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A book of postings made in my Blog City |
Prompt: Utopia and Dystopia are imagined worlds in which humanity lives in the worst possible or best possible conditions. If you were to write about either, which one would you choose and what would your version of that world look like? I find this to be an interesting topic. As a writer I would not see it as a choose. To me it would be one in the same, being 2 sides of the same coin. Perhaps that is just the journalist coming out, but do we not need balance? If you are to only write about good than you have no stories, no news, no history, basically no reason for writing. No matter the genre you write for a little of both sides must be in it. Even when writing for children; while the story maybe up beat or lessen learning you still must have the bad to complement the good or the wrong to enhance the right. Either way you still wind up with both sides in the writing. I do not see how you could have one without the other. In order to have bliss you must have something to compare it to. How can one say utopia is or dystopia is? Only by indicating that it is their perception of it. After all lets face it what one would find divine another may very well find utter miserable{{/c} If I were to describe Utopia in terms of a relationship: A couple that thinks alike, with the same goals and needs, matching timelines, and matching foundations of basic reason and moral standards. Which in my option sounds rather dull. If you see all issues the same than there is no need for communications or collaboration. To me it would seem that we had humanized the colon concept. If I were to describe Dystopia in terms of a relationship: A couple that is as different as night and day attempting to co-exist. Which of course is doomed to fail. Once again the need for compromise and communication is needed to make existence work. Proof that Utopia and Dystopia are fictional. No matter how you look at it; factual, emotional, scientific, romantically, or realistic. it is not possible for either to exist. It is only extremist that put stock in such things. It is like saying one has all the education, there is always more to learn. Utopia in terms of weather: Would be mid range all the time. How would that be possible? You need the cold to make the heat, wet to make dry, dark to make light, and so fourth. That is why it is called the weather cycle. Dystopia in terms of weather: Would be the worst of conditions. Yet, if we had always had the worst of conditions there would be no life forms to be aware of it how would if be? Utopia planet: A planet that provides what is needed when it is needed and regenerates itself when nectary. Although, I will admit I have seen lifestyles that come extremely close to the above defining, it is still not precisely right. If we live off a land that provides only as needed and regenerates as needed than what is the purpose for life forms? It would be its own entity with and therefore would not see other life forms as unnecessary and not provide? Dystopia planet: A planet which offers nothing and withstands nothing. While some would say we are rapidly approaching this very defining ourselves, it is still not exact. A plant which would not allow growth and was unstable would not have life and therefore would not be known. We could go on just about forever with this back and forth. I believe I have shown my opinion on this subject. They are fictional words which writers use as description words such as fast or slow. They are 2 sides to the same coin, and I do not believe you can write about either of them without writing about both of them. Taz Embracing & Feeding the writing addiction |