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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #2021934
Prequel to beauty Of Segjustan
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#836118 added December 23, 2014 at 6:29pm
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Chapter 3
Scene 18

On stage is Areva. He is walking towards the right slowly and quietly. He is in the dress Balam bought him.

Enter Manon from the right.

Manon: Where have you been? I see you’ve already gone back to wearing a dress.
Areva: I went out with a friend. Her name is Lily.

Manon: You were doing quite well. I thought you were getting better.
Areva: I’m not unwell! I am fine as I am mama.

Manon: If that is how you are going to be, don’t expect me to feel sorry for you when you are bullied.
Areva: If people bully me then they bully me. I’d rather be bullied and be true to myself than live a lie. I’m also moving out mama.

Manon: Moving? To where?
Areva: To Balam’s place.

Manon: That rotte-
Areva: Don’t insult him mama! I love him so I won’t have you insult him! I’m moving out and that is that.

Manon: Is that where you’ve been? Have you started lying to me boy!?

Areva: No I didn’t lie. I was with Lily but I also went out with Balam. He bought me this dress, I just came back from his place. He is waiting for me outside.

Manon: Fine then! You go and mess about with this hooligan but don’t you come back crying to me you misled boy!
Areva: That won’t happen mama. I just want to be with Balam but I’ll come and visit you.

Manon: Humph!
Areva: I’m getting my things then leaving.

Manon: You do what you want like you always do.
Areva: Don’t be like that.

Manon: How should I be Areva? Happy that you are never going to give me grandchildren? Happy that you are going with that demon? Or should I be happy that you are a freak?

Areva: Maybe not happy but at least accepting.
Manon: I’ll never accept it so get that into your head right now!

Areva: Okay mama, if that is the way you want to be then be like that.

Lights down
Lights up.

Scene 19

On stage is Areva, Balam and Aban. Aban looks uncomfortable. Aban and Balam wear business suits.

Areva is in woman clothing.

Areva( To Balam): Oh thanks for getting me this job Balam.
Balam( To Areva): It is no big deal.

Areva: Oh but it is! I can be true to myself and do this work!

Areva kisses Balam on the cheek.

Areva: See you later honey.
Balam: Aye.

Areva leaves stage to the right.

Balam: What is wrong with you my friend? Are you ill?

Aban: Nah man, just a bit out of my comfort zone dude.

Balam: Comfort zone?

Aban: Areva
Balam: What’s wrong?

Aban: Heck man, I look at Areva and he looks so much like a woman man.

Balam: Confusions abound and the world goes on.
Aban: Are you gonna keep the fact that Areva’s dude from the rest?

Balam: No. It is not their business, if they want to kick a fuss about it then they can ask Johnny for advice on what it is like to be in a state of unliving.

Aban: Ah fuck man. That was nasty.

Balam: I agree but we need some ultra-violence to keep those maggots in line until I can transfer them over to Cuco. Things are going smoothly and the organisation is strong. How are the new recruits today?

Aban: Their doing great but fuck man, their insane and their boss is a lunatic.

Balam: Father found some of them. They are good men even if they like their parties. As long as it does not curtail their work let them carry on.

Aban: Okay Bal. You think the Cuco will ever wake again man?

Balam: I hope he does but if he doesn’t then I would say I am the permanent acting president. I’ll have to deal with the other presidents but I’ll work with father to stop them thinking they can walk onto our territory. Anyway, it is time for lunch.

Lights down
Lights up

On stage is Areva. He has a box of chocolates.

Areva: Chocolates! Tasty chocolate for sale! Fill your belly with choc!

Enter Man from left.

Man: I’ll get some ya tasty sweet!

Areva: How many sir?
Man: Two please.

Areva: that’ll be one dollar then please.

Man gives money to Areva.

Areva gives two chocolate bars to man.

Areva: Enjoy your choc in your belly sir!

Man: oh yeah!

Man leaves stage to left.

Areva: Choc for sale! Fill your belly with chocs. One dollar for two bars.

Enter Sarah

Sarah: I’d like some- Areva? You are Areva ain’t cha!?
Areva: Y-yes it is Areva. How are you Sarah?

Sarah: Oh my god! Is yer boss forcing ya to dress up like this?
Areva: No. I dress like this because I want to, no, I need to.

Sarah: That is soo weird like!
Areva: Maybe it is. Do you want some chocolate?

Sarah: Okay then. I’ll have two. One dollar you were saying they are?
Areva: Yes.

Sarah buys the chocolates.

Sarah: See ya later Ar!
Areva: See you later as well Sarah.

Lights down.

Scene 20
Lights up

On stage is Areva and Balam.

Balam: So how was work my darling?

Areva: It was good. It felt great to be able to talk to people without them knowing who I was b-but someone I know saw me and talked to me.

Balam: Ah, did they cause any problems?
Areva: No b-but it reminded me of something.

Areva looks shyly to the floor.

Balam: What did it remind you of?

Areva: Th-there is this dance going on at school. We can take someone with us and I wanted to ask you to go with me.

Balam: Dance? Like some sort of prom like they have in those silly American movies?

Areva: I suppose it is kind of yeah.

Balam: If my schedule permits I will go with you then, I don’t like how Americanised this country is getting!

Areva: Yeah, before you’ll know it no one will be using chopsticks anymore.

Balam: That’ll be a tragedy. I like chopsticks.

Areva( Mischievously): Maybe I should dress up like one of those cheerleaders off those American films hmm?

Balam( Completely serious): You’ll look ridiculous woman.

Areva kisses Balam on the cheek.

Areva: You take it so seriously! I wouldn’t wear a cheerleader outfit unless you wanted me to in the bedroom.

Balam( Looking with lust): That would be fine to see but I’d rather have you in Segjustanian dress woman.

Balam picks up Areva in his arms.

Areva: Oh Mr Von Violenti you are such a traditional gentleman.

Balam: When I want to be aye, now let us go to bed for some loving.

Lights down
Lights up

On stage is Areva and Teacher Mrs Mor. Areva is in male uniform.

Areva: So the list of people and invites have been compiled and everything has been arranged Mrs Mor.

Areva gives Mrs Mor a list.

Mrs Mor: Thank you for your help Areva! You are a great help as usual!
Areva: Glad to help Mrs Mor, well see you tonight then.

Mrs Mor: Okay lad.

Areva leaves stage to the left.

Mrs Mor( Looking at list): Who is that boy going with anyway? Ah here it is. Odd. Balam Von Violenti? Male name? Must be a mistake.

Lights down.

Scene 21
Lights up.

On stage is Areva in male uniform. He is packing his bag. Enter Brad from right..

Brad( To Areva): yo! So what’s this we been earing tha you like dressing up like a lass Areva?

Areva( To Brad): What is it that you want Brad? Don’t you have kids to bully for their lunch money?

Brad: You show some respect ya cross dressing dawg!

Areva: Oh piss off Brad.

Brad aggressively grabs Areva’s collar.

Brad: I’ll beat yo ass fool!

Areva takes out a knife from his pocket and puts it to Brad’s throat.

Areva: Oh, I hope that’s not a metaphor for something else. Don’t get me wrong I have been told I am good looking so you having the butterflies for me is no shock but you are being aggressive with me so please behave or I’ll have an accident with this knife.

Brad: Oh man! Oh please don’t!

Brad pees himself.

Areva: You seem to need the toilet Bradley. Now back away from me and keep walking away and don’t hassle me again.

Brad backs away then runs off stage to the right.

Areva places the knife back into his pocket. He looks gloomy.
Enter Isabella.

Isabella: Heya Areva. I jus saw Brad leave here. He look like he piss imself.
Areva: Accidents can happen to dudes.

Isabella: So is it true like?
Areva: True?

Isabella: Tha you was wearing women clothing and selling chocolates? Is it true babes?
Areva: Is it such a big deal?

Isabella: Everyone’s talking about it like. How long ya been doing it?
Areva: A while now.

Isabella: But ya don act like a girl!
Areva: No, I don’t act like a girl. I am a girl. I act like a man. The true me is the one in the dress.

Isabella: But people will go against ya!

Areva: Maybe, maybe the next few months of school will be rough but that is just how it is. I’d rather be true to myself than live a lie.
Isabella: I suppose yer not coming to tha dance then?

Areva: I will go depending if Balam can go. I’ll see you later Isabella.

Areva takes his bag and leaves stage to right.

Isabella: Balam? Who is Balam?

Lights down

Scene 22
Lights up.

On stage is Isabella and Nat. They are in posh clothing.

Nat: Ah fuck man! I wish Areva was here. It be more fun yo!

Isabella: Yeah well he ain’t gonna turn up and tha Areva ya knew wa a lie! He one of those trans gender dudes yo.

Nat: Ah man. ( Looking to right): Wha the hell?! That’s Areva!

Isabella: I told ya tha he wo- (Nat places his hands onto her face and moves it so it looks to the right): Oh he is here! Oh god! He look like a gal! How tha hell did he get in like!

Enter Areva and Balam from the right. Areva is in a pretty posh dress. Balam is in tuxedo. Areva has make up on and flower decoration on his hair. Areva wears high heels.

Balam( To Areva): This is a disco. Where is the big ball hanging from the ceiling.

Areva(Amused To Balam): They don’t hang up silvery balls anymore like they did. (To Nat and Isabella): Hello guys.

Nat stares at Areva in surprise.

Isabella( Nudging Nat with her elbow and to Areva): Heya. ( To Balam): Hello dude. Do I know ya?

Balam( To Isabella): I don’t think so miss. ( To Areva): I’m going to check out the buffet. Do you want anything?

Areva( To Balam): Get me some wine and some onion bajis and cheese with pork rolls please honey.
Balam: Alright. I think I’ll try some as well.

Balam leaves stage to the right.

Nat( To Areva): Wha the hell! Ya look so much like a dudette! Jeez if I didn know ya was a lass I’d pound yo ass!

Areva laughs. He places his hand to his mouth.

Isabella slaps Nat across the head.

Isabella( To Nat): behave you dog!
Nat( To Isabella) I jus being honest yo!

Areva( To Isabella and Nat): Oh you two! You know how to amuse me.

Nat( To Areva): How’d you get in man?

Areva( To Nat): I just walked in. I helped arrange this thing after all. My name can be used for boys and girls and the doorman knew that the person who helped arrange was called Areva but he didn’t know what I looked like. I just said that I wrote down my own gender incorrectly. Technically it’s not a lie since at heart I am female.

Nat: Loopholes are rad man.
Isabella( To Areva): let’s hope no teacher catches onto ya!

Lights down
Lights up

On stage is Areva and Balam. They dance with each other. There are seats near.
Music is on.

Singer: Ya! Ya! Ya! Ba! Ba! Ba! Dance to da beats! Put ya beats in yo face! Tasty face! Ya! Ya!

Music stops.

Areva: All this dancing is hurting my feet.
Balam: Sit on that seat woman.

Areva sits at the seat.
Balam sits on the other seat, holds Areva’s foot and lifts it up to his lap.

He takes the high heel off.

Areva: Balam? Wha are you doing?
Balam: You wearing these shoes are hurting your feet.

Areva: But I like them.

Balam massages Areva’s foot.

Balam: You should be more careful with yourself woman.
Areva: It’s just some ache from the dancing
Balam: Never understood why women wear these silly shoes.

Areva: It brings out my figure more.
Balam: I see enough of your figure as it is and you look fine to me.
Areva( Mischievously): There is also another reason. I suppose it makes me helpless doesn’t it? I suppose it makes me powerless to resist you.

Balam: No need for heels for that. You couldn’t resist me since I’m such a handsome gentleman.

Areva giggles.

Areva: You are so narcissistic!
Balam: Indeed I am miss psychologist.

Enter teacher Mrs Mor from the right. She is with Mr Smith.

Mor( To Areva): Areva is that you boy?!
Areva( To Mor): Yes it is miss.
Smith( To Areva): is this a joke lad!
Areva( To Smith): No sir.

Mor: How could you do this tonight! Have you no decency!
Smith( To Balam): Do you know that Areva is male?

Balam( To Smith): Male? The woman needs me to open a jam jar! You think that is a sign of masculinity? Areva is a woman.
Smith: He isn’t! He has tricked you!

Areva: I haven’t tricked anyone!

Smith grabs Areva’s arm.

Areva: let me go!

Balam stands up.

Balam: You have five seconds to get your damned hand off Areva or there will be consequences.

Smith lets Areva go and slaps Balam across the face.

Mor: You are coming with me!
Areva( To Smith): Don’t you hit Balam!

Balam( To Smith): That is a bit rude! For a teacher you are uncivilised!

Smith pokes Balam on the chest and shouts at him.

Smith: You dare desecrate this annual tradition you damned sodomite!
Mor( To Areva): You have to leave here.

Enter Brad from the right. He has bucket with him. In the bucket is pig blood. He throws the blood onto Areva.

Brad( To Areva): Pig blood for a pig!

Brad runs off stage to the right.

Areva( To Brad): You bastard! You cruel bastard!

Areva cries.
Balam holds Areva and leads Areva off stage to the right.

Lights down.

Scene 23
Lights up.

On stage is Areva crying. Balam is cleaning the blood off of Areva with a tissue.

Areva: I-I-I’m sorry Balam. I sh-shouldn’t have come.
Balam: Nonsense. You had every right to go to this dance.
Areva: They don’t think so!

Balam: They can go fuck themselves.
Areva: H-how can they be so mean!
Balam: That’s just the way people are love. We forgot to take your other heel.

Areva: I-I’m sorry about the dress! You bought it for me and now it is ruined!
Balam: It is just a dress.

Balam takes off the high heel from Areva.

Areva: All I wanted to do was be myself and have fun with you!
Balam: I had fun with you. We danced quite a bit before they caught on to it. It was nice.
Areva: In the end I guess I’ll never be accepted.

Balam: Maybe you will be, maybe you won’t be. Things like this reveal who is friend and who is foe. The fact is I’m never going to be truly accepted by society and that is a thing that we have in common. Society is not going to change my mind about you so fuck society, fuck those teachers and fuck that hooligan that threw this stuff on you.

Areva: You are saying fuck a lot.
Balam: I am indeed. I believe it is the appropriate word to use.

Balam places out his hand.

Balam: Let us dance.
Areva: Dance? Here?
Balam: Aye.

Areva places his hand in Balam’s hand. They dance a traditional dance together in a waltz.

Areva: I’m so glad to have gotten to know you. I’m glad. I used to think of killing myself. Even tried it once but I didn’t have the guts
Balam: Don’t ever kill yourself since that’ll hurt me.
Areva: I know. I’ll never kill myself now. You and I belong together.

Balam: Indeed we do.

Lights down

Scene 24
Lights up.

On stage is Areva in a dress. He has a certificate with him. Certificate states that he has had top grades and finished school. Areva wears trainers.

Enter Brad from right.

Brad: So how is it cross-dresser? How has tha last few months of school been to ya? How is ya last day?
Areva: It’s been irritating thanks to you. Getting people to call me names and getting your friends to throw things at me. Pretty brave of you.

Areva walks closer to Brad.

Areva: Are you so stupid that you can’t realize that the only reason you are alive is because of me?
Brad: What do you mean ya faggot?

Areva: ah, you are so barbaric Bradley. When you threw pig blood on me I was with my lover.
Brad: And?

Areva: He asked me if I wanted you dead. He was planning on beating you to death and making it look like a mugging gone wrong.
Brad: Bullshit!

Areva: He is a very kind man but at the same time he has a vicious side to him. I begged him not to hurt you. He knows everything that has been going on in the last few months.

Areva looks to the left and waves.

Enter Balam from the left carrying a baseball bat.

Balam( To Areva): Let me have fun with him woman. I’ll be gentle I promise.
Areva( To Balam): Your definition of gentle is not the same as mine darling.

Brad( To Areva and Balam): no way are ya gonna do anything! Yer on school property.
Areva: Give me the bat please.

Balam: Okay.

Balam gives the baseball bat to Areva.

Areva(To Brad): Balam blackmailed the headmaster. It’s amazing how some teachers have happy lives yet will still commit adultery.

Areva runs at Brad and hits him on the leg. Brad screams in pain.

Areva hits Brad on the legs a few more times.

Brad: Oh god! You maniac!
Areva: You should have just left me alone. Don’t ever approach me again or I’ll let Balam loose on you, you demon!

Lights down

Scene 25
Lights up.

On stage is Areva and Balam.
They are at Balam’s house.

Balam: I am glad that you passed your exams.
Areva: Yeah it’s great.

Sound of bell ringing is heard.

Balam: I’ll go see who that is.

Balam leaves to the right.

Balam( Off-stage): Hello there Mrs Tolzonka.

Enter Balam and Manon from the right.

Manon( Looking disgusted at Balam and to Areva): Hello Areva. How were your results?

Areva( To Manon): I passed in everything.
Manon: I’m glad.

Areva: Yes and to celebrate I’m going out tonight to a restaurant. Will you be coming mama?
Manon: Yes, that would be nice.

Balam( To Manon): I’ll pick you up at eight then?
Manon( To Areva): Yes, he can pick me up at eight. See you there.

Manon leaves stage to the right.

Balam( To Manon): I’ll see you tonight Mrs Tolzonka.( To Areva): When do you think your mother will stop looking at me as if I am a cockroach?

Areva: She’ll never warm up to you but I’m sure she’ll get used to you.

Areva begins to cry in happiness.

Balam: What is wrong? You okay?

Areva( Smiling): Yes I’m okay. Oh god I’m so happy! Oh Balam I love you! Oh I love you!

Areva kisses Balam. Balam kisses Areva back.

Lights down.

The End

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