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Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014 |
For some reason, when someone hits their head solidly on something above, I struggle not to burst out laughing. It's comical and hilarious. But it's not so funny when you whack your own. Overhang Is there such a thing, what is it, and how much is legal, or advisable in the writing game? Is it only apparent when the cell door goes clang? Do we have overbite, and choke on more than we can chew? Do you? http://www.motorhomesaustralia.net/tales1.html "Once we worked out our max width, length, height, overhang, axle loadings, tyre ratings, exit provisions, (must have door on left side or rear), LP gas laws, electric code, and others I can't remember right now, we started looking at various internet sites, rvsearch, rvamerica, and a dozen others." People write all sorts of stuff and it usually eventuates from lots of think tanking, and perhaps getting tanked. Writers write stuff they discover, especially when they firmly believe, and optimistic vision shows their (naive) mind how grand the future could be for all humanity, if only this new idea were produced successfuly. Some theories seem a bit cranky, and you notice them grouped like flocks of ravens / crows together with other odd foggy factual bits and pieces. http://www.theorderoftime.com/science/sciences/articles/saucer.html "How to Build a Flying Saucer After So Many Amateurs Have Failed: An essay in Speculative Engineering by T. B. P." Are we really ready to drive / fly a UFO to work, take the kids to school, or go get some fish & chips - takeaway? Perhaps even speculative engineering is something to get you locked up or knocked on the head, even if it is feasible. Unless the top dogs get the profit its probably best to laugh it off as a joke. (Even if the laugh is a bit doubtful, with a wavering hysterical edge) http://www.9jumpin.com.au/show/theblock/triplethreat/latest/week-6/gallery/in-pi... Yes. Overhang comes in many forms. We can hang on abseiler rope off a cliff on the side of a mountain. We could plummet to our literary death, literally. Or will it be a fire, electrical fault for sure, no accelerant, just a no suspicion simple tragedy that's sad but, well, these things happen. (Especially to outspoken folksy wolksies) http://www.ebay.com/itm/No-REserve-Entertainer-BUS-12-Bunk-RV-Detroit-500hp-Dies... When writing is cheap it must be too good to be true. You get what you pay for, they say about diesel vehicles, that haven't been serviced properly. That is what they say. I wonder what they said about Rudolf Diesel when he was found floating in the English Channel? http://www.schnews.org.uk/diyguide/howtomakebiodiesel.htm "After holding secret talks with the UK navy about fitting diesel engines into their submarine fleet Rudolf Diesel was suspected killed by the French(?) to stop his diesel technology being fitted into submarines over the world." Did he get what he paid for? Did he have too much overhang? Thin ice. Very thin ice. A fine line. All these worn out, tired clichés about happen-stance accidents and such like. And it's not just overhang that's the problem. It's under hang. http://www.9news.com.au/world/2015/03/18/17/44/thai-government-launches-crackdow... We have to have a pair or two of law and order, even for such a droop in society's moral posture. Too much overhang. I wonder if the apocalypse forecast future of the planet will really come to pass? Like a faddish prophesy, surely this way of thinking suffers from too much overhang? I have to ask the question today, people of the humanic race. And I'm not being racist I hope, saying the human race? I'll say this. Why do we all secretly want a zombie apocalypse? Why do we cackle with malicious glee, in our darkened studies, behind our luminescent computer monitors, imagining all the earth suddenly infected by some sort of government conspiracy chemical accident, or nuclear invention gone wildly wrong, and we go further. Yes, we go all the way don't we? Come on, admit it. You have these subconscious inclinations, these leanings, these slightly waffling onish dreams of...of what? Think about it. Think about what's really in your mind, when you consider all the earth's population has now become shotgun fodder, and you, along with a handful of other human bods, are the only survivors. I'll tell you what I think is the secret covetous yearning of our happy shiny minds. Our eyes GLOW with it. Our brows cease the crease and smooth over in acceptance of everyone's sad fate. Except us of course. Because, dear reader, we then INHERIT everyone's stuff. Yep. We get it all. We inherit all of humanity's property, machinery, buildings, food, vehicles, clothing, other stuff, garage sale items, knick knacks, computers. Think of it all. Yes, I know your eyes have lit up, thinking of nicking all that Scottish Haggis. And coming on over here to Australia to bag up all our meat pies and Vegemite. Can't you just hear the boardroom meeting, yes probably held right here in Tasmania, the one place left out of the nuclear exchange pretty much, or Bass Strait being too windy and basically hostile to allow any infection, no matter how virulent or contagious, to pass across the creek from Melbourne to Ulvie. Nah, this would be the best place to have a little meet up of those few lucky sods who survived the APOCALYPSE thing. So, they meet up here, and I can just hear the conversation, while they all sit around sipping on cold ones. There'll be lots of contented silence, the odd sniff and scalp scratch, perhaps a burp or two. After all, there's no need to rush things now, is there? Nope. Nobody will worry about overhang now. No overheads, no overhangs. Nuthin matters now mate. Take your time passing the TimTams, Tim. There's always tomorrow to decide what to do, and how to divvy up the..well, the countries. "Gary, you can, yeah, you can have Canada. You always liked that place, din't yer" "Well, hang on a sec. If I give you Russia, then we both have cold places right?" Hmmm, he thinks. Scratches his stubbly jaw. Shaving has stopped for a couple of days until someone decides to go down to the supermarket for a carton of Gillette razors and some more packets of Corn Chips and Salsa. (Extreme Hot one) Thinks, don't forget me wallet. Oh. Nah, don't need one anymore. Well. How about that eh? "Yeah, I spose that sounds reasonable Gary, but you nearly had me didn't yer? Russia is slack with speed limits and lots of other stuff. Well, I'm considering not having speed limits in Australia now. It's only fair. Yep, I think from June next year we'll abolish speed limits, at least in Tassie and perhaps NSW. If noone else shows up from up North then Queensland can go pedal to the metal too. NT is already of course. Nut case speeders up there. But then you would if you had to drive across Europe just to get to the front gate." "Bob?" "Yeah Gary" "Yer talk too much. Yeah. Yer talk a crock of crap mate." And so it would go on, and on. Relaxing talk. And another voice would start up then. "You blokes think you can have it all eh? Just like that? Well Me n Arjana, the gal from Africa here (points to another lady who's putting away a cold one herself) will be making the final decision. Just so yer know" Yep. I forgot to mention a couple of the survivors are women. Thought I better be upfront about it. I better not leave you hanging. That would be too much overhang. http://www.livescience.com/50016-best-place-to-hide-from-zombies.html Maybe we won't have to worry on where to hide. Maybe it won't happen. Maybe there won't be an apocalypse. (Sigh) But we don't want to be idiots, do we? We don't want to be running around like idiots either. Thinking about zombies and overhang somehow got me thinking about rocks. Not sure why, but I decided to see what there was available to buy off ebay in different parts of the world. Antarctica didn't appear to have an ebay, not even an equivalent like Russia has, and I guess you have to use your common sense here. Zombies wouldn't survive in Antarctica with all those crevasses and polar bears, not to mention some stray huskies that would get pretty hungry with just snow and ice to eat. No, there'd not be any zombies on the poles. They wouldn't be attracted there. (cough) So, let's rock & roll. Rocks. I note that Australia has a pretty basic understanding of most rocks. If you want rocks, we'll sell you some plain old rocks. No mucking around here mate. Invalid Photo #1038992 The USA rocks http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0... The Aussie rocks http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0... We already have manually launched anti zombie projectile manufacture happening. Note the forethought with steam power. Yep, no mucking around here. Be prepared! ![]() ![]() German boulders http://www.ebay.de/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.... Russian stones http://molotok.ru/listing/listing.php?string=rocks&search_scope= Irish rocks http://www.ebay.ie/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.... Korean rocks http://gsearch.gmarket.co.kr/Listview/Search?keyword=rocks And so it goes. Way to much overhang already. If rocks were words my head would be full of 'em. Strange words. Strange happenings. Strange inhabitants. Strange overhang of strangers. http://www.livescience.com/strange-news/ Today I had a light globe moment of considering the plight of the homeless, and their lack of overhangs to shelter beneath, and my mind lit up with a solution! What if you made a backpack style comprehensive survival kit with everything in it that a human needs to live, without a home. The pack would have to be made very cheaply, and be extremely durable, extremely multi-use, extremely high tech, and yeah. Well, there already is one, of course. You think you're original, but when you Google your fantasmical idea, some other dude's already thought of it. http://swags.org.au/about-us/ One thing I note about this one. Seriously? Why not just put a sign on your homeless person saying, "Come and mug me, bash me, murder me. I have something very valuable, right here." There are quite a few things that seem to be...not suitable for a real homeless person. Food for thought. Yes, not much overhang with the homeless. I think the people to consult about what is really needed for someone homeless to get by, would be those people themselves. In case you wonder, I don't joke about the homeless. I think about them a lot, and I'm thankful that I don't have that problem myself, and I try to think why they are homeless, and what I could do to help, even if it's just about educating others as to why. It's not all about money is it? No, it's also about freedom to do your own thing, in your own life, in your own way, on your own terms. No overhang. That's it. This blog has become lopsided with overhang so it's time to put the pen away. I'm waiting for the YouTube video to upload and it's taking forever. Downloads, uploads, waiting, clicking, surfing. Overhang. Invalid Photo #1038990 Sparky ![]() ![]() |