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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/838091-The-Letter-That-Made-Me-Smile
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1940894
Originally for the 30-Day Blog Challenge. Now just a blog about a flailing mermaid
#838091 added January 7, 2015 at 9:08am
Restrictions: None
The Letter That Made Me Smile
30-Day Blogging Challenge – Day six
Prompt: Two-fer Tuesdays: Share an item or blog entry from any of the eligible competitors this month. Include a review link for bonus points

I am very aware that this is probably the first time, since I started the 30 DBC, that I’ve written a late post. Granted, I have been guilty of forgetting to post entries to the board. But I have traditionally gone to great lengths to write every post before midnight WDC time. Unfortunately, yesterday, I admitted defeat.

But Fran, why so late? Well, my little blogging friends, yesterday I drove for four hours and went to a Neuro Linguistics Programming (NLP) training day. The training was great and I am definitely thinking of making NLP this subject I learn about this year. But it was pretty heavy and draining. So, when I got home, I could barely speak coherently, let alone write. Thus, I am late. I figured, if I reviewed, I could gain the points back. Right?!

I’ll be honest, I’m killing about four hundred birds with one stone with this post. Again, this is not laziness, just efficient. To avoid confusion, these are the birds I am killing.

- A response to today’s prompt (obviously).
- A review I need to write for "a very Wodehouse challenge
- A review ticket off for "WDC Addicts Anonymous
- A blog post about sending or receiving a letter for "a very Wodehouse challenge
- A promotion for something I wrote yesterday.
- Providing a joyful reading experience

Okay, okay only six birds not four hundred. But still a stroke of genius, I think you’ll find!

Right, so the item I’ve chosen to discuss today is "The Art of Letter Writing by the lovely Elle - on hiatus , queen of all things Snail Mail. Interestingly, this item is much like the one I wrote yesterday – "Snail Mail: Why it Still Has a Place - no, I didn’t copy. My piece is a little longer than hers, because I had to write 750 words. Therefore, her item is more direct and to the point. But effectively, we are both saying very similar things.

Here is my review for said item: Review of "The Art of Letter Writing"

Incidentally, the first snail mail letter I received from a WDC member was in fact Elle - on hiatus . It came with a lovely candle and notebook. The candle has been used up now, but the notebook is still waiting its turn in my “notebook drawer”. Not only was it a very thoughtful package, but also it came at just the right time. As I said in my piece yesterday, you never know what your letters might be breaking up: be it a pile of bills or just a really crap day.
Indeed, I opened Elle’s package as soon as I got home from honeymoon. Given that I had arrived home from Honeymoon alone, having had to leave my new husband in a hospital in Mexico, it was great to be able to spend some time opening something positive. She had taken time out from her holiday to think of me and post a very nice gift and letter my way. Granted, she may not forgive me for being busy/away during the only time she was over from New Zealand. However, she clearly still liked me enough to go to the effort for me.

It was receiving this letter and package that made me understand the importance of snail mail. I currently have tons of letters to respond to. I vow to make someone’s day a bit brighter by replying to everyone over the next few months.

© Copyright 2015 Fran 🌈🧜‍♀️ (UN: frannywill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Fran 🌈🧜‍♀️ has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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