I will share the many thoughts that invade my introspective soul. |
Yesterday I had my back adjusted at the chiropractors and was reminded of the need for all people to get their own attitudes adjusted at various and sundry times of their life. I was angry because of something that happened at work. I learned that my anger was there for a reason. It kept me safe!! I got to a place where I worked it through and was no longer angry at the person who had offended me, (the new supervisor of all people). I decided that we were all in this together. I made a choice. I could have used my anger to rip his head off and give a piece of my mind. I chose to accept the fact that he was doing the best he could (but let me tell you he screwed up big time and lived to tell the tale). The other mobile and I had been basically lived through the same pain. We had in essence been called liars. Luckily he found someone trustworthy to talk with about what the new kid did wrong. I survived to tell the tale. And guess what? After it was all said and done my back no longer hurt. I decided to give the young kid another chance. Maybe I am younger and even wiser than I thought |