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This is a rough draft please excuse any spelling and grammar mistakes and leave comments:) |
I stared at the dark hideous walls of my prison. Wondering how I got there, wondering how I finally let my sanity slip away to make my entire world as I knew crumble on me. How could I let my biggest fear become my worst reality. I did not understand how I can be so carefully for so long . But near the end where my future was so close in my vision that I destroyed everything in sight. Then words echoed across my cell as it bounced off hollow walls finding it cold way to me. When I did not respond the jail security came banging on my walls asking if I wanted to eat lunch. I shook my numb head. As she walked away I felt a tear slid down my face. As it fell a small smirked formed on my lips as the same though played through my head. Since I arrived. "How did I let this happen? How?" I think I finally understood what despair felt like, it is falling in an endless tunnel but having no way to stop and not know if you ever would. My eyelids finally grew too heavy as my thoughts overcame me, my final though played through my head like a sad lonely melody. I hate high school, it's bad enough I have to hear my annoying teacher's mouth and they expect you to do it at eight in the morning. I sighed as I finally step foot in my fourth period class. Everything about this day is terrible I just could not wait to go home and get it over with. I was in my own thoughts let them consume me, until my chemistry teacher told me I was getting wrote up for being late. I do not know what happen from there something inside that I keep hidden finally snaps. Destroying everything in its path. Until the feel of cold metal handcuffs snapped against my thin wrist making me crash back into reality, All I could hear was whispers floating to my ears as I was escorted down the hall. But when I looked up and glanced around me no one was saying anything but the words kept rushing towards me like an unforgiving storm. This would be something that i will never understand someones cruel words or there unforgiving thoughts, the worst part about this is not one person knows I can hear them. Then sending a spark of hope shined in my eyes as I stopped in my tracks. I turned my head frantically around ignoring the pull from the police as they tugged on my arm. I couldn't leave without seeing you, the only person who would understand, the only one who could make them understand, the only one. " Let me guess you're looking for your boyfriend right? " The officer sneered in my ear. "Wait how would you know that " I managed to gasp as the truth began to sneak its way up my now stiff spine. The officer smiled enjoying my reaction as she leaned in to give in the blowing news that I already knew coming, because who else knew the truth that would destroy my identity. The only one I thought....' I see you understand finally yes he told us everything and we find your little secret...very interesting" the officer finish giving me an evil grin. When the smile finally made it across her face my pale trembling lips were already open as I let the terror and heartbreak finally set in, to let one painful wail that felt like it lasted an entire lifespan. My body seemed to be frozen in time, as my scream ceased to be heard. As the officer continues to pull on my numb arm. My eyes focused on the one thing that held my crumbling heart. The one thing I knew could rescue me from this hell the one person that could save me from the thought that continue, to stab me in every direction. But something was wrong his stare wouldn't meet my frozen glance. " Look at me I screamed tell me that this isn't true that what they say is all a lie that you didn't betray me tell me" I yelled as I let all of my tears flow from my swollen red eyes. Finally his eyes met mind but it was not the warm brown eyes that I was used to staring into. They were cold hard and emotionless. The pain the emptiness everything finally consumed me when he said three words which will haunt me for the rest of my exstince. "I hate you" he sneered before turning around and leaving me behind leaving me with crushed dreams and fallen hopes. I do not know what was the last thought that crossed my mind I do not know if it was even mind on the many others that have crossed my mind. All I remember is my legs giving out and my mind consuming with darkness before I lost all sense of consciousness. My eyes snapped back open when I was yanked crulely back into the present, the one place where I want to leave a hide from. I glanced up as I heard footsteps approaching my cell. " What do you want I growled" as I stared into the cold eyes of my mother. I tried to ignore her presence as she came closer and closer. " Look at me she sneered I told you , that your secret would not be kept forever you are where you belong, a steel cage a perfect fit for an animal like yourself" she snarled with a smile.My eyes froze over as my eyes scanned my mother, the one person I hated more than any being on earth. The one person who tried to destroy me countless times. I closed my eyes as memories over came me once again, like the water washing over you in a rain storm. "Hey mom I said skipping into the kitchen with my ponytails bouncing on either side of my ten year old face. I glanced around and noticed that there were several other smiling faces around me. Then like before so many times in the past, so many thoughts started to surround me and I did not understand where they were coming from if it was there words that was spoken or thoughts. But it had been them simply speaking because mother already told me that only bad girls lie and say they can hear other peoples' thoughts and I did not want to be a bad girl. I had to have mother love me... I just had to. "What is wrong...."why did we even come...."her daughter is just crazy....."she cannot even speak...."the poor child..... I tried covering my ears but it keeps coming rushing in like an unforgiving wave. "Stop all you shut up just stop I yelled opening my eyes and looked around and no one was saying anything there months were close and they were staring at me with wide frighten eyes. I took a shy glance at mother and she was glaring at me and I knew from that one stare I was in trouble I turned around and ran back to my room to hide under my bed. It seems forever has gone by before my mother slammed into my room . "I thought I told you to be a good girl, what happen she said storming towards me like an unexpected storm. "Mom I was but the thoughts... I stammered. "No your father was the same way always yelling about thought.. Thoughts.. And thoughts.. You are bad just like your father" she screamed and at that moment when I looked into my mothers eyes I knew I had lost her forever her eyes were glowing with rage and she lunged her entire body at me. I sat there in shock unable to move as I felt her fingers slower wrap around my slender young neck. I couldn't take my eyes off her I knew what was happening but my mind refuses to believe the scene playing in front of my very eyes. No this can't be I thought no mother could kill their child after being the one who gave them life no my mind kept screaming I just know this can't be true it can't. Before the hard reality hit me with such force that I felt my heart skip a beat my brother rushed into the room slamming my mother to the wall. "Get out of here now he screamed at my numb body get out of here. I stood on shaking legs not thinking that I could walk on such unstable ground and trying to catch my breath. Before I ran out of the room. I took one last look at my mother and heard her yell one last thing" I will kill you if it's the last thing I do I will kill you" she screamed. "What you can't say hello to your mother ' my mother snarled brining me back to the present once more. "What do you want I said again trying to keep the fear from leaking into my voice. I cannot let her know she scares me. " Well.. well my poor frighted daughter you think you can fool me but no you can not I see the shaking of your arms, and the fear in your eyes. "Well mother I can thank you for that right" I said glancing up and hating every second that passed me by. "Even though it is very enjoyable to see you like this I have better things to do" she said taping her foot on the hard cermet ground. "Then what the hell do you want you bitch" I yelled in thei verge of losing every ounce of control that I had. Instead of saying anything she threw a neatly folded note into my cell and turned on her heel and walked away. I started at her in utter confusion until she was gone from my sight. I rolled my eyes " everything just had to be a mystery with her" I mumbled while bending down to pick up the note. My fingers brushed against that brought chills down my icy palm. It felt like time stopped in it's tracks when I saw my named in neat script across... and I knew....it was you... but why I thought. My mind tossing around like an unwanted wind storm. Not catching any of it not understanding any of it. Why would you...you destroyed me why would you want to write to me and why would you trust my mother of all people. To hand me over a message to hand me over the truth. But maybe it's the truth that I always wanted to believe that you never betrayed me that it was a lie a trick that you still loved me. But I knew all of my hopes was dashed after the first cruel line. My Dearest Elizebeth I never loved you, for how could I you are a monster. Someone that should never have been brought into this world. I have spoken to the local police they know everything about you so do yourself a favor and do not lie. Our entire relationship was a lie... I worked for your mother since the very first time I laid eyes on you. In fact she created our first encounter and we both agree you are where you belong. A cage where a monster or animal with no training belogs which describes you but this is the last you will ever hear from me. Sincerely William "What is going on... why" I screamed into my empty mind I noticed the paper shaking and ripping at the edges. I slowly let my grip loosen on the worn piece of paper. I was alone I know I have said this before but I never knew what it felt like until now. I closed my eyes and let my past over come me once more and I faded into the darkness that I call my mind. |