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Random thoughts, inconsistent posting |
I began listening to a book my sister suggested to me. The story was about a possible terrorist attack on an airplane or was it an accident? The setup of the story was interesting and hooked me right away. The MC's wife had been on the original case and this was the 5 year anniversary. She told the MC about the case and asked if he was interested in the outcome as it seemed to have conflicting information. After listening to the MC interview a number of people I got the case down pretty good. A number of people saw or heard the crash. They all gave similar and some conflicting information. I got that. The forensic points were A, B C,D,E. Then as the story went on a few more chapters of character development and a lot of swearing, points F,G,H were added. Fine. Now what? Here is where it got interesting. For the next eight chapters or so I had to hear the same A-H and singular parts hashed and rehashed by different people. I was bored.. I kept listening hoping something new in the case would come through. Nada. Then the MC and his wife were found out and punished by being sent out of the country for 3-4 months in seperate countries. I thought THE END. Nope that didn't happen. Fast Forward 3 months and the MC returns to the USA and before the ink was dry on his passport he was questioning again. We were off again but the same tract. A couple new things were added, but I still had to hear forms of A-H AGAIN. This author is prolific. I don't think I'll be buying another audio tape of his again. At least with a book in my hand I can skim if he gets too repetitive. As a writer I found this author's style of repeating evidence to death irritating. It is one fact I will keep in mind as I write my terrorist story. There will be no reinforcing evidence or banging it over the head of the reader incase they didn't get it the first four or five times. Those of you who read this and are writing remember the reader as you write. Keep them interested not bored. |