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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/839927-The-Right-One
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#839927 added January 31, 2015 at 1:20am
Restrictions: None
The Right One
Prompt: Do you remember the thrill of meeting the person you thought was right for you? Do you think your story stands the test of time or are the circumstances locked in the moment when it happened? Was there ultimate joy or sadness with this experience?


I was never the silly romantic female who dreamt of a dreamboat of a guy like most young girls of my time. That is why there was neither ultimate joy nor sadness, but just a grand surprise and shock at myself at how quickly I changed my plans for my life, for him, and he his, for me.

I wasn’t looking to be married soon, as I was doing a thesis and was planning to be involved with the academia; all the wheels were set in motion, or so I had thought. Then, when I saw him, the instinct grabbed me, although I didn’t know him at all. I just felt comfortable at first sight, and I knew it. I knew my heart would be safe with him.

Later, I still did what I wanted to do in other areas, to a degree, but everything else took second place after we met. Then, despite my mother’s strong opposition, which I totally ignored, I married him five months after our first meeting. And yes, our relationship has stood the test of time. As of ten days ago, we celebrated our 49th wedding anniversary.

I don’t know how to explain that first sight thing. Many people explain it in many ways; one of them is knowing each other in other lives. I think, it is as good as any, but then, who knows?

I came across this quote, although I haven’t read the book it is from. I guess it says well enough what happened to us.
“Falling in love is very real, but I used to shake my head when people talked about soul mates, poor deluded individuals grasping at some supernatural ideal not intended for mortals but sounded pretty in a poetry book. Then, we met, and everything changed, the cynic has become the converted, the sceptic, an ardent zealot.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

This or whatever it was, it wasn’t the looks, wealth, jobs, school or even the thought of love that counted. We were actually there for each other. We showed up, even without any intent before our first meeting. Otherwise, it would have been rarely enough to know deep down, I loved and wanted someone and he loved and wanted me. We managed to actually show up for each other, immediately. Coincidence or synchronicity? More like the latter, I think.

As Pascal said, “The heart has its reasons which reason knows not.”

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