Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/853365-A-one-sided-battle-for-my-attention
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#853365 added August 6, 2015 at 12:03am
Restrictions: None
A one sided battle for my attention
         (Matt) What the..? I feel two targets coming toward me, but they don’t feel like my comrades. Nope. It’s Waynette. I realize that after she tackled me. Actually, two things did
         “(Singsongy) Meow! So, miss me, Matty-kun?” Then someone else perked her head. “Who the hell are you!?” Not Hannah! How does she even know about this place!?
         “Hannah Marie Saunders, fool! What are you doing on my man!?”
         “Your man!? This is my Matty-kun!”
         “Your mate!?”
         I think Judith is getting pissed off at the constant bickering. I say this because she finally shocked the hell out of the both of them, which luckily makes them let go of me. I think she’s becoming possessive. It’s only been at least 5 or 6 dates, but I’m not complaining. I’m sure of it now.
         “Get your hands off my boyfriend before I knock you out!”
         Seeing as how they’ve no reason to argue or combat, they move away and start to stand off, which looks funny due to Waynette acting like an actual cat. Judith helps me up and dusted me off.
         “(Sigh) Thanks, Judy. I owe you one.”
         She blushes. “Don’t mention it.”
         “But, uh… do you really consider me your boyfriend?” Her blush became deeper as she tried to find an excuse away from it.
         “Um, uh, well, you see, Matt, I--” I stop her with a finger shushing on her lips.
         “I don’t mind. I’d endorse it even.” I started getting closer, while also putting my hand on her waist. I could feel her heartbeat getting faster.
         “Matt, what are you--”
         “Just shut up already.” Slowly, I got closer, my eyes shutting, as I lean in for a kiss. As soon as our lips contacted, Judith jumped a bit but soon melted into my arms and started hugging me back, requesting for my lips to open with her tongue in which I gladly accepted.
         Believe it or not, this is our first kiss.
         I’m guessing the others were shocked since they haven’t had their first yet. Well, maybe Wayne did, but not Waynette.
         “(Whining) Why, Matty-kun..!?”
         As soon as we got tired, Judith and I separated and touched foreheads, lost in each others gaze. What I saw next couldn’t be quickly foreseen. Judith jumped in pain as something grabbed her.
         “(Choking sounds)”
         Behind her, I see that Waynette’s claws are digging into Judith’s throat! “Stop!”
         “He’s my kun, not yours, damn it!” As she spoke, her claws went deeper, ultimately harming Judith even more. “I’m not settling for anyone except for him! Maybe, polyamory could work..? But I get him more!” She coughed up blood and was starting to lose consciousness!
         “I said stop! Sonic Kick!” My kick was hard enough to make the other two stumble and for Waynette to release her grip on Judith. She lays limp in my arms as I panic to heal her.
         “Judith, please, breathe! Breathe!” Without thinking, I plunge my lips onto hers and breathe out to see if she’ll react. “Damn it, Judith, don’t die on me!” I do so again and get a response. I let go and she gasps, kneeling down and coughing up the excess blood stuck in her throat. “(Relieved sigh) Oh, thank God!” I kneel down to hug her tightly.
         “I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you!”
         Growling, “Lost her!? How can you like her!? Or even this Earth Brat!?”
         “I resent that!” Hannah exclaims.
         “I came down here for you, Matty-kun! None of these Earthling can even compare up to me!”
         “Oh, will you shut up already!?” I yell, getting pissed off now. “One, they’re not Earthlings! It’s a wonder that Hannah still hasn’t burnt your arrogant self.” Yeah, I’ll explain later. “Secondly, I don’t even like her! She’s just another stalker with nothing else better to do, just like you! And third, and hopefully this gets to you, I’m in a relationship with Judith!” I show her the accessories I gave her as a symbol of that status. It’s customary in Asteiniera for these things.
         ”This necklace and bracelets prove that no one can take me away!” It’s a blue corundum encrusted pair that shine in the light. It’s shaped into a 16 point star. Think of it like a compass: the one direction like north, east, etc, are the thickest shaped; the exact diagonals are thinner, and the rest are very thin. I’m thinking that that should be our insignia for now.
         “Stalker!? How dare you!? You’re my mate! I came here for you! I’m not leaving here without you! Judith, you know well that he’s not for such a soft girl like you! You’re smart, aren’t you? Get with Retnil: he’s dumb and strong; win-win! So I can get Matt and you get… whatever you’re after.”
         Like lightning, I quickly draw my sword and aim it at his face.
         “Enough about my family, enough about my girlfriend, and enough with your insults! I love Judith, okay!? I find her softness and shyness adorable, she has such a great personality, and she’s, um, ahem, (cough) proportioned, perfectly! Also, my brother is smarter than you tenfold! There’s no comparison between you and us, other than planetary origin.” You know, I have the right. I let go of Judith who thank God is fine now.
         “Actually, you gave me liability. Since I can heal anyway--” I grab a few daggers and throw them at Waynette, hitting a few critical points to emphasize mine. After giving her some suffering, I magnetically get them back and heal her before she dies. No, really, I pierced her lungs, I think a kidney and sliced the jugular vein. I feel slightly bad but that’s what people get when they mess with my Judith.
         “Come, Judith, let’s get you cleaned up.”
         After a rinse through the “showers” we have here, it’s really a waterfall deep in the east side, we go home. Since this happened, there really isn’t much to do anymore. Waynette killed the training for us. That and I really didn’t want to answer any questions. I just hope the date tonight can make up for it.
Oh, yeah, Hannah. Yeah, after our last day of school Hannah was running really excited and I think it got the better of her since flames were everywhere. She told me that she had that for years now and that she never knew why. Once I filled her in with the details, I advised her to train with us one of these days. She may not be a professional, but she does have the hang of simple stuff like the Fireball, Flamethrower and something about Heat Sense. Not much, but it works.

For tonight, I wanted to go a bit cliché: a picnic on the highest peak of the mountains with Yoshi chauffeuring us despite the fact it is around. He’s doing so for a piece of candy Stephanie made… that I stole. It’s still somewhat experimental but it’s never ending. So, win-win. It’s 7:36. Come on.
         “What’s taking her so long..?” I jokingly ask. “She only wears so much makeup, which is really just some eyeshadow, mascara and lipstick, and does her hair straight down perfectly. Hmm. Maybe next time, I should take her to the really uptight restaurant 58 miles west. Ha, nah, we’re not fancy whatsoever; we’re warriors.” I dart my eyes. Hmm. “Sorta.”
         (3rd) Meanwhile, a certain feline was climbing a tree near Judith’s bedroom window, watching her get ready. Waiting for the right moment, she tackles Judith and knocks her out via a pressure point on her neck.
         “Sorry, Judy, but this is my date. You’re not invited.”
         Waynette failed to realize that she didn’t have anything on than a bathrobe. “Damn it, then what was she gonna wear?” She looked around and saw Judith’s clothes perfectly laid out, even a cat ear headband. “Weird, but hopefully mine can fool him.” Getting dressed, she looked in the mirror, looking more or less presentable. The only thing that can give it away was the tail. “Hopefully, it’s not that noticeable.”
         (Matt) “-- and maybe something about-- hm?” I look around and feel someone coming down the stairs. The door opens and I get a surprise hug.
         “Oh, hey, Judith,” I greet. Though, she smells different now. Hmm. Must be the new shampoo.
         “H-Hey, Matt,” she returns, sounding a bit hoarse.
         “You caught a cold or something?”
         “Oh, yeah. I think it’s from the waterfall earlier.” That water was a bit cold.
         “I knew that was a bad idea. Anyway, I got you these.” I hand her a bouquet of poinsettias, a flora that Judith really liked. Though, like it she may, it doesn’t like her back.
         “AH-CHOO!” That sounded like a squeak!
         “Never mind!” I say, as I throw them away. Something’s funny here…
         “It’s fine. So, where are we going?”
         “I was thinking of going atop the highest mountain here. Have a nice view and dinner and maybe a show?” Movies.
         “Sure, I’d love to!”
         “Great. (Whistle)”
         Soaring down was a white winged, fictitious, veracious and fun loving dinosaur. So, I’m guessing, no the wings don’t retract. But as soon as he landed, though, he started sniffing around then looked at Judith. I guess something was wrong because he started growling. It was so cute! If you ever played Yoshi’s Story on 64, you would know how adorable it looks.
         “Whoa, Yoshi, down boy!” I also have the tendency to treat him as a pet. Not that he minds it but Cuddles probably might be getting jelly.
         However he kept growling and I was starting to put the pieces together. Different scent, hoarse voice, lighter hair, allergy to poinsettias. This isn’t Judith!
         Getting my senses together, I focus harder and sense the energy of the fraud. Waynette! sigh, I guess giving her physical pain didn’t work. Let’s see what will then.f
         However, Maybelle did tell me that the spell started at 8 last night and asked for another 24 hours. It’s 7:41 now. I guess I can see what I do until then. Actually, it does take some time to get from here to Mt. Mitchell. It’s what? around 735 miles? By then we’ll still have daylight enough. Should be sunset over there; after all, we are traveling south.
         “Come on, Yoshi, let’s mush,” I command.
         He looked shocked. “Yoshi? (You sure?)”
         “I understood what you meant. I have plans made; don’t worry.”
         “Yoshi yoshi yoshi. (You had better be sure about this.)”
         “Trust me, I know what I’m doing…”
         Oh, I really do…

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