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Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts |
Prompt: Put on a cape and declare yourself the super-duper hero of something...properly conjugated verbs, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, run-on sentences, maybe the best photographer...whatever sweet place you are ready or not ready to claim as yours. Tell us all about it! Shape yourself or shake yourself into this new role... I have faith in your abilities. --------------------- Although I am limping and my cape is torn, I proudly declare myself as the hero of reading. True, in no way am I faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, or able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but I read non-stop. Last night I had only two hours of sleep over the book Nightingale by Kristin Hannah, the book I wanted to read during the last month or so, but this is nothing. There have been nights I never slept because of a book. Not good for this hero’s health, but no hero worth her salt ever puts her health above her heroic deeds. Tonight, I am going to finish the book, and all day today I have been itching to get to it, but it is Saturday, and my weekends have a way of butting into my hero business. Since yesterday, because Nightingale is a borrowed book, I left my three e-readers untouched with half-read books in each one of them. In order not to mix the plots in the books that I concurrently read, I pick books in different genres or with very different plots. Heroism necessitates careful planning because of a hero's Achilles’ heel, and my heels have already been admonished several times over, for stepping on my cape and tearing it to shreds. |