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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2026838
Tale of Romeo and Juliet
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#839078 added February 3, 2015 at 3:23pm
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Act 3


Lights up

On stage is Librarian and Benvolio. Benvolio does not move.

Librarian: The revolt spread, the fanatic horde of religion overwhelm in fiery vengeance against the foul Emperor. Romeo's kinsman Benvolio with his escape became an critic of the theocracy ruled by Noah.

Lights concentrate on Benvolio. Benvolio moves.

Benvolio: Your majesty! Your holyness! The theocracy under Noah is madness! It has imprisoned the Prince, Montagues and Capulets. Romeo of Montague has wedded Juliet and he is now the ambassador.

Enter assassins. They stab him to death.

Lights concentrate on Librarian.

Librarian: Benvolio's life was taken by the hands of assassins sent by Juliet. No mercy was shown to those who became a critic of the regime run by Noah. The Emperor would not pay ransom to free Prince Escalus thus he was executed.

Voice of Noah( Off-stage): Cut off the head of the pagan prince! Then send it as a gift to the idol Emperor!

Enter Juliet from left.

Lights concentrate on Juliet.

Juliet: Cleanse! Cleanse! This world must be purified! The disbelievers have a choice! They may choose two paths! The path of surrender to the leader's authority, to live under the believers protection or the second path! The path of death! If the disbelievers do not surrender slay them! Cut their necks with swords! Smash their heads with a rock! Kill! Kill the infidel! Put terror into the hearts of the infidel! When they awaken they should fear us, when they go to sleep make them fear us! When they sleep they should think we the believers of the Creator are there! Terror shall be closest to them! God is greatest!

Librarian: We now begin three years into the war.

Lights down

Scene 1

Lights up

On stage is Count Paris with soldiers

Soldier 1( To Count): By the gods! They are all women! They are using explosives!

Paris( To Soldier 1): Shoot them before they approach the walls!

Sounds of explosions are heard.

Enter Hagar covered in black with explosive device.

Hagar: God is greatest!

Lights down

Explosion sound is heard.

Lights up.

Bits of bodies are all over the floor.

Paris is on the ground heavily injured.

Enter Juliet with women, Ruth and Mary

Juliet( With tears in her eyes to women): Look ladies! This is an example of a believing warrior! She gave her life to kill our enemies. Hagar on the day of judgement will have the highest honor that can be granted.

Ruth( To Juliet): Oh Lady Juliet! Please send me to become a martyr next.

Woman 1( To Juliet): No! Me next!

Mary( To Juliet): No! Me please!

Juliet: If God has willed it then we shall be granted martyrdom but I say to you seek martyrdom not death.

Paris stands up and attempts to attack Juliet. Ruth and Mary grab Paris.

Juliet( To Paris): Oh my! Greetings Count!

Paris( To Juliet): To hell with you!

Juliet: How rude! ( To women): Here is a man who once wished to wed me and now he is a prisoner. Show him what we do to our enemies! Make him an example!

Lights down

Scene 2

Lights up

On stage is Count Paris tied up.

Enter Juliet from right with crowd. Ruth is in the crowd.

Juliet( To crowd): My fellow brothers and sisters! Here is a foul infidel! A devil worshiper! An enemy to all believing men and women! He has committed treason! He pretended to negotiate an allegiance yet after signing the treaty captured a castle of our nation. By my authority as Teacher he is under the law to be executed through stoning!

Crowd: God is greatest! God is greatest!

Juliet(To crowd): Do not be shy now! Who wishes to throw the first stone? Or shall I?

Paris( To Juliet): Do not do this you mad woman!

Juliet( To Paris): Madness? I am not mad! I am simply following the law of God.

Juliet throws a stone at Paris. Paris shouts in pain.

Juliet( To crowd): Line up! No pushing Ruth! Everybody shall get their turn! Execute this infidel in a nice and orderly manner!

One by one they enter from left, they throw a rock at Paris. He screams in pain and agony.

Enter Romeo from left.

Romeo( to Juliet): Stop this! Stop this madness! ( To crowd): Disperse! Shoo! Begone! Count Paris is from this second onwards under my custody! He is under arrest.

Ruth( To Juliet): What say you great teacher?

Juliet( To Ruth): Let it be Ruth. Husband wants Paris for something so I will transfer Paris to my Romeo.

Lights down

Lights up.

On stage is Romeo and Juliet.

Juliet: Yes husband? Why did you interrupt that wonderful event?

Romeo looks shocked at Juliet. He then slaps her across the face.

Romeo: You lunatic! You start executing in public now!? Event! Event!?

Juliet( Looking irritated): The holy book states that if I displease you, you should berate me, not sleep with me, then beat me if I misbehave. You did not seem angered with I ,when you made love to me last night.

Romeo: Three years it has been now! I have seen people slaughtered! I have killed many! I saw with my own eyes what men did under your guidance! How could you? How could you massacre everyone in that city? Women and children taken as slaves an-

Juliet: I do as the holy book states husband! When you married me you promised to uphold the laws of God! I killed the men of that city for their betrayal, their property and wives and children are now property of the believing warriors! It is better to be property of a believer than a free disbeliever! And husband do not use the word slave since we can only be slaves to the Creator. These infidels are property not slaves.

Romeo: They are people.

Juliet: Humph! People they are indeed! A rebellious infidel people who must be taught a lesson!

Romeo: You will do as I say woman! I am your husband.

Juliet: Yes I do as you say unless it goes against the law of God. Remember if you try anything against my work as Teacher I will disobey, no, I must disobey since I do not worship you since that would make me an infidel!

Romeo: Have you not had enough? I see you, your mouth whispers war into the ear of Noah, you advise atrocity after atrocity, you destroy all that stands in your way, you have power, you have glory, the people love you, some even rumor that you shall succeed Noah as Leader so why not make truce with the Empire?

Juliet: Romeo, oh dear Romeo. My dear husband. So handsome, so naive, so young. You must understand. I did not do this for power or glory. My being yearns for paradise. I must do good deeds to enter paradise. The more deeds I do as according to the law of the Lord of everything the more it benefits my afterlife. Oh how I pray for martyrdom! Oh I wish to smell the gardens of paradise! Now, we have a meeting with Noah and the council. Come dear husband my magnificent general! Take me to the council! Protect me my mighty man!

Lights down

Scene 3

Lights up

On stage is a table. Council members sit at seats. Council members include Juliet, Yakov, Jeremiah, Wolfgang and Romeo. Noah is at the end of the table.

Noah( To Council): In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful, may this meeting be fruitful, Amen

Everyone: Amen.

Noah: Your reports.

Yakov( To Noah): The army is well, morale is high but there are reports that Hualanders have been building their forces near our border.

Noah: Damned Hualand! Since we accepted their support they have realized that we are no simple rebel force! They fear us! What do you advise?

Romeo: Keep the peace.

Wolfgang: Quick strike!

Jeremiah: Threaten them with our pirates!

Quiet descends upon the council

Noah: Juliet?

Juliet: As head of the woman police( To Wolfgang) and since you are head of the protected people police I ask what have the cannibals been moving towards?

Wolfgang( To Juliet): Those infidels have begun building a temple they complain about not eating enough man flesh! They sicken me!

Noah( To Juliet): Do you advise what I believe you shall advise?

Juliet( To Noah): Indeed.We unleash the cannibals upon the Hualand.

Romeo( To Juliet): Th-that's crazy! If they are unleashed they shall cause chaos!

Jeremiah( To Romeo): Good. ( To Juliet): We may not see eye to eye on marriage ex-wife but I agree with your strategy. The cannibals want man flesh, with the ceasefire, the cannibals do not receive men flesh for their foul religion. Hualand is a grave threat to us all. Why not give the cannibals Hualander flesh?

Wolfgang( To everyone): Those Hualander scum have realized that we ain't no dog to control! We are a mighty fine beast that have been released from its cage and ready to color its claws red in disbeliever blood!

Noah( To Council): It is a fine idea! We shall release the cannibals upon Hualand. ( To Wolfgang) Tell the cannibal king that Hualand is all his now! Tell him, oh what should you say? Ah yes! Tell him that to reward his services that he can create an gigantic temple in Hualand!

Wolfgang( To Noah); yes sir!

Juliet( To Wolfgang): Wolfgang my good friend you should also tell the cannibal king that his people will receive all booty captured and shall pay much lower taxes in Hualand.

Noah( To Juliet): Good idea! ( To Council) Are we in agreement?

Romeo( To Noah): No. I have dealt with the Hualander King. He is an enemy to the Emperor Shogosho but he fears us greatly. Even if he may have been behind the Count's actions I believe we can make peace with Hualand.

Wolfgang( To Romeo): He should fear us greatly. We have the Lord on our side.

Romeo: Shogosho and the King of Hualand have been discussing peace for a while now correct?

Noah( To Romeo): Correct.

Romeo( To Noah): Then why not, end the war?

Noah( To Romeo): We cannot. If we end the war now the cannibals shall turn upon us, the socialists and the rival monarchists will turn their ambition upon us. We must conquer the Empire, create our own empire then if the protected factions rebel exterminate them!

Juliet( To Romeo): Also husband do you not see? If the cannibals strike Hualand it is a possibility that the Emperor will invade their land. The peace between that idol emperor and we now mean we can create a place in the world without defeating the so-called god Emperor Shogosho. He is merely a king claiming divinity upon a much smaller territory now.

Noah( To Juliet): Indeed. He can be dealt with later. Of course we keep to our truces and agreements just as the glorious holy book says but there is nothing in the truce plans with the so-called empire about supporting rebel forces!

Lights down

Scene 4

Lights up

On stage is the King of Hualand with advisers.

Adviser 1: Your majesty! We have terrible news! The Count Paris rebellion failed!

King: Drat! How did Shogosho not help his own kinsman!?

Adviser 1: The spies state that the emperor wishes to make peace with the Theocracy!

King: That fool! Peace with these religionist monsters? I have met this Noah. A miner. A lower caste swine who disrespects the gods. He is the god of dung incarnate! He dare say that revolution is in many nations! How dare he fill my subjects full of foolish thoughts of equality. Damn peasant!

Adviser 2: Your majesty! We have terrible news! The cannibals have amassed an army! They march upon us!

King: The cannibals! Why!? Are we not allies to the mad Noah!?

Adviser 2: It seems that they have realized that we were behind the Count's rebellion!

King: Drat! Damn! Damn!

Enter Adviser 3 rushing in from right.

Adviser 3: your majesty! The Emperor Shogosho has declared war upon us again! He now begins an invasion!

King: That foul creature that claims godhood! Do not treaties mean anything!? Prepare the men! We shall go to war!.

Lights down

Lights up

On stage is Librarian.

Librarian: The war between the Cannibals and the Empire against Hualand raged for ten years. During this bloody war Noah eyed the west and his forces marched onto the western lands, the holy book in one hand, a sword in another! A holy terror spread upon the western nations, Noah's iron pious fist in the end ruled! The lands of the west united under the rule of theocracy! The war ended and now the religious rulers of the Theocratic State for Submitters to God now turn their fanatical self upon the east.

Lights down

Scene 5

Lights up

On stage is Emperor Shogosho. He is painted orange, has beautiful jewellery covering his body and a magnificent crown upon his head. Below his throne is written " For I am god, bow to me!" Servants bow to him in worship. There is a table in front of the throne with a document on it.

Enter Juliet from left. She wears modest clothing and her hair is covered.

Shogosho( To Juliet): You are now in the presence of a conquering god! How I bless you!

Juliet( To Shogosho): Keep your narcissistic infidel blessings to yourself! I am here to sign a treaty not debate theology with spiritually ignorant fools.

Shogosho: By the gods! Juliet of Capulet! The terror of the lands! The theologian of death! Here not to debate theology! Such a fine blessing from the gods!

Juliet( Picks up document and looks at it): Interesting. Yes, yes, Hualand to be split between the Cannibal nation and your feeble nation, how does it feel Emperor that my leader Noah is simply called Leader and has not an ounce of royal blood and was a simple miner has an actual empire and is loved by the people whilst you call yourself an god emperor yet has lost the majority of your foul pagan empire? A god emperor? A joke I would say!

Shogosho: Quicken your reading whore! Your insults displease me!

Juliet( Continues reading document): Ah yes, my nation to give aid for the next ten years to you and for peace to exist between us. My nation will free all prisoners of war, my nation to receive prisoners of war, the ones you have not yet sacrificed in worship of yourself of course if any are still left and my nation to cease any aggression to you. It all is fine. Your alliance in defeating the Hualanders was a good decision. Due to your good decision we shall award you and not attack you for the next ten years.

Juliet coughs. She keeps coughing. She falls to the floor . She continues coughing.

Shogosho( In joy and mocking): It seems that your health is not as well any more. Do you think it is a possibility you are being punished by the gods?

Juliet( speaking with a wheeze): All that happen to one happen due to the will of the one and only Creator. I am not in good health. I have bad news Emperor. Plague has hit my nation. Leader Noah realized that you would take advantage and strike such as when you broke truce with Hualand. We kept knowledge of the plague a secret and moved quickly. Here is our strike. My guards who have been infected walk amongst your population at this moment. I am currently in your presence. Soon symptoms of the plague shall appear in your court. If you have not been infected you have been spared if not you shall die. Tell me Emperor, do you wish to sign this document with me now? I believe that sharing my plague with you places us on a lovely first step for our treaty does it not?

Shogosho( Enraged): You bring a plague!? A plague in the presence of a god! How dare you!

Shogosho draws his sword and strikes Juliet.

Shogosho( To servants): Massacre all of this bitch's guards. Exterminate them!

Juliet( Laughing painfully and coughing blood): Foolish infidel! You will never defeat the believers! You should have kept your temper in control and signed the document! Your nation could have lived without you if you died. But now the army of the believers shall cleanse this pathetic so called empire of its impurity! Killing me means war!( To herself) Romeo, my Romeo, I wish I could have given you a child but there was not a proper time. I should have found time for us but it was not meant to be. In the afterlife we shall make a family. The pain...This painful plague courses through my body. Find yourself another wife, a younger fertile woman God willing. Oh God! God is the greatest!

Juliet dies.

Lights down

Lights up

On stage is Librarian

Librarian: The martyrdom of Juliet created a path, a path of war, a path where destruction came down upon Emperor Shogosho. The Emperor Shogosho died of the plague. Millions of lives were taken in plague and war. Jeremiah, ex-husband of Juliet led the believers to victory. Yakov and Romeo were Jeremiah's viziers. Romeo, hesitant Romeo, accepted that peace was an impossibility. In the thirtieth year of the revolution Jeremiah died of an heart attack. Yakov took his place as Leader. The Theocratic empire entered a holy golden age. What of Romeo? Romeo the husband of Juliet? In the thirty fifth year of revolution, Romeo, an damaged, hurt soul, left to the eastern lands, he traveled and traveled. In the fiftieth year of revolution he died, a guilt ridden death. His last words were said to be " If only I had not fallen for Juliet. So many lives for the price of my love!"

Lights down.

Scene 6

Lights up

On stage is Romeo. He is sobbing. In front of him is a box.

Romeo( To box): Oh Juliet! Oh! How could you!? You said the time was for peace! Why did you infect the empire with plague! This war that now begins is your doing! Ten years! Ten years of peace there could have been! Thirteen years of war turned you into an monstrosity of pious deeds! And here you are, a decapitated head in a box! Oh Juliet!

Enter Noah from right. He looks extremely ill.

Noah: I see that the plague has no affect on you. Wolfgang died five minutes ago. Yakov, Jeremiah and you seem healthy. Jeremiah shall become the new Leader and you and Yakov his viziers.

Romeo: Did you know?

Noah: Did I know that Juliet planned to infect the enemy? Yes. She stated that she wished to end her life after seeing the devil emperor. She wished to infect him. I wished to go but she stated that I have arrangements to make. Be grateful Romeo. God blessed you with a great woman. Her actions will be an example for future believers. A chaste lady who gave her life for the cause of God. You have a war to win. Purify this continent Romeo. Honor your wife's memory through cleansing the world of the infidel.

Noah dies and falls to the floor dead.

Romeo: I never expected this to happen! I never thought my love would lead to war. It was my imprisonment that started the revolution was it not? My marriage to Juliet led to this! This was not how it was supposed to be! ( To box) I wanted a normal life with you Juliet! Not this war! So many have died! So many! Millions of lives extinguished! My heart was overwhelmed by love that I did not realize how fanatical you were! ( Picking up Juliet's head out of the box and holding it and sobbing) I love you! Oh God! Even if you are a monster! I love you! Oh how I love you my Juliet!

Lights down


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