Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/853366-I-WILL-ALWAYS-STAY-LOYAL
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#853366 added July 4, 2015 at 10:31pm
Restrictions: None
         I mount Yoshi and he walks over to “Judith”. Not sure if he’s gonna do something but I want to bust this guy when the time is perfect. I extend my hand and felt some scruff when she grabbed on to me. She mounts Yoshi behind me and we’re off!
         “Yoshi, know where we’re headed?”
         “Yoshi yoshi! (Better hold on tight!)”
         He gets higher and I think it’s starting to affect my passenger. She's clinging onto me harder than before. We are about 700 feet high after all. This can’t sustain.
         “You know what to do?”
         He nods and charges up. We've had some training and now we can reach sonic speeds, up to at least Mach 9. He'll only need to go 4 to get where we're going.
         “Whoa, what’s going on?” Waynette asks.
         “Well, we are going to the highest mountain on this chain, and it’s about 735 miles from here. So in order to get there in less that 15 minutes, we need to go at speeds around Mach 4.”
         “(Gasp) And how fast is that!?” Her grip was getting stronger as we reached 200, the winds drowning out our voices.
         “About 3,000 miles per hour!”
         “GO!!” An ear shattering sonic boom was committed as we headed south. Whoo! Mach 4!
         “(Both) (Shaky yelling)!”

5 minutes later...

         “(Both) (Shaky yelling)!”

5 more minutes later...

         “(Shaky) How are you doing!?” I ask.
         “(Shaky) I’ve gotten used to it! How long til we--”
         “(Strained) We’re here!” At over 6,600 feet, we're at the peak of Mt. Mitchell. There's a bit of sunlight left, so I thought a picnic here would be nice.
         As soon as she saw the laid out blanket, candelabra, and basket with some China laid out, “Aw, Matt, you're such a cliché.” Disembarking Yoshi, I toss the candy and he chases after.
         “I just thought this would be nice: away from all the hectic chaos there is in the Gardens. (Sigh) Especially since it could be our last day tomorrow.” I sit down and she follows suit next to me.
         She seemed genuinely concerned for the first time. “Right. What's happening tomorrow.” She does eavesdrop.
         Hmm? Oh, there she is. And with 2 minutes to spare; it's almost 8. “Just look at the sunset, though. It’s days like this that I really appreciate.”
         “What do you mean, Matty-kun?” You think I didn’t notice that?
         “The natural beauty of the world. the star alignments, the mystery of space, our galaxy named Rocfanas Serostulten even though here, the name is Andromeda. It’s somewhat silly, I know. But it makes me wonder...”
         “Wonder what?”
         “Why? Why were we chosen? What makes us special from everyone else? Out of anyone in the Universe, we were chosen. I just want to know. Why..?” At the corner of my eye, I see that the spell is wearing off, but he still retained Judith’s clothes. And add that to the list.
         He leans in closer, setting his hand on mine. “I think it’s because of your compassion. You have such dedication, such willpower that’s greater than in most people I know. You want to save everyone and won’t give up for anything.” Well, at least he flatters enough. I turn around and see that staring intensely. “It’s one of the reasons I like you.” Yeah, but that still don’t faze me.
         “And despite all the danger things bring us, it’s all worth it to be with you.” He leaned in and touched my forehead with his. We close our eyes and I think he was expecting something, but unfortunately, it’s not working.
         My tone was replaced from deep to bitter and somewhat dark. “Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for you, Wayne.”
         I see that my REAL girlfriend is flying over here at high speeds. I get up, tripping Wayne on the way, and get ready. A certain shing was heard and I had to stop Judith from ripping his head off.
         “Lemme at him! Lemme at him!!”
         “Judith, stop! You know you’re better than this!” I was just basically hugging her, but something feels like way too much skin. Did I just brush against--
         “Oh, God! Judith, you’re underdressed!!”
         I’m guessing she didn’t notice that when she got here because she just reacted by squealing. With quick thinking, because I really don’t want to make this more awkward that it is right now, I grab the blanket, ruining the China, and denting the candelabra, and wrap it around Judith. Some things are better left off to be seen and/or discussed at a later time.
         “So, Wayne, want to explain what you’re trying to do, stealing my boyfriend!?” Judith yells, her head a basic cherry. Though, her cheeks are still redder.
         “Aw, Judy! ‘Stealing’ is too strong a word!” he replies, making me roll my eyes. “I’d like to say that I borrowed him... well, along with your clothes... and shoes... and some under stuff--”
         “What was that?”
         “Nothing!” What a waste.
         “Hm. Besides, I sorta had this planned anyway. You’re not exactly a good strategist, you know.”
         “Hmph! So, how long have you known, Matty? The prehistoric garbage disposal sniff it out? Or did the brick warn you? Seriously, I’m dying to know.” Hmm.
         “Well, despite the fact you followed Judith to see how she acts and such, you know nothing about her. Also, I knew the whole time anyway. For one, she’s not allergic to poinsettias, if not, daffodils. Matter of fact, it’s her favorite flower.” Wayne seethes.
         “Also, everyone has a specific scent. Yours will never compare us with hers. Even if you spent an entire afternoon in vanilla and strawberry essence, all it does is mask.” He gets confused and smells himself, somewhat funny since he recoiled a bit after smelling his own pit.
         “Lastly, and most important, I can tell. You only changed yourself physically, not completely. I can sense people not only by energy, but by their statistics. So, even if, it wouldn’t matter.”
         “(Groan) (Whining) So you led me on the entire time and I still don’t get my kiss!? I worked really hard for it!” He pouted and crossed his arms. “Hmph, and you say I’m difficult. You gotta admit though, I did look good.” He poses and we turn away in slight disgust.
         “Dude, if it wasn’t for the fact that you had something poking in the back and in the front, at the end anyway, the fact that she has straighter and a bit shorter hair than that, and especially your eye color, you barely passed. And don’t even get me started on how your boobs and behind were bigger than Ju--” I was knudged by Judith to stop. Her head will explode from all that blood rushing there. “Um, ahem, yeah, barely passing.”
         “Oh... It still counts!” He prowls over and leans in on me. “As an effort..?” He was looking at me with puppy eyes. Ironic. But they only work when Judith does it. Also, is he still serious..? Ugh, fine.
         “(Sigh) Look, if I give you one kiss, will you leave us alone from now on? That is, if Judith will allow it?” I looked at her in the terms that it’s kinda for the better. She relented. Begrudgingly.
         “Mmm, alright. I’ll leave you alone... until I get bored, then maybe I’ll bug you again in about a month or so. But I have a condition of my own.”
         “It has to be a full on French kiss and at least 5 seconds. Also, that I keep this attire, especially this skirt; it’s really roomy.”
         “Ugh, noted,” Judith replies. Am I still hugging her? I didn’t even realize. I hope she doesn’t take this the wrong way because my hand is still on the end of the blanket. “Just one kiss. If I see you trying to seduce him again, I swear, I’ll bite your head off.”
         “Try me,” he taunted. I had to hold her back again.
         As soon as she calmed down, he got closer to me. “At least put some love into it; you know you’ve been waiting for this.”
         Not impressed. “I don’t think so. Not even Maybelle’s strongest spell can change that.”
         “Whatever, just get over here.”
         He looped his tail around my leg, being thankful it’s not above the knee. I had to lean forward to retain my balance since he leaned on me, putting his paws on my chest. I guess this meant different for him. Slowly, he planted his lips on mine, raising his hands to my face on the way. He’s pouring so much passion into this that I feel somewhat bad I don’t roll this way. Hell, he’s even purring through this. Which is kinda making me gag a bit since it’s shaking my uvula.
         Anyway, after those 5 seconds were over, he released me, smiling seductively. “Admit it, you liked it.”
         Roll of the eyes. “You’re so helpless.”
         “Eh, whatever.” Yoshi came back and growled at Wayne, who growled back in return.
         “Yoshi, get along only for 5 minutes to get him back.” I hope he enjoys Mach 12.
         “To the stars!”
         “No, don’t jump--!”
         “(Squawk!)” He held on for his life. Literally. Yoshi thrashed and only until I whistle did everything stop.
         “Another thing: you don’t know Yoshinese. Judith, however, is fluent.” After he correctly mounts his shell, I send them off.
         “Sorry about this, Judith. I was hoping for this to be played better.” For once tonight, she smiled.
         “Hey, it’s not your fault. I mean, it’s somewhat my fault too. I should’ve seen this coming. And even though you said all that, about Waynette, you still didn’t do anything. Why?”
         “(Chuckle) Judith, I would never betray anyone, much less you. I’d rather consider dying than to cheat on you.” I sit down next to her. I put a finger on her chin and bring it up to have her look at me. “You’re the most amazing girl I’ve ever met. I wouldn’t want to lose that.”
         She takes the initiative and jumps on me to steal a kiss, which causes me to fall back. The blanket came off a bit and I caught a glimpse of lace. Damn hormones!
         “Oh. Sorry about that, but there’s a time and place for that later.”
         “Not my fault you just have a blanket covering you. We should get back.”
         “Alright.” I helped readjust the cloth and started our way home, carrying her bridal style. She leans her head on my shoulder and I nuzzle her.
         Sigh, good times...

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