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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/847395-Experiencing-God-Chapter-Nine-God-Invites-you-to-Join-Him
Rated: E · Book · Religious · #2038768
What I have learned from my Bible Study Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby
#847395 added April 19, 2015 at 2:48pm
Restrictions: None
Experiencing God-Chapter Nine-God Invites you to Join Him
Question 1. Are there times when God showed you his activity, and you missed it? If so, why do you think that happened?

God is in the center of everything that takes place in this world. Since I am in a love relationship with him, God will show me where he is working. I may have missed his calls in the past because I did not trust him. Therefore, I was not in a love relationship with him. I realize that he may not show me his activity immediately because he is still preparing me and allowing my love relationship to grow stronger. Since God knows what he is doing, I must remain faithful.

God has been working since the beginning of time. Whether I realize it or not, God has bas been working around me. What I do, I will do it by God’s initiative, not my own. I will watch to see what God is doing around me. Since we have a love relationship, God will show me what he is doing.

Question 2. Do you presently see God at work around your life? Are you willing to respond to His invitation to adjust your life and join him? If not, what is holding you back?

I always see God at work around me. Unfortunately, I do not always recognize it as God’s work. Then when I see the activity and recognize it as his work, I am unsure if that is where God wants me. By hesitating, the opportunity passes by.

I cannot look at each thing happening around me and evaluate if this is God’s activity. True, everything on this world belongs to God. However, some things that happen are things that only God can do.

Up to this point, I have been unclear about what God is inviting me to do. However, after reading a section called “An Unbelieving Spouse” I am sure what I need to do. My husband was brought up in a certain denomination. However, I would not call him a Christian. He does not go to his church because he is against certain principles the church teaches. However, he does not have a loving relationship with God. I one stressful situation I advised him to pray to God for help. He would not listen and when I persisted, it ended up in an argument. With this and other times, I tried to share with him and decided I did all I could do for him. It is heart breaking thinking that he might not spend eternity in heaven.

Instead of being nagging towards my husband, I have to do some more subtle things instead. Every day I will pray for my husband’s salvation. Then I have to patiently watch and see how God draws him closer. My husband may ask me a question or two or he may start reading the Bible or he may even attend a Bible study.

God is also at work at my job. I work in a factory and there are over four hundred employees in my union. From the people I closely work with there are only a handful of Christians.

Originally I had stated that I go to work to do my job and not make friends. However, I should not have that attitude. While I may not hang out after work, I can reach out to people while I am working.

A week before the dreaded December 21, 2012, a female co-worker opened a door to me. She was worried that the world was actually going to end. I explained to her how God is the only one who knows the exact day and time. I went on to explain that many of the prophecies from the Book of revelation had not yet been fulfilled. For a second opinion, I told her to ask another Christian co-worker. He more or less told her the same thing I did.

God has been showing me where he is at work. It is best to include this in our daily prayers: “Oh God, show me where you are at work!”

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