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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #2029113
What ever is in my head at the time.
#842353 added February 23, 2015 at 6:30pm
Restrictions: None
I know we are not perfect. Hell, you can not possible get this far in life and still think any part of the human race is perfect. However, is not acceptable to expect those closest to you to recongingzie what you do?

I am not talking about the big things like make it to TV or getting something printed. I'm talking the little stuff. Are they not the ones that should notice it?

If I ask for help on big stuff like my car, maintenance around the house it is practically done before I can finish asking. Which is great but those are needs. What about things I care about? What about asking for help with editing? Getting my work noticed? Helpful tips or networking aids? Shouldn't that be equally as important to those close to me?

I get that it may not be there thing. I understand that they may not even know how to help me, but when asked point blank those excuses are gone. If I say "Can you help me edit this piece?" That is the time to be worth coming, right? "NO." or "I'm not sure I would be any help" hell I would even accept "I don't have time". why says "sure" if there is no intention?

I care about my writing this is by no means a secret, hell most of my family and friends give me shit for it. I am always at the computer. I have used everything from a typewriter that I had to string my own ribbon to the newer one that had corrective ribbon to string, I used word processors before computers, and my first computer was truly old school. My first computer had a "memory cartage". It was about as thick as a small softback book, as long as a beta tape (dose anyone even know what that is anymore?), and had to be inserted into the back of the computer tower just right because the green chips had to match up with the black chips in order for it make a connection.

I help my kids with their passions (mostly art work which I suck at) even if it is just connecting them to someone that can only help with one area of their passion. I network for my husband's passion (his is Chevy automobiles, so not that hard), I even gave my ex-husband leads on where to go for his CDL in his new state for crying out load.

How the hell can they brush me off and treat me like a small child asking for some ridiculous item? I am not a 3 year old asking for a dragon on his birthday. I am asking for help editing a story I am working on!

I get that people have there own lives, but don't treat me like nag if I am bring it up once a week. Don't get mad at me for not having the time to wait around. You said you would do something, than do it! Hell, I get things life is ever changing, and maybe when you said you were going to help you had ever intention but things came up...than say that!

I hate feeling like a fool, but I will do a tone of pride swallowing if I think it will help my writing.

Just be up front!

Is it really wrong to expect the honest truth, respect and common courtesy from those closest to you?

I mean really, If we can't expect it from those closest to us how the hell can we ask it of strangers and co-workers?

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/842353-Venting