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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/843975-Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow-Ieri-oggi-domani
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#843975 added March 12, 2015 at 6:35pm
Restrictions: None
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: Ieri, oggi, domani
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift from God which is why we call it the present.” Bill Keane Do you agree with this? What does tomorrow mean to you?

Yes, I definitely agree with it. Tomorrow is tomorrow. I’ll see it when it happens. Let’s look at it this way. Remember my yesterday’s blog entry, "I Not So Humbly Accept… ? If I knew what would happen the day before it, even the burden of the thought of it would have given me a heart attack, and I wouldn’t be able to receive such an honorable award. *Wink* I love my creature comforts and I like to stay in my comfort zone. If there is any threat to those, I don’t want to know about it. This, way I’ll have, at least, today.

This doesn’t mean I am not hopeful; the hope of living another day the way I desire urges me to go ahead, but if I knew exactly what would happen in the future, my hope would be clouded and the anticipation of it, good or bad, would ruin my today. So why not keep the hope and live today well, so I can also live tomorrow as well as I can, when tomorrow becomes today?

The past is a different story, however. I can learn from all my yesterdays. They show me what I can do and where I have failed. This way, they propel me to go ahead and hopefully grow as a person.

The only problem with any one of yesterdays is if we get stuck in it emotionally and through our obsessions. It doesn’t matter who did us wrong and where we have failed or how we shone or was so successful. That is past history. If we use it to boost our morale or to refuse to repeat our mistakes, then that past has value.

I truly do not think knowing what’s ahead will help us to live through our todays. After all, by worrying about the days to come, we may mess up our todays in a huge way.

By the way, I recall that there was a movie during the sixties in which Sophia Loren starred called, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. It was three stories about the three very different women. I think the name of that movie would make a good title for this entry, although its plot or rather its three little plots have little to do with what I have written, but then this is me with my thoughts jumping all over the place. Besides, I like the musicality of the Italian language. *Laugh*

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