Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/836112-Chapter-17
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2021930
The battle between Muslim vampire hunters and Volpone, the vampire
#836112 added December 13, 2014 at 3:31pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 17

Scene 3

Lights up

On stage is Abaddon and Hecate. They battle Muslims. Abaddon battles with his fists. Hectate is flying around on her broomstick and is throwing knives. Abaddon and Hecate kill the Muslims.

Enter Hakim and Ruqqayya. Hakim has the samurai sword

Hakim and Ruqqayya say surah 113

Abaddon screams in pain.

Hecate: May day! May day!

Hecate leaves stage to the right.

Abaddon( To Hakim and Ruqqaya): Cor what a pair of Muslims! Shame I won't be having any more ladies to have sexy time with eh?

Ruqqayya hits Abaddon with the bat and kills him.

Lights down

Lights down

On stage is Hecate flying about on her broomstick.

Hecate: finally regained control!

Enter Ruqqaya and Hakim. Ruqqayya throws the bat at Hecate. Hecate falls off her broom. She takes out a knife.

Ruqqayya and hakim say surah 113.

Hecate screams and charges at Ruqqayya. Hakim shoots Hecate in the chest.

Hecate runs and stabs Ruqqayyah in the belly.

Hakim shoots Hecate in the head and kills her.

Ruqqayya: Damn witch had me there! Let's carry on!

Hakim: You're too wounded!

Ruqqayya: it doesn't matter. I can see Astarte there! let's go!

Ruqqayya is about to run but vampires and zombies enter from right. Ruqqayya and Hakim battle the vampires and kill the vampires and zombies but are heavily injured.

Hakim: I've been bitten by a zombie!

Ruqayya: Let's carry on and kill Astarte! I see she has her necromancers with her! We kill them and we'll win!

Ruqqayya runs off-stage to the right. Hakim quickly follows.

Lights down

Scene 4

Lights up

On stage is Aamil and Astarte. they are with three necromancers.

Necromancer 1( To Astarte): Your majesty! The zombies have risen and are fighting well against the Mohammedians!

Astarte( To Aamil): I feel my magic going now. The sin monsters are dead and Abaddon and Hecate must be dead as well. I am becoming a normal human, with Hecate dead vampirism has just died out

Aamil( To Astarte): We should escape Astarte. it doesn't look good, without your magic you'll never survive this.

Astarte( to Aamil): I never intended to survive. I want to die but I wanted my people to feel joy before they went. My life has been so pointless. It has been a waste! All I've done is kill Muslims, destroy lives and cause chaos. I hate those monsters but they are my friends and like I they suffer, they live in misery but as they die they feel joy at killing muslims. I just wanted to give them that before we die and wait to go to hell.

Aamil( To Astarte): it doesn't have to be like this!

Astarte( To Aamil): I know you killed Wrath but I forgive you. I loved my father but no one should live like this. Life is so meaningless.

Aamil( To Astarte): I love you! I love you Astarte! We can escape right now and start a new life together. A halal life. We could get married and live the rest of our natural lives together as husband and wife and muslims!

Astarte( To Aamil): But I'm so evil. I deserve to die. i could never be Muslim.

Aamil: If you become a Muslim your sins will be forgiven! You can re-start over again!

Astarte: re-start? That would be nice! Are you sure? If i become Muslim my sins are forgiven?

Aamil: yes!

Enter Ruqqayya and Hakim.

Ruqqayya and Hakim. Hakim and Ruqqaya kill the necromancers.

Ruqqayya( To Astarte): Die infidel!

Ruqqayya charges at Astarte.

Aamil defends Astarte and is hit on the arm by Ruqqayya.

Ruqqayya( To Aamil): Get the heck out of my way fool!

Hakim attempts to attack Astarte with the samurai sword. Aamil stands in his way.

Hakim( To Aamil): What the heck are you doing!?

Aamil( To Hakim): Astarte is harmless now! She is a human. Her magic is gone since all the sin monsters and Abaddon are dead and she is no longer a vampire due to Hecate being dead! So let her escape!

Ruqqayya( To Aamil): never! I'll never let her go! Because of her Max was killed by a vampire!

Hakim( To Aamil): Nuaym and Mcdougal were blown to bits! They're in pieces!

Aamil( To Hakim and Ruqqayya): If they died fighting devil worshipers then they are martyrs! They will have a high place in the after life in sha Allah. Astarte is moving towards Islam. She wants to change. If you kill her now she will go to hell so please I'm begging you, give her a chance.

Ruqqayya( To Aamil): No! No! Too many have died! Too many!

Hakim( To Ruqqayya): Let them go.

Ruqqayya( To Hakim): What!?

Hakim( To Ruqqayya) : We've killed Hecate and we saw Nuaym kill Astarte's pride monster and Mcdougal and Nuaym took the rest of the sin monsters with them to the grave so everything Aamil is saying is true( To Aamil and Astarte) Get out of here now!

Astarte and Aamil leave stage to the right

Ruqqayya( To Hakim): What do we do now?

Enter monsters.

Hakim( To Ruqqayya): Cleanse this land of devil scum!

Lights down

Lights up

On stage is Ruqqayya and Hakim.

Both are bleeding to an extreme degree.

Dead monsters are around them. There is a knife near them.

Hakim and Ruqqayya are holding each other on the floor

Hakim: I- I suppose this is the end. It... a shame really... we never had time to... have those children... we wanted to make...

Ruqqayya: Oh Hakim! I'm... Sure they would have been healthy and happy children.... I would... have looked after the house.... I'd take them to school in.... the morning... I would make them... packed lunches and you'd say your greetings to them before going to work....

Hakim: yes, it would have... been nice... I'm sure of that... Ruqqayya... remember I was bitten by a zombie so kill me... would be a good idea... I think.. listen for screaming sounds...

Ruqqayya: I will... I'll stop you becoming a zombie. We... Wouldn't want you to hurt someone as... a zombie now... Maybe you are... not infected since we did kill the necromancers soon after you were bitten..... not like you going to infect other people if you become one... magic too weak with no necromancers....

Hakim: I... I don't want to risk hurting anyone.... I....I don't want to wander around like some sort of half dead corpse.... Remember.... Right in the heart...

Ruqqayya: Yes.

Hakim: We'll never.... get that farm now... shame... would have been good to make a farm wife out of you.... I can't see you anymore.... love you......

Hakim dies.

Ruqqayya grabs the knife and places it near Hakim's heart. Screaming sounds are heard. Ruqqayya stabs Hakim through the heart.

Screaming sound continues then stops.

Ruqqayya( Sobbing): Oh Hakim.... Oh my husband.... This is so painful.... oh darling!

Ruqqayya dies.

Lights down

Lights up

On stage Is Ruqqayya and Hakim dead and holding each other and surrounded by dead monsters.. Adab is sobbing. Dr Rashid is looking at Hakim and Ruqqayya.

Rashid: I'm glad we won but look at the cost. Nuaym, Wallace, Mcdougal, Lust, Gluttony, Max, Hakim, Ruqqayya, Gwynfor and so many others have died to take down Volpone's satanic coven alliance.

Adab: It was worth it! Definitely! Oh Ruqqayya! Oh Hakim!

Rashid: We won. Volpone's evil will harm no one anymore. The vampires just suddenly became human and the magic users are currently being executed. They sacrificed themselves so that we can continue spreading the truth that is Islam. May Allah make us as brave and successful as all who died fighting devil worshipers today, Ameen

Adab: Ameen

End of Act 5
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