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Originally for the 30-Day Blog Challenge. Now just a blog about a flailing mermaid |
30-Day Blogging Challenge - Day twenty Prompt: Two-fer Tuesdays: Choose from one of these two recent stories in the news, and write a blog entry in response to it. Rant or rave, stir up some emotion. My chosen video/story: To kick things off, I’d like to chat about the desirability of George Clooney. Yes, I get that he’s attractive. But, apparently, every woman (even lesbians) in the world “fancies” him. I don’t get it. Women as a whole have pretty varying tastes in attractiveness. Therefore, it is impossible for every woman to fancy him. I reckon it is like one of those {x-link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crowd_psychology#Types_of_crowds}crowd phenomena{/xlink} things. You know, like when a few people start crying within a crowd and the whole crowd joins in. Yeah, a simple example but you get what I mean. So, I reckon a few people said “I fancy Clooney” and everyone joined in. That’s my theory, anyway. As you can tell, I’m not really in the mood to talk about the politics of this story. I only have one thought and three questions: You’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t. 1. Why is this news? 2. Did it really affect people’s life when this photo wasn’t published? (by the way, I "get" it. I just... meh!) 3. Why is this news? |