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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/841333-Friday-the-13th-Funny-Friday-My-Mantra--Im-Already-There
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#841333 added February 14, 2015 at 11:14am
Restrictions: None
Friday the 13th, Funny Friday, My Mantra & I'm Already There
Today's blogs...

Blog City ā€“ Day 346

Friday the 13th, also known as Black Friday in some countries, is considered an unlucky day in Western superstition. What's your take? Inspire me with your creativity or take the non-prompt option.

Thirteen walks along the path
All light seems to sputter
Darkness paints the world in black
And fills the cracks with mutter.
Words of dimness and crass negation
Fill the world around us
Depression hangs with heavy head
And chafes the skin to rawness.
Superstition lingers cold and dark
And creeps among the souls
Carrying it weight of pain
And setting us to relentless tolls.
Only the passage of time awakes
And breaks the bonds of cruelty
Midnight strikes and sends the curse
Into its pit of ambiguity.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge ā€“ Day 13

Write about your job, or your hobby, or another favorite pass-time, BUT make up new words to describe what it is you're doing.
Challenge your readers to guess what you're talking about in your comments section.

I work with snobby nosed tear spouts who bite ankles and shout nonsensical words. Each day I go into my snobby stained toy strewn catch all and try to bring order to the chaos. I stand on my head and twirl my toes all in the hopes of grabbing their attention... and sometimes it works, but sometimes the little aliens run rampid and cannot be contained. I'd like to lock the doors and gallop to Sesame Street but unfortunately their monstrously snarling fist swingers will be here to levitate them at day's end and I must do my duty... God save me.

So what job do I do?

If you'd rather - try this little exercise which is sure to be funny. Re-write this well known verse using nonsensical words.
The more outrageous the funnier.

(Mary had a Little Lamb)

Blank had a blank blank                              Candy had a squeaky saw
it's blank was blank as blank                              it's blade was raw with blood
and everywhere that blank went                              and everywhere that Candy went
the blank was blank blank blank                              the saw was sure to strike.

Okay that was pretty morbid and it made sense. I need to channel my inner Suess... not sure if that's possible today.

Totter had a tipsy trike
It's metal was rusty from rain
And everywhere that Totter went
The trike was causing pain.

A little editing....

Candy had a squeaky saw
It's blade was raw with blood
And everywhere that Candy went
The saw was sure to thud.

Thanks Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Sixty

2. Do you have a personal mantra, if so what is it?

Live an authentic life. Be true to yourself. Follow your bliss. Live to love and serve. Have a grateful heart. Live wholeheartedly. To me these are all rolled into one because for me to live authentically, you must be true to yourself, that means following your bliss (which is gifted to you from God) and to use those gifts to love and serve others in some way. To live wholeheartedly you must be grateful for your gifts and all God has blessed you with - the good with the not so good, as it is all for the good and grace of all.

Border for my personal use.

Soundtrack of my Life - Day 13

Love Songs ā€“ Theme for music blog.
** Image ID #2023824 Unavailable **

Iā€™m Already There ā€“ Lonestar

This song always makes me cry... in a good way. When it comes to love, distance does not matter. Love carries in all things. We are linked in love to the people and to the world around us. When we realize that we are already there.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/841333-Friday-the-13th-Funny-Friday-My-Mantra--Im-Already-There