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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/849392-The-Most-Difficult-Task
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#849392 added May 12, 2015 at 6:58pm
Restrictions: None
The Most Difficult Task
Prompt: What is the most difficult task for you in living your life--day to day, or if you wish, in general?


As to actual everyday happenings, getting everything done with extra time left for what I like to do has become very difficult for me. There are just not enough hours in a day, and in my age I am not as fast as I used to be. I also get irked when unexpected stuff that needs to be taken care of or that takes immediate priority pops up; this leaves me no choice but to back out from everything I have planned to do earlier.

In general, in life, I hate the task of handling obnoxious people, especially those with prejudices of any kind and those who think they are so intelligent or smart and above everyone else. Having a high IQ or having accomplished a thing or two or belonging to one religion or another or being an atheist or anything else doesn’t put anyone above everyone.

For example, a very long time ago, although his general tone was positive, someone wrote this to me in an e-mail: “Most of the WdC people are below my intelligence level, although WdC is a good site.” I ignored that remark because that was all I could do. Yet, I have heard similar statements from some people in real life in other instances. I find handling such people to be very difficult. Other kinds of obnoxious people are those who operate with the idea of, “my way or no way.” I understand it when they do it on their own turf, but in someone else’s house, neighborhood, or country, their insistence on such behavior is ugly, and I find it to be very difficult to deal with those types.

My husband and some friends say I handle people well, in general. Yet, even if I can handle obnoxious ones usually by ignoring them or answering them gently, this still bothers me, because then, my ignoring or my gentleness makes me get mad at myself. *Laugh*

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