Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/853028-Cat-Fight-Literally
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#853028 added July 1, 2015 at 9:56pm
Restrictions: None
Cat Fight... Literally
         She looked like as she got a headache. “After a few superstorms started tearing the planet, it all became mass chaos. I can’t get anything else, I think I was knocked on the side of my head. All I can remember seeing is a swarm of short things, something shiny and reflective… (grunt), and then something dropped mom and I here.”
         “Look, I’m sorry if I’m opening old wounds here, but this information is needed. Those, things, what did they look like?”
         Tears were starting to form and she was failing to hold them back. “Th-they busted through walls with long tube-like bodies, bulbous head, and bright lights--” Her hands were shaking. “I need to stop.”
         “Wayne, it’s okay. This infant trauma isn’t your fault. I should know, I was born that day.”
         “Don’t sympathize! I’m done talking!” Her breathing was heavy. Waynette’s glazed eyes were going left and right as she tried to forget those memories. I felt bad and came closer and hugged her, as a shoulder and an apology.
         She recoiled a bit but then returned it tenfold, full out wailing. “They took my family..! They took my friends..! My damn home!” I feel her shifting to look at Retnil. “And you!”
         I felt some recoil from Retnil. “You helped them!” I began restraining her from moving.
         “Waynette, stop!”
         “I’m gonna kill you!” Before she escaped, I electrocuted her to prevent things from getting hairy... er.
         “You guys knew I had no choice. If she attacked you Retnil, you're liable to kill her.”
         He nodded. “Either way, you know what happened to me. I wasn't possessed until the age of 6. No one is until then.” That's just evil.
         Cautiously, I lay her down. I just hope what I did wasn't enough to kill her. As Retnil says, my power level is over 1,700 watts. Probably should've had Judith knock her out.
         “Now what?”
         I heard groaning and saw Waynette shifting. Chuckling, “You play rough, Matty-kun. Mmm, I like that.”
         “So, Judy, still think I'm a prick?”
         “Just stay away from Matt unless you really want to be in a coma.”
         Hmm? Footsteps. Jeni. “Kitten, are these 'jeylins bothering you?” Where's the Ma? Or is that just a prefix of some sort? Anyway, her dagger like eyes were shifting back and forth from the 3 of us. Where's Yoshi? Probably raiding the farms.
         “You and your harlot mate, you people are why we're here.” She gets closer and presses a claw against my throat. “Count your blessings. You're lucky I don't kill you here and now. The only reason you're still alive is there.” I feel her pointing to Waynette.
         I grab her arm and gently put it down, not before giving a signal for Judith and Retnil to leave. “Go ahead then. Do as you wish. I said it 17 times already, I'm taken. Try as you might, however, it's impossible with or without your sword. Besides, I'm pretty sure Lady Marell wouldn't appreciate that; I'm not trying to cause more harm to Asteiniera, I'm trying to save it.”
         I turn around and take my sword out. Without looking back, “If you really want the right to insult us, then shut up and fight. Otherwise, you're just wasting your breath.” Did I also forget to mention that to get to the entrance, there's a few stairs to climb.
         Jumping up to the ledge, I yell out to my family, “I hope you hid yourselves well! I'm coming for ya!”
         I jump up and try to-- (Pained groan)
         I fall to the ground, clutching my face. I look up and see Jeni about to attack. “For my kitten!
         She takes out her sword and tried to slam down. Getting up, I clash metals with Jeni and luckily is only a stalemate. She better so before my instincts take over. Bailing to a safe distance away, I take a break.
         “Jeni, stop before this gets ugly!”
         “I'll only stop when I have your head on my wall!”
         With no other logical thought left, my instincts tell me to turn and get this over with. “No tame ni Ocarelin!”
         My clothes glow and it becomes my new outfit. With speeds of lightning, I try to disarm my opponent but it isn't working due to her reflexes. My only good swing was accidentally ripping her kimono, which made me avert my eyes. Big mistake.
         “(Roaring) Rah!”
         “Aah!” Her blade pierced through me and pinned me to the ground. Her hissing was the only thing I heard before another sword shined. It was pointed at Jeni.
         “Leave. Him. Alone!” Lady Marell!
         She looked up before realizing that my family was near her with their bows at the ready. I also see that apparently the Seraphim uses dual swords.
         “(Growling) Who the hell are you to give thing parasite mercy!?” Her unwavering sounded determined to see how far this can go.
         “A higher power and more importantly, his teacher.” I hear fast footsteps coming down stone.
         “Mom, please! Don't!”
         “Now kitten, I said that if he takes, he will stay your mate.” As if! “However, it just isn't the case.”
         “(Groan) Damn it, woman, what will it take for you to calm down!?” It's useless to struggle; the sword is stuck in my spine and encased in the ground.
         “As I said, the only reason I'm not ending you is because of my kitten. Filthy scum!” The others get closer and stop when a hand gets on my throat. “Try to save him and he dies right here! These things deserve to be wiped out!” Okay, that's it!
         “Electro Surge!” A huge pang of electricity shot through the sword and blew her away. I grab the sword and impale it on the stairs. Jeni tries to get up only to get halfway sunk in quicksand. Judith comes over and helps me out. Her healing has better effect than anyone else.
         “Even if you could kill my apprentice,” Marell continued, “he would come back without harm. He does, after all, possess the Myth of the 9 Lives. And even if that factor didn’t exist, I would be able to revive him; actions like yours would have no effect. Don’t forget, I can also take your soul. Harm Matthew again, you will wish you never existed.”
         Waynette was trying to get her mother out of the sand with no results. “Retnil, let her go!” Retnil was about to relent if it wasn’t for her taking her claws out. “Let her go, NOW! Or I’ll rip you all to shreds! Including YOU, Matt; it’s your fault you brought this up!”
         “That’s it, I’m getting a headache. Lightning Strike!” As the time move 1 second for every real time 10, I get Waynette and her mother and bring to a separate part of the field, enough to where I can prove my point with no other interruptions. Well, that, and I paralyzed them for a minute. “I may have not been the best person to treat you guys, or even the gentlest. But unless you two really want to fight against us, then stay the hell out of our way!” I look at them with much disdain, one emotion I never would’ve thought to use.
         “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you want; I can actually care less about what you do now. But know this: even at this moment, I’m training right now to save our damn planet. Also to stop those coming to destroy the Earth and therefore you. I’m sorry I can’t do anything to heal this pain. Well, unless you count reviving some of your fallen comrades, but otherwise--”
         “(Stilted) Wait, what?” Waynette said. Right; Strike is on.
         “Oh, sorry.” Deactivating the time inhibitor, I wait to hear the half breed.
         “Reviving my family? (Scoff) Why wait until now for this? Jeez, you just don’t get it, do ya? Where would they go!? You think they want to come back and suffer!? I may be selfish, but this is just plain cruelty!” Under all that disgust, I heard a slight glimmer of hope. I look at Jeni, who was turned away from everyone.
         “(Softly) Why should we, the souls of lives you destroyed back to this world?”
         “Because I’m the few willing to make a difference. Because I only want to fix what’s been damaged. And also because maybe they deserve a second chance? The funny thing is that I myself didn't do anything to them; hell, i was even born that day! If you don’t want them back unless you are truly heartless, then--” A sudden realization came to me as a theory was made. “Your fallen relatives... they were Majeylins, right?”
         I heard gasps from both cats. “Is that why you don’t want them revived? Your hatred of our kind? Our species!? Our blood!?
         “(Scoof) Now you sound like my father: disappointed, always having me out the image, more proud of my siblings than of me. They were powerful Majeylins but cowered at the sight of real battle. Your kind left us to die. Good day.” Her expression was a hardened scowl, as if this was leading up to that point. As she made her way back, she let away her kimono in the winds that came, forcing me again to avert my eyes. Waynette was staring at me with angry tears. Though I can tell he’s still wanting me despite all the conflict.
         “What a waste of time. Let’s go.” We fly over to the east side woods where we can be out of earshot from everyone else. “Just what the hell is their problem? I can say it’s my fault for starting the conversation, but who resorts to killing that quickly?”
         “Ignore it, Arseron, let’s just get back to training.”
         (3rd) Back at the cave, Waynette was looking off into the distance, hoping Matt can forgive her and Jeni.
         “But, mom--”
         “No, not happening!”
         “Then I’m going with him!” Jeni made a faint sigh. “(Flatly) And I’m gonna find an Earth mate.”
         Jeni ruffled her daughter’s hair, oblivious to any changes. Smiling, “I’m not my father; you are who you are. Just come back home safe, okay?” Waynette nodded in her hand. A quiet sniffle later, she went in the caves to rest. Sniffing out Matt’s scent, the neko girl jumped off the ledge, giving a mew.
         “Like hell I’m finding an Earth mate! No one even heard of our kind!”
         Getting to the location where Matt is, Waynette spots something else in the bushes probably targeting Matt. She then realizes it’s another girl! One never seen before!
         “Oh, no, you don’t..!”

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