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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#838111 added January 7, 2015 at 12:11pm
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40 Year Life Span, Our Changing World & Three Reality Posts
Today's Blogs....

30 Day Blogging Challenge – War Chest Wednesday.

How would you live your life differently if the average human life span was 40 years?

My first thought..... I’d be dead and I wouldn’t have to answer this dang prompt. *Bigsmile*

But only having 40 years one would not want to waste a moment and those with children would probably not see them all grow up. Losing my father when I was 12 and he was 44 was difficult... so many children would be growing up without parents or being raised by older siblings.

Society as we know it would be grief struck... or it would adjust to be hard hearted to protect itself from the pain of loss so early.

Life experiences don't really get richer until 40.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 309

Prompt: "The world moves on and we must move with it." Lady Mary, Downton Abbey Do you agree?

I would agree. Ever changing and dynamic. Constant adjustments always growing and learning. Staying in the loop or else you fall away, lost in the unknown. To stay with the times you need to keep with the times. Keep aware and linked in, surrounded by a younger generation who can feed you their knowledge or leave you starving and alone to die.... obsolete before your time.

You can not stay locked in the past. The past may teach us, but it will not ultimately save us.

We can learn from our past, but we must forgive old hurts and move forward. Not to forgive only hurts us.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Fifty – Five

1. What show from your childhood would you love to bring back and why?

I would have to say... The Carol Burnett Show. Good, family fun without being crass or over the top. I find too many shows today tend to knock the family or don't help develop good social interactions. Too many children's cartoons portray individualistic opportunistic characters - I am thinking The Simpson's when I write this.

I Love Lucy is played late night. That was a fun show. The Waltons. Even Happy Days was great. The Andy Griffith Show. A lot of these were in rerun even when I was a child but I loved them.

2. If someone gave you a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

This would be a toss up between Paris and Australia. Australia would be warm right now... summer as compared to our -17 degrees Celsuis with a wind chill of -29. (I am so not looking forward to shovelling the driveway - the plow has been by)

Paris has always been a dream of mine - more in terms of the expatriot writers who haunted the area in the 1920's, but it seems like an interesting city with lots of history and character. I would love to go and write in the cafes, walk the boulevards, dream in the parks.

3. Write a "day in the life" of being you post.

I am tempted to fictionalize this as my own life is kind of boring....

The day starts early waking into the darkness of a new day. I pull myself out of bed and grab my cell phone, never knowing when a call will come in and change the quiet rhythm of my day to one of haste and hurry.

Without any calls, I settle into a morning routine that has me greeting the day with yoga stretches and my first liter of water. (I will have 2 liters drank by the time I go to bed at night). Then a cup of tea (or coffee) comes with my to my computer to check any activity I have missed over my sleeping hours. WDC is my first stop as I check my email and answer a few posts. 750words.com is my next stop where I paste my blog prompts and get busy with creating them - without interruption I should have them done and posted before 10 am, but that does not always happen. I need to remember to check my other emails and the Subfinder.

My most productive writing times are in the morning, so I tend to avoid going out for any walks until I have accomplished the most pressing aspects of my writing projects. If I hit a creative bump, a walk is a welcome distraction and often serves to get the juices flowing again - I often stop to jot notes if something comes up for me.

Somewhere in all this breakfast and lunch happen - I often read while I eat if I can manage the book and the food easily.

Lately I have been starting my day with tea and saving my coffee until mid to late morning so that I can start 'cleanly'. My tea only takes skim milk. Coffee loads in the sugar and cream. I am trying to cut back... but I still want the caffine.

If I do get a call to supply, my writing is shifted to the evening and then it is difficult as I am feeling overly tired after I slow down after making dinner. I will at least check my WDC emails and do my 750words and my blogs. I am often not as pleased with these when I write this late... and will often return to them after I have indulged in a nap.

Today I have a client I work with this afternoon. I pick him up at his day program at 3 pm (if I am supplying I get him from his home closer to 4:30 pm. With it being winter and it being so dastardly cold, we will probably shop and walk around a mall instead of doing a trail hike. We will grab some dinner - fries, burger and a rootbeer for him and something a little healthier(?) for me. Then we will probably go to the library to read and look at magazines until it is time to take him home - around 7 pm. I then go off to a coffee shop to read or write - often Starbucks as it is in Chapters (a wonderful bookshop). Tonight I need to see if I can find a January issue of The Writer as I did not get one for Christmas.

I try to go to bed early, but that does not always happen. Between the TV and my laptop I get distracted. That is why the TV does not come on until after 4 pm on most days. I refused to get sucked in before that - when it is on I get very little accomplished.

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