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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/846766-Coming-Home
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#846766 added April 13, 2015 at 12:39pm
Restrictions: None
Coming Home
Prompt: After having the worst, the most tiresome day ever, who do you wish to come home to: someone, some animal, or something imagined?


I always come home to someone I love. Just the sight of him and a quick touch to his lips gives me a reason to breathe. It used to be, I used to come home to him and to our babies. Now that the babies gained their own wings and have flown away, my first home is where he is.

I used to come home to a dog and a cat, too. There is no other welcoming posse as ecstatic and exuberant as one’s animal companions. Yet, we decided not to have animals living with us in old age, in case something happens and we cannot take care of them properly.

Nowadays, since I have grown into being a homebody, I love coming home to our house, to the walls with memories hanging on them, to my desk, to my kitchen, to my writing. It feels to me I come home here to my entire life, imagined or real from beginning to end, so comforting and so familiar.

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