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Originally for the 30-Day Blog Challenge. Now just a blog about a flailing mermaid |
30-Day Blogging Challenge – Day eleven Prompt: The Sunday News!: Pick a random article from the headlines and talk about it. Share your opinions and feelings about it. Encourage a conversation. I have to say, I kinda prefer the old Sunday “round up ya week” thing. I’m never on the ball enough on Sunday’s to talk about real life news. In fact, I don’t think I’m ever on the ball enough, on any day of the week. Also, the old way gave me a good reason to talk about what was going on in my world that week. I’m just putting it out there – I like to be selfish, at least once a week! It has to be good for the soul, right? Anyway, from one odd ball to another, here’s my chosen headline… Meet the grown man so obsessed with My Little Pony he's spent thousands on bizarre hobby (The Mirror) Now, since this story is from The Mirror ![]() To be honest, the headline says it all. There is very little need to actually go and read the story. Unless, of course, you really want to see a 34-year-old man dressed up as a cartoon unicorn. If this is the case, by all means, fill your boots ![]() I have no problem with people with strange hobbies or obsessions. Each to their own and all that. Anything anyone ever does will be strange to someone somewhere in the world. However, I can’t help feeling that, with things like this, there must be a reason that stems from childhood. Maybe the guy was forced to play with action figures as a kid, and nothing else. But, surely, this would have done the job: Although, I do have one issue with this. When I was going through my girly stage as a child, I quite liked My Little Pony ![]() |