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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2026838
Tale of Romeo and Juliet
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#839077 added February 3, 2015 at 2:54pm
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Act 2


Lights up.

On stage is Librarian.

Librarian: Now the classic desire between man and woman overtake the hate and rejoice in joy. Two lovers overwhelmed by love now partake in the ritual of union. Fair and fine Juliet in love once more with a man and Romeo, a handsome gentleman discovering the power of love control his essence. Oh how the two must struggle in love against the vendetta of their houses. To hide their love they must or tragedy shall strike both! Their passions join Juliet and Romeo in intense romance and their sweet harmony shall change their society.

Lights down

Scene 1

Lights up

On stage is Priest Lawrence. He is in religious robes.

Lawrence( To himself): The lady of the Capulet, a scholar and well taught in the true religion has need for marriage once more. She beckons that I shall commence with the ritual of union between man and woman since her guardian in religion agrees. I have agreed and now I await for their presence.

Lights down

Lights up

On stage is Lawrence , Juliet, Romeo and Noah. Juliet is in frugal marriage clothing. Romeo is in simple marriage clothing. Noah is in robes and so is Lawrence.

Lawrence( To Noah): As religious guardian, you who on behalf of the care of Juliet of Capulet, do thee pass on thy guardianship to Romeo of Montague?

Noah( To Lawrence): I give my guardianship of Juliet to Romeo when he is married to her.

Lawrence: Since you are satisfied the marriage shall commence.

Lawrence( To Juliet): Juliet of Capulet, do you agree to promise to uphold the laws of God, to the best of your abilities, and to cherish and obey your husband? Do you accept Romeo of Montague as your husband and guardian?

Juliet( To Lawrence): I agree.

Lawrence( To Romeo): Romeo of Montague do you agree to promise to uphold the laws of God to the best of your abilities, to be responsible and to cherish your wife? Do you accept to be husband and guardian to your wife Juliet?

Romeo( To Lawrence): I agree

Lawrence( To Romeo and Juliet): As according to the Holy book I declare you both joined in marriage. You are now husband and wife. May God make your marriage fruitful and in success. Amen.

Lights down.

Scene 2

Lights up

On stage is Romeo and Juliet. They are in a garden.

Juliet: This is Noah's garden. It is a charming place where I sometimes go to hide.

Romeo: Hide from what my fair wife?

Juliet: This corrupted and cruel pagan world.

Romeo: What can one do but accept and live with it Juliet?

Juliet: I disagree. When injustice reigns an attempt at justice must be made. My feminine heart beats with pure sorrow at the rule of the foul Emperor and his devilish claims to be a god. Such sinners reside in hell after the day of judgement.

Romeo: I do hope you do not say such things in public!

Juliet: Of course not husband. I only state such truths in private to those I trust and to my brothers and sisters in religion.

Romeo: If the government were to discover your views, you would be executed. I hope that you do not seek martyrdom.

Juliet: If I were to shout out my rebellious way to the devil regime I would only be committing masochistic desire, martyrdom is not something that I seek, if martyrdom occurs upon me then I will have it done to me by the regime. I seek heaven not death. If I am martyred it will be in my struggle for a better society not to seek death.

Romeo: Your religious nature brings great joy to me. Since discovering the truth I have prayed every day. Under your guidance I wish to learn as much as I can.

Juliet: Your honesty and desire to fill your being with the purity of faith to the one and only Creator is wonderful. You have taken a brave step towards becoming more faithful. If your family were to find out you would be put to death would you not?

Romeo: I do not believe so. There is great hatred between our families but through us Montague and Capulet are now one.

Juliet: If only I had your optimism. Noah has stated to me that we may stay at his place to meet in privacy and safety.

Romeo: I see. Would it be correct for I and you to partake in the sacred union like rabbits in a warren?

Juliet: Oh husband! How forward you are! I am a little bit shy but I shall do my best for you Romeo.

Lights down

Scene 3

Lights up

On stage is Noah and people.

Noah( To people): The Lord says to us humans in his holy book that charity is a blessing, feed the orphan and give it a good home, commit not usury and help people out of debt.

Person 1( To Noah): Yeah! But what do the rulers do? They put us in debt and let orphans starve on the streets!

Noah: For now pacifism is to be practiced. Change shall come upon this land God willing. We must endure the torments of this pagan society.

Enter Mercutio, Benvolio and police.

Mercutio( To Noah and people): Damn monotheistic apes! Get out of here now! As kinsman to the prince I have the power to arrest all here! So be gone before I have you placed in jail!

Noah and people leave to left. Police leave to right.

Mercutio: Damn fanatics! The Prince tell them to not have gatherings due to the assassination but what do they do? Like a misbehaving whore they place a finger upon your bottom when one specifically wished for a fist! Where is that mad lover Romeo? My dear friend that chases after Capulet tail?

Benvolio: I cannot believe that you did not tell me much sooner my friend! Romeo is mad!

Mercutio: Juliet is a fine specimen of lass so if Romeo seeks older pussy then about time he was not such a wussy!

Benvolio: You are so rude and crude! Do you not fear what the consequences shall be?

Mercutio: The prince wishes Count Paris and Juliet to wed. If he does not wish for Juliet to be an adulteress he should accept the situation. Besides, Romeo is Montague and Juliet is Capulet so as they are married the houses should commit to peace..

Benvolio: What makes you believe that lady Juliet has any romantic urging towards Romeo? What do you mean married?

Mercutio: My spies state that Romeo and Juliet are wedded together.

Benvolio: Scandal!

Mercutio: Indeed! A scandal bigger than when it was discovered I had participated in joy with fifteen harlots at once!

Benvolio: This could create chaos!

Mercutio: Chaos is like a woman. It is calm when it is looked after but if you do not discipline it it becomes chaotic. House Montague and House Capulet is a wife, Romeo and Juliet is a jewel from a husband who he gives to his wife after having given her a slap after her chaotic misbehaviour, afterwards she is regretful and apologizes and she becomes calm and peace has returned to the marriage.

Lights down

Scene 4

Lights up

On stage is Tybalt and Martha. Tybalt is grabbing Martha.

Tybalt: Tell me lower caste why do you disobey me wench!?

Martha: I will not fornicate with you! I am now married.

Tybalt: What does it matter? I am an upper caste man so I am much more respectable than your husband.

Martha: To hell with you dog!

Tybalt slaps Martha across the face.

Tybalt: You dare call me dog you lower whore?

Enter Romeo from left. Romeo is in plain clothing.

Romeo( To Tybalt and Martha): What goes on here?

Martha( To Romeo): Run comrade! He is a foul upper caste man! He wishes for my body again but I am married!

Tybalt( To Martha): Your kind are here to serve my kind. ( To Romeo) Do not interfere Montague scum!

Romeo( To Tybalt): As an upper caste man, I have realized that a new era dawns upon us. The time for castes are over. A time will come where man is judged by his actions not by his caste.

Tybalt( To Romeo): Such nonsense! ( In rage) you dare interfere Romeo! You dare approach me after your foul actions!? I have heard that you have been chasing my aunt! Treat her like fresh tail and attempting to lead her astray!? By the gods of vengeance I shall make thee bleed!

Tybalt draws his sword. Romeo draws in self-defense. Both duel. Martha screams and runs off-stage to the left.

Tybalt( Whilst dueling): Why do you hesitate coward!? You may not wish to hurt me but I will gladly hurt you!

Romeo: I cannot hurt you! Stop this Tybalt! I had no mischief towards Juliet only love!

Tybalt: She is too old for you!

Romeo: I disagree! I cannot hurt you due to us being married.

Tybalt: Married! married!? No! Lie! You lie!

Enter Mercutio from left.

Mercutio( To Romeo and Tybalt): Stop this fools!

Romeo and Tybalt stop.

Mercutio( To Tybalt): Romeo and Juliet are now married. Romeo is your kinsman through marriage. So shake his hand and accept him as your uncle

Tybalt( To Mercutio): I will never accept him as my kinsman!

Tybalt strikes Mercutio in the chest with the sword.

Romeo strikes Tybalt in the neck and kills Tybalt.

Romeo holds Mercutio in his arms.

Romeo: Mercutio! Oh Mercutio my dear friend!

Mercutio( Coughing blood): I cannot believe I am to die after being penetrated by Tybalt! Romeo, Romeo you must escape this city. The prince will have you executed. With Tybalt dead and I as well and these people around witnessing the prince may execute you for my death. You must escape! Ah! I see coins! Coins to get many a lassie to please my loins!

Mercutio dies. Romeo sobs.

Enter Police. They grab Romeo.

Lights down

Scene 5

Lights up

On stage is Juliet and Lawrence.

Juliet: I must save my husband!

Lawrence: He is in the Prince's prison. How?

Juliet: I have a feeling that Count Paris may have something to do with pushing for my husband's execution! If Romeo dies then I will be able to get married again! The Count wants the Capulet fortune!

Enter Yakov from right.

Yakov( To Juliet): Mother is it true that you have re-married to Romeo?

Juliet( To Yakov): Yes, it is true my son.

Yakov: Why did you not say anything? Why must I find out from the prince's words and not yours?

Juliet: I apologize Yakov but we kept the marriage a secret so no harm would come to us.

Yakov: He will be executed tomorrow.

Juliet: Then I will do my best to stop it!

Yakov: What will you do now? It is too late! Do not endanger the cause mother!

Juliet: The cause shall not be harmed! This is an injustice! The people are not pleased with what the regime has been doing! Stopping gatherings, arrests and all sorts of oppression! The upper castes think they have a right to lower caste women! The miners are exploited and treated like animals! I will protest the execution of my husband.( To Lawrence): Tell the others what I plan. ( To Yakov): You know your duty my only son.

Lights down

Scene 6

Lights up

On stage are protesters. Juliet is in the lead. They have placards.

Crowd: Wherefore art thou Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo!

Juliet( To crowd): What do we want comrades?

Crowd: Freedom, dignity, equal rights!

Juliet: When do we want it?

Crowd: Now!

Enter police and Master Capulet.

Capulet( To Juliet): What is this you badly behaved maniacal daughter!?

Juliet( To Master Capulet): Father, you are the master of Capulet household, you are a supporter of the prince so you support the death of my husband!

Capulet: You dared to marry a Montague and now you dare protest against the Prince!? Are you insane!?

Juliet: Insane with rage! Now shoo father! These people do not like Capulet and Montague!

Capulet( To Crowd): This woman that leads you to danger, is my daughter! Do you follow that which you hate?

Person 1( To Capulet): Lady Juliet may be from Capulet but she is our sister, she is our teacher and helps us! She rebels against your infidel ways!

Capulet( To police): Arrest my daughter.

Police arrest Juliet.

Crowd attacks Capulet and police.

Lights down

Scene 7

Lights up

On stage is Juliet. She is bruised and sitting on a seat. Two guards stand beside her.

Enter prince Escalus with Yakov

Escalus( To Juliet): You have gone too far this time you fanatical furious woman! I am the ruler of this city and you dare disobey me like a man that disobeys a god!?

Juliet( To Escalus): You are no god Prince! I must protest since you wish to execute my husband!

Escalus: You must see reason Juliet! Romeo fought with Tybalt and my kinsman was killed due to their vendetta. The law is the law!

Sounds of things breaking are heard.

Enter soldier.

Soldier( To Escalus): Sir! Sir! The people are rioting! The miners of the Capulet and Montague mines are rioting! The prostitutes are marching with the bakers and sewage workers! It is madness! Madness I say!

Escalus slaps the soldier across the face.

Escalus(To Soldier): Calm down man! We need a cool head no-

Yakov takes the sword from the soldier and stabs the soldier in the neck. Soldier dies. Yakov then duels with a guard.

Escalus( To Yakov): What the?

Juliet kicks the other guard in the groin then uses the chair to smack him over the head and kill him.

Escalus( To Yakov): What have you done!

Yakov( To Escalus): I am a believer, I apologize Prince but that assassin that killed the Duke Henry was under my orders. He was to make it look like I protected you to gain your trust.

Juliet( To Escalus): May the creator reward that martyr!

Escalus( To Yakov): What happens now traitor!? The Emperor will place his wrath and send his furies upon you all!

Juliet( To Escalus): Enough of your infidel rambling Prince! You are now our hostage!

Lights down

Scene 8

On stage is Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo: How? How long have you been involved with rebellious forces?

Juliet: For a decade and half my dear husband. The revolutionary powers led by Noah shall lead the cause and cleanse this nation of infidels! Now be happy that you are now free.

Romeo: You knew? You knew- no! You were behind some of the killings!

Juliet: Indeed I was husband.

Romeo: But does not the Holy book say: Thou shall not murder?

Juliet: Indeed but it also say, to fight the unbelievers until they believe and it is not murder to take the life of an enemy to God.

Romeo: I cannot believe this! Kind Juliet, sweet Juliet, capable of killing so easily? When you saved my life I believed you did it out of necessity for peace but does it not affect you? Do you not feel bad for taking a life?

Juliet: Oh Husband! I may be a killer but sometimes taking the life of a pagan must be done. Why should I feel sorrow towards infidel rubbish?

Romeo: So what is next?

Juliet: Next an nation shall be set up, of course we must negotiate with the disbeliever rebellious forces. An enemy of my enemy is my friend after all!

Romeo: What of our families?

Juliet: Oh worry not husband. Our families have been placed under arrest. Now you need rest darling. I shall travel to my meeting with Noah then I shall return to you and we shall have some time together. Oh how terrified I was for your sake!

Lights down

Lights up

On stage is Romeo.

Romeo: Like the gnashing of teeth of a rabid dog, I ask what is this? Oh Juliet a side of you I have discovered today. Like a box of delights with layers of wrapping, as I unwrap I discover a darkness within, a brutality, a force like a feminine beast of destruction. I ask! What religion kills others!? What religion has assassination and political intrigue? Oh by the Creator I feel divided for I must support my wife in her goal now she has released a monster! The wrath of the Emperor shall descend upon us and exterminate us as if we are bugs! I must place upon my being an air of confidence!

Lights down

Scene 9

Lights up.

On stage is Prince Escalus.

Enter Romeo from right.

Escalus: Romeo! Release me boy!

Romeo: I cannot prince.

Escalus: Listen! I make an oath by the gods that I shall vouch for you to the emperor. I will beg him to show mercy!

Romeo: Are you insane!? The Emperor has never shown mercy and he'll have us crucified. You are now a hostage and nothing you say will make me help free you.

Enter Juliet from right.

Juliet( To Escalus): My darling husband will not fall for your devilish tricks Prince. Do not make an oath to any idols! If you continue I shall ask Noah if I can have you executed!

Escalus( To Juliet): You will never defeat the Emperor!

Juliet: Foolish prince. The people are rioting. The other cities of the Empire have chaos. Many different factions have united for one goal, to free themselves from the chains of the Emperor!

Escalus: What do you intend to do with me?

Juliet: The Leader Noah intends for you to be put to ransom. If the Emperor declines you shall be killed.

Enter Man from right.

Man( To Juliet): My lady the Leader wishes to meet with you now! The ambassador of Hualand is here!

Lights down

Scene 10

Lights up

On stage are three women in black clothing, only the eyes can be seen and they carry swords. They are Ruth, Hagar and Mary. They have a bag with them.

Enter Juliet and Noah from right.

Noah( To Juliet): These are the captains of your woman police force?

Juliet( To Noah): Indeed Leader Noah. Here are Mary, Hagar and Ruth. They have been keeping order and executing dissidents. ( To Mary): What is in the bag sister Mary?

Mary( To Juliet): My lady! It is the decapitated heads of the Emperor's spies!

Juliet( To Noah): I did tell you that they are brilliant.

Noah( To Juliet): Making you the leader of the woman police was a fine decision on my behalf. Has your husband returned from negotiations with the socialists?

Juliet: Yes he has said that they have agreed for protected status and will surrender to our authority as long as they have autonomy and have their rights respected.

Noah: So be it. The cannibals on the other hand! Foul pagan scum! But alas we must make alliances with the enemies of the Emperor.

Juliet: The Cannibals wish to surrender but say that they want a temple for worship.

Noah: Give them what they wish. Their foul ways will be allowed as long as they do not cause chaos and accept the superiority of our religion.

Juliet: The Hualanders have attacked the Empire from the east and the Democrat Council has raised an army.

Noah: Good, very good. The Empire splits into many. We shall have an independent state and make our place whilst the Empire rips in pieces!

Lights down

Lights up

On stage is Romeo.

Enter soldier from right.

Soldier: Sir! There has been a prison break! The prisoners Benvolio and Count Paris have escaped!

Romeo: I see! Prepare a search!

Soldier leaves to right.

Romeo: A new calendar, usury banned, caste laws evaporated, for the last six months I have secured a place as a negotiator of the rebel forces, diverse factions, rival monarchs to the Emperor, socialists, democrats and the faction I am with, my fair Juliet's people, they have turned Vero into a nation. The mines belong to the their theocratic regime. I feel the intense fanaticism burn in the society, only outwards it may go overwhelming all in its path. The fanatic horde of the followers of God will have a struggle. A holy struggle to cleanse the lands of its impurity. Leader Noah as its king, Juliet as its head of elite Police woman force. I have seen the atrocities her Elite police have committed, pagans crucified, rival rebel leaders assassinated and whole towns exterminated for their allegiance to the empire. What will become of us? Have I married into madness?

Lights down

End Of ACT 2
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