, I rush over to protect her as a Tsunami was shredding everything in it’s path. Charging a field of electricity, I stand my ground while hugging Judith close to me as the Water reached us and started to rip everything apart.
         “Fight like a man, Arseron!” More torrents were smashed on my field that it was starting to hurt keeping this on.
         “Water Hazard!” The surrounding Water was immediately electrocuted and it reached Gathran within a fraction of a second. “(Groan) Judith, you okay.”
         She nodded and I dissipate the field. I run to Gathran while she runs to Nartenrik, who I luckily deflected a few kunais of Ice from. Huh, Chilled Weapons must be cool.
         “Gathran! Show yourself!” I look around. How did I lose him!? (RUMBLE) Hmm!? I look around and see a lump of Water coming up from the river. Gathran is making it rise.
         “Want to fight dirty, huh? Well, then!” I bring up some Energy. “Let’s party! Electro Surge!” A Jet Stream came out and countered my attack, making this a stalemate. Come on!
         Releasing a hand, I power up, “Sonic Punch!” and send a ring tunnel of force through the sky, hitting Gathran directly. It faltered him a bit but he quickly regained his composure. Let’s go then! Bringing up bolts of Lightning, I use them as whips to counter all the stuff he’s sending at me via the Water arms he’s using. Wait. The ships!
         Flying over to the shipyard, I magnetically grab the ships and throw them to the aquatic Majeylin. He dodges the first two, but gets knocked out of the torrent by the third. Now’s my chance!
         “Lightning Strike!” An overcharged bolt from the skies sent him down to the ground. I kept electrocuting him to ensure that he will be indeed incapacitated.
         “Zat’s enough! Glacial..!” A chilling in the air caught us as the air was becoming crazy. “Wind!” An explosion of cold air nearly froze us if it wasn’t for the fields we casted.
         “Barely 5 minutes fighting you guys and I’m already ticked off!” I charge up some Energy and she brings up some snowflake shaped shurikens the size of my head.
         “Hmm. If you’ve known not to mess vith us, your death vould 'ave been quick. Teper’, umeret’!”
         The weapons were thrown toward me as I quickly try to dodge. They expanded in size, making it harder to avoid them. I countered with a few bolts of Lighting being thrown by my hands, missing her with everyone I throw. That’s it!
         “Lightning Strike!” “Freeze Ray!”
         A stalemate occurs yet again and this time, I decided, screw it.
         Once again making an oversized Energy Ball, I'm about to throw myself when I hear, “Good luck! Tornado Smash!”
         As the name stated, a tornado was being formed and I was in the middle of it. Looking around, I see that she's escaping. “Oh, no, you don't! Super Voltage Strike!” My attack was increased and I speed towards the escaping female Majeylin. “Sonic Kick!”
         Not sure if anyone appreciated that, but for whatever reason, everyone was on land and it's where I ended. I basically distracted Gathran, nearly crushed Fedrunot, helped Retnil with a Frenzy, and protected Judith and Yoshi from Gathran's Droplet Swarm. But who I saw underneath me confused me to the max.
         A girl of my age with a black bobcut hairstyle, Ice swords in hand and wearing a white tank top over a t-shirt and knee length jeans. Yet again, another Sensor. But who is she? I thought there were only 3?
         “Who are you..?”

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