Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/853024-My-New-Job-More-crazy-times
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#853024 added July 1, 2015 at 9:49pm
Restrictions: None
My New Job; More crazy times
         “Who is that?” “What happened?” “He saved us!” “How did that happen?”
         Murmurs like that were everywhere as they marvelled at what happened: beating the dragon, handling electricity and metal, fixing the air and heating ducts. They were a bit of a mess beforehand. That and some people were trapped under some metal beams. Luckily, I casted a shield around those who were close to the debris. So, again, no casualties.
         “Are we rolling?” I suddenly hear. Huh, Rose Johnson. I always hoped to be interviewed by her. But not like this! “Behind me is the aftermath of an assumed terrorist attack. Luckily, no one was harmed thanks to the blue clad hero and his magnetic super powers. Now, let's see if we can get a quick inter-- huh? Where did he go?”
         “Look, over there!” Another voice.
         Since this place had a glass ceiling and half of it was outside, believe it or not, I was running out at high speeds, looked back and gave a salute, and flew away in the direction of the Gardens. Cool.
         “Hey, look. There’s Wayne. And we’re what? Not even half a mile?” Lol. I should pick him up. Again, we’re 30 miles. Well, 29.5 anyway.
         Swooping down, I land near him and see that the transformation has worn out. His clothes and species are back to normal.
         “Then he-- Matty-kun!? What's with the getup?”
         “I had to cover my identity here. Seeing that an alien with powers is here on Earth will give much worse ideas for people. So, if it’s an Earthling, probably from a nuclear disaster, there might be less questions.
         “So, you chose blue spandex? Not my first choice... but, hmm. Can't argue with the view, though.”
         “I didn’t have much to work with. It works. Waterproof, fireproof, shockproof, tear resistant, and this cape barely goes lower than the bottom of my shoulder blades. Just hold on.” I grab his wrist and start to take flight, at around 70 an hour.
         “If you drop me, I swear I will find a way to haunt you and not so high!” Crippling fear of large heights, huh? Hmm...
         “Wouldn’t dream of it. Also, I can combat that. We’re nearly there; just stop fussing!” A few minutes later, we’re at the entrance. I should think of a door, but I have too many things on my plate. The curtain is okay.
         “Would it kill you to be more delicate next time!? And also, just a curtain? Really? All the power in the world and no magic invisible door or some sinking hidden door?”
         “Well, it works. No one suspects, it looks like just a regular treehouse, and no one really walks in this certain part of the woods. It’s sorta private property in my parents’ name. Speaking of which, I should power down.”
         Somehow, suppressing my energy makes this outfit disappear now. I could use this to my advantage. Afterward, I get my regular clothes back.
         “What did you do with your getup, absorb it or something?”
         “You ever seen how fictional superheroes do this somehow?” I ask, forgetting the fact whether he knows anything electronical.
         “Uh, like what, the guy in the red and blue suit who jumps in the weird glass box?” Spider-Man?
         “(Slowly) Err, yeah, something like that..? Look, just stay inside and try not to ruin things later.”
         “When have I ruined things!? I just make things better! How insulting!”
         I roll my eyes and get back to the mall via Lightning Strike. I left in the middle of lunch. There shouldn’t be much hassle, except for the news cast still here. Either way, we were gonna leave after this. Hope my food didn’t get cold; Judith pre-ordered.
         (3rd) Meanwhile, “I screw things up, me! I’ll show him,” Wayne walked in not even knocking. “Can you believe him saying I screw things up! I mean, I have done nothing but liven up things and try to do nice things for him! You didn't give me enough time to even get him; he was eating my beauty up! But he thought I was a human friend of his because you made me human. That was never part of the deal! Just need to do a bit more and he is mine! You see what I mean Maybelle?” Cut over to see her about to pour something in a huge pot with Phil.
         “Um, what?” Phil asks, head tilted, Maybelle thanking God that she didn’t pour that potion in to cause an explosion.
         “Please Maybelle, your such a saint please!?” The neko dropped to his knees behind Maybelle. “Just a bit more?”
         She thought it over and after reviewing the whole soliloquy (4th wall broken, big deal; she’s a damn fairy, ha!), she relented: 24 hours starting 8 P.M.
         “Just remember, this is the last time I’m doing this, but you will still be a neko, have more time, and a different starting point. I could be using this power for better things, you know.”
         “Yea, I could have also been out of your hair sooner; water under the bridge. So do we do like last time?”
         “Of course. It’s my preferred way.” A handshake later, light, etc, and the spell was casted. Wayne goes off on his way.
         “So, what was that spell you did?”
         “He wants to be with Matt, thinks this is the only way. Which kinda is. I mean, we can’t change orientation. And being fairies, we’re bound by law not to make any unwilling stuff.”
         “I guess you’re right. Let’s get back to this. Hand me that flask.”
         Wayne got back home and waited. That is, until Jeni came to his room.
         “Feeling better, kitten? has you pain cleared up?"
         “Yes, mom; I'm fine. Now, can I have some privacy? I have business to do."
         “Oh! Well, okay; just be careful.” she gives a small wave, closing the door.

(Matt) Friday, June 5th. So far, I’ve been doing okay with training with Retnil. I can counter as well as defend from Earth attacks. However, I do have a slight worry.
         Apparently, we’ve misjudged the distance between here and the Elites’. We also discovered who they are. Their names are Gathran, Nartenrik, and Fedrunot. Apparently, they’re part of a group of superior ranks that are bent on destroying this planet for whatever reason. And I think it’s because Retnil is now a traitor.
         “Well, we’re doing what we can. Hopefully my date tonight can help. But, we’ve got training to do.”
         I later meet up with Judith, Retnil, and Yoshi, having the idea of surprise attacking and trying to wrap our heads around it.
Retnil: I’m starting to have my doubts. I’m not gonna lie, we may not win this battle.
Judith: Something feels off and I don’t know what. I just hope it doesn’t come back to bite me if I choose to ignore it.

         “Alright, here’s what we’re doing.” I’m gonna go first to see if I can find these guys or even counterattack. Afterward, we’ll take turns. It’ll be good to get our blood going since it’s sunrise, give or take, 6 in the morning.
         “Conceal your power and see if you can hide somehow. Yoshi, I’m giving you extra time since it’s too easy to find eggs.”
         “Yoshi yoshi, yoshi. (You underestimate me, bro.)”
         “Probably. Go!”
         They jump up and split. Though Judith probably stood a bit closer than usual, maybe just near the cliff. She can hide but I can feel any power.
         “Just another day...” I hear. Right, that’s where I’m standing.
         “Wayne?” I turn around and-- what the..? Is he Luna again? No, his ears and tail are still there. Hmm.
         “Matty-boy, what brings you here? Can’t be our hospitality.” In which they have none. Her eyes give a slight shine in the sunrise and she smiles, showing off her fangs. “Oh, I know.” She came closer, arms going over my chest. I try to move back but her tail tied up to my leg.
         “Look, uh, Waynette? Can I call you that? I said I wasn’t interested. Besides, she wouldn’t like it if you did this.”
         “Judith isn’t here; she knows you want to,” she purred.
         “Oh, really?” Judith jumped down and got to the entrance, slightly pissed off. She knows I didn’t agree to this.”Get off him before I claw your eyes out.” She unwrapped her tail, got off my chest, and stood back with her ears flattened.
         “Hmph. You guys are no fun. Didn’t realize today was Day of B--”
         “Ahem! It’s 13+, Waynette. Also, do you really want to be electrocuted? Especially in more ways than one?” We bring up some sparks to emphasise our point. She sigh overdramatically.
         “Ugh, you guys are no fun! Probably would help if you got those uptight sticks from yourselves.” She was poking at us with her claws. Judith crosses her arms while I sigh.
         “Unlike you, we actually have important objectives. That, and I’m pretty sure Lady Marell wouldn’t appreciate these acts of promiscuity.”
         Again, we’re training. It was just coincidence that I happen to start this off at the Garden’s hotel entrance. I forgot that Retnil moved the entrance from the north side to the near entrance of the Garden’s, at least 50 feet.
         Waynette put her hands on her hips. “Whatever. So, what brings you two here anyway? Running from the green brick?”
         “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t insult us, Waynette. Consider yourself lucky that he made a hospitable place for people here. Then again, he is Earth. And probably in it. I think he can hear you. Let him handle it.”
         A crunch of rock was heard as Retnil smashed his way out here. He jumps out and lands next to us. The mess gets resolved afterward.
         “He’s right... Warnisol? Hmm. Maybelle did a good job. That’s insult enough.”
         “Yeah, yeah. The walking golem is preaching, what’s new?” she taunted, waving her hands around. “Look, keep that useless stuff inside that thing you call your head!” She bared her teeth, about ready to pounce. Retnil was about to do so as well but I stepped in before things got worse.
         “Alright, calm down, both of you. but now that we’re here, I have to ask. Do you remember anything about Asteiniera? Retnil may be a walking encyclopedia about the current things now, but since you’re 17, I think you have have better insight on it.”
         She recoiled a bit but relented. “(Sigh), yeah, I remember some stuff.”
         I wonder what she knows...

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