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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/847589-Chapter-SeventeenJoining-God-Requires-Adjustments
Rated: E · Book · Religious · #2038768
What I have learned from my Bible Study Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby
#847589 added April 21, 2015 at 3:21pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Seventeen—Joining God Requires Adjustments
Question 1. What adjustments is God presently asking of you? Do these include values? Actions? Relationships?

I need to make many adjustments in my life. Without making any necessary adjustments I will not be able to complete God’s assignment. I must be willing to do what God asks me to do. If I do not adjust, I am not in a position to obey.

The first major adjustment I have to make is time. I commute seventy-five miles each way to work. On top of that there are times where I have to work overtime. Sometimes it is my choice to get some extra money. Other times I am scheduled to do it. I try to get things accomplished at home so I am not too over-whelmed trying to get things done on my days off. However, my time is not well-managed. I might have a set plan so I can get several things done. However, I rarely stick to that schedule. I find myself wasting time throughout the day and putting off less pleasant tasks. I need to evaluate each thing I do to see if it is beneficial for God.

I need to change my attitudes. For example, at work I carry a strong work ethic. When I see someone not doing his share, I get annoyed. Or I might dwell on something I hear. I must be God-focused in my thinking and watch the words that come out of my mouth and the thoughts in my head.

I need to make adjustments in my relationships. I need to end relationships that tear me away from God and build up on other relationships. The biggest one I need to and want to build up on is my relationship with God.

Question 2. Is there an adjustment God has been asking you to make which you have found difficult? Is there something God is asking you to do right now that you are resisting?

I have an opportunity at my job to take a voluntary layoff. Sometimes when there is a lack of work, the company will lay people off. This is normal for the spring months. After the Christmas season, orders start to fall. Then they start to pick up during the summer and fall months. For the past few years, rather than laying those off with the least seniority, the company will offer a voluntary layoff to those with more time. If enough people take it, the younger workers can still have the opportunity to work.

For this layoff, we are something like three weeks ahead on orders. By reducing the workforce for a short time, we will not get too far ahead on orders. Eventually, as stated before, more orders will start to come in. Therefore, in a nutshell, we are looking at a layoff that can last from four to eleven weeks. If I volunteer for this I will have more free time that I can dedicate to God. However, I cannot take the layoff.

I am still paying on my daughter’s tuition for the spring semester. Then I will have to start paying for the fall. In addition to that, we have other bills to pay on. My unemployment check will not cover everything that we have to pay.

I am not getting any strong sense that God wants me to take the layoff. However, if he wants me to take it and I do not, I am showing that I do not trust him.

I also have to make adjustments in accepting how others will think of me and respect me. I know there are a lot of non-Christians in the world. I am resistant because, since many of these individuals do not share my beliefs, I am afraid that I will be mocked and made fun of. I must remind myself that Jesus came down from the safety of his home to reach out to humans. Jesus gave up everything-even his life-so we could have salvation. I need the same attitude that Jesus had in order to complete God’s tasks.

I need to make many adjustments in my life. Even though some of them are difficult, they are for my own good. These adjustments are not just for me but for everybody I reach out to.


Questions are taken from Experiencing God Knowing and Doing the Will of God. Henry and Richard Blackaby.

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