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What I have learned from my Bible Study Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby
#847506 added April 20, 2015 at 6:37pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Fourteen—God Speaks Through Circumstances
Question 1. Are you in the midst of a confusing situation? How are you seeking God’s perspective on it?

Proverbs 3:5-6

(vs. 5) “I lie down and sleep, I wake again, because the Lord sustains me” (NIV).

(vs. 6) “I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side” (NIV).

The last few months had been harrowing. In the beginning of February I had money set aside in the bank to pay on a bill the next day after I got out of work. On the way to work my car broke down. The costs for the repairs used up the money I had saved up.

Around two weeks after I received a check that I was going to us to pay on my daughter’s college tuition. While I was going to work, my battery light came on. I had to get a new alternator. Needless to say the money went towards that.

Two weeks after that I was going to pay $300 towards my daughter’s tuition. Once again, on the way to work, my serpentine belt came loose. The belt tensioner had broken off.

It is frustrating when I make one plan for money and I have to change my plans. Even so, God always came through for us. Our federal taxes came at a time to help us get caught up on our bills. He also provided us with the extra money to finish paying our daughter’s tuition.

It is the same with doing missions for God. We may have plans already set. However, God may allow circumstances to prevent us to go on with our plans. God allows these circumstances to steer us in a different direction.

We see what is physically around us. We may know what is in the near future for us. I will say that we “may” but only God will know the outcome of our situations. We cannot lose hope when situations look bad because God always uses the bad to build our characters, to give hope to other people and to draw us deeper into his kingdom.

Whenever I am faced with a circumstance or confusing situation, I must rely on God and the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth.

Question 2. Is God speaking to you through a circumstance in your life? What is he saying? How is that being confirmed by God’s word, your times of prayer, and other believers?

Whenever I am facing a circumstance or situation in my life, I cannot rely on the world, personal experience or what others say. I must rely on what God says. Asides from prayer, I must turn to the bible. It is my guidebook through life. Even though it deals with events that happened thousands of years ago, it is a very practical book for everyday living.

John 5:17 “Jesus said to them, ‘My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too an working’” (NIV).

Even Jesus watched God’s-his father’s-activities. He did not do things on his own. He waited until his father guided him. When Jesus saw the activity his Father did, he knew it was his time to join his father. Jesus faced many circumstances in his life. God guided him through these situations. God was able to accomplish his plans through His Son.

Another great example is from genesis. Joseph’s brothers turned on him and sold him into slavery. His circumstances were grim. He was in a foreign country, separated from his family. Falsely accused, he was thrown in prison. He was forgotten by a prisoner he had helped.

Yes, Joseph was in a situation that he did not deserve. However, God turned that situation into something good. Joseph had a gift of interpreting dream. When the Pharaoh had a dream, Joseph was able to interpret it and understand that God was warning about a worldwide famine. God used Joseph so he could save the people from starvation.

While difficult and confusing circumstances can suffocate us, rather than having negative attitudes about God, ask him to show you his perspectives on what is happening to you. God, through the Holy spirit, will help you understand.

In the circumstances in my life, I must glorify God. When I am aware of activity going on around me, I must turn to prayer. When people around me see what God has done for me, some will come to know God.

God has always walked with me, carrying me at difficult crossroads in life. If you are facing difficult times, here are some things that you must remember:

God loves you.
His love will never change.
Look at situations through his eyes.
Seek God to help you through these times.
Wait patiently. God will help you in his perfect timing.
Continue to adjust your life and obey.

Question 3. As you review your spiritual markers do you see a clear direction God has been leading? What might suggest about a current decision you are facing?

I really cannot do anything until I hear from God. I tend to be impatient when things do not happen right away. I tend to blame god for not caring for me. However, I am wrong. God loves and cares for me. The difference between him and I is God is very patient with me. He allows me to suffer so that I can personally witness him deliver me out of my situations.

Psalm 25:3-5

(vs. 3) “No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame, but they will be put to shame who are treacherous without excuse” (NIV).

(vs. 4) “Show me your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths” (NIV);

(vs. 5) “Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long” (NIV).

I realize as I am getting to know God in a more personal relationship I have changes my ways in speaking, thinking and doing. However, I am not doing my full potential. There is always a lot that I can do for the Lord. I just need to prioritize the activities in my life.

There were many times in the Bible when somebody encountered God and the individual either place a stone or built an altar and gave it a name. These are known as spiritual markers. We all have spiritual markers-even though we probably will not place stones each time with our walk with God.

As I look at my spiritual markers from the day I became a Christian, I see a path which goes off course quite a bit. These represent times when I turned my back on God or times when I relied on my own will and understanding.


Bible verses are taken from The Holy Bible. New International Version.

Questions are taken from Experiencing God Knowing and Doing the Will of God. Henry and Richard Blackaby.

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