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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2021930
The battle between Muslim vampire hunters and Volpone, the vampire
#836109 added December 13, 2014 at 3:26pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 15
Scene 2

Lights up

On stage is Max,Sheik Nuaym, Ruqqayya and Hakim . Hakim and Ruqqayya stand by Max.

Nuaym( To Hakim): Your arguments in defence of your brother in law, have been logical, precise and strong. ( To everyone) I have thought and deliberated upon what occurred and I have made a judgement based on the evidence. ( To Max) Max ibn Ali, you have a propensity for sodomy, you have visited male prostitutes and according to the photos released by the satanist Aleister have drunk alcohol. I shall not sentence you to stoning due to there being no four witnesses who saw you in the action of practising sodomy at the time. You were in a very weak position and could have fallen for La Gey's blackmail but you bravely declined his foul offer. For that reason I shall be lenient and sentence you to a fine of thousand pounds and you shall attend extra Quran memorization lessons and attend treatment with Dr Rashid for your tendency towards sodomy. May my judgement be correct and may Allah agree with my sentence Ameen.

Sheik Nuaym leaves the stage to the right.

Ruqqayya( To Max): I told you things will be fine! You worried about so much stresses you bro!

Hakim( To Max): That's good.

Max( To Hakim and Ruqqayya): hey, thanks for your help guys.

Ruqqayya( To Max): of course we'd help! We're your family!

Max: Well, I better go and visit Dr Rashid then.

Ruqqayya: yeah, you go and get fixed bro.

Max leaves stage to the left.

Hakim: Woman, do you want to go to that woods you wanted to see? I think today is a very nice day for it. It's been a while since we had some time like that together.

Ruqqayya: True, yes, I'll go with you "man".

Hakim: Ha. I'm glad I married a feisty woman like you.

Lights down

Scene 3

Lights up

On stage is Hakim and Ruqqayya.

Ruqqayya: Oh! Oh Did you see that squirrel!? Oh it's so cute!

Hakim: Yeah, they are strange looking things when I think about it. Beautiful though.

Ruqqayya: This is a wonderful world Allah has created for us. I love animals.

Hakim: Maybe after all the business with Aleister and Astarte is over, maybe we could get a farm and go live on it?

Ruqqayya: That's a great idea Hakim! Oh, we could keep lambs and goats and chickens!

Hakim: That'll be magnificent. We'll live on our farm with our children and we'll be happy In sha Allah.

Ruqqayya: In sha Allah.

Lights down

Lights up

Scene 4

On stage is Astarte. She wears a green dress which has blood stains over it. She has a bottle of alcohol with her. Astarte drinks from the bottle. Astarte is drunk. Astarte sits on a couch.

Enter Aamil from the right.

Aamil: Astarte? Drinking gain?

Astarte: yes, I'm drinking again! May the gods fill me with wine I say!

Aamil takes away the bottle and places it on the floor.

Astarte: My father loved this drink! Drink! Drink and drink!

Aamil: Let's get you to bed. You are in a mess right now so you need some sleep for the meeting later.

Astarte: To heck with the meeting! I don't care! Aleister can piss off!

Aamil: Come on now Astarte. Stand up.

Astarte: Aamil honey, can you just hold me?

Aamil: sure.

Aamil holds Astarte close to him.

Astarte sobs in his arms.

Lights down

Scene 5

Lights up

On stage is Ruqqayya and Hakim.

They are sitting at a table with on seats and are eating a meal.

Ruqqayya: I've always wondered about why string instruments are disallowed in the straight path, you ever wonder?

Hakim: I asked your father about string instruments and other musical items and he told me that it's a waste of time but music without music and haram things being promoted is fine. music apparently distracts from the Quran

Ruqqayya: And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.

Hakim: that's Quran surah 30 verse 21

Ruqqayya nods.

Ruqqayya: Yes, it is such a beautiful verse. I had a rebellious phase when I was a teenager and behaved badly. I used to not turn up to Quran class and I hung around bad people. Being a sheik's daughter put pressure on me and I wanted out.

Hakim: It's a good thing you rebelled or we'd have never met. I remember when I met you like it was yesterday.

Ruqqayya: Oh yes, I though you were such a rude boy.

Hakim: Rude? You called me vile names and slapped me.

Ruqqayya( Laughing): oh yes! I was so astray back then.

Hakim laughs with Ruqqayya.

Ruqqayya( Sadly): Its a shame I didn't get to spend much time with father. He's gone now and that's one thing I regret the most.

Hakim: You'll get to meet him again the after life in sha Allah.

Ruqqayya: In sha Allah

Enter Stephen.

Stephen( To Ruqqayya): Yo muzzie!

Hakim( Calmly To Stephen): Hello there good sir, what do you want?

Stephen( To Hakim): Why yo friend there wearing a bin bag!?

Hakim( To Ruqqayya) Would you like to explain away?

Ruqqayya(Calmly To Stephen): Well sir, I wear this clothing because I want to be modest and believe only my husband should see my body.

Stephen( To Ruqqayya): You oppressed by Iraqi law man!

Ruqqayya: I am not iraqi and I am a muslim lady thus I am free under Islamic law not iraqi law.

Hakim( To Stephen): Anything more you wish to inquire? I have a quran I can give you?

Stephen( To Hakim): no way Muzzie!

Stephen leaves stage to the right.

Ruqqayya: I dislike people like that.

Hakim: Glad you kept your temper in check.

Ruqqayya: You're right, like you said if I don't react by losing my temper things go smoother.

Hakim: Glad you agree.

Lights down

Scene 6

Lights up

On stage is Astarte. She holds Volpone's skull in her hand.

Astarte( To audience): To be or not to be, that is the question! Wether its more satanic to eat the flesh of Muslims or to simply commit suicide? Is it worth it to battle the Mohammedians? Oh how I seek my own destruction! Oh the pain I feel! The sadness! Am I to be queen of vampires? If I am why would I seek it? Vengeance? Is it truly worth it? This satanic life is not so joyous anymore without you father. Oh how I enjoyed that night we attacked the church and ate Christian flesh! Oh such fun! My darkened soul yearns to be free of this chain that attaches me to your legacy father yet I doubt, I love you yet is there not more to life?

Enter Aamil from right.

Aamil: Astarte, they are ready to receive your presence.

Astarte: They are ready, I see. Tell me Aamil, what it like to be a Mohammedian?

Aamil: It's hard but comforting, it helps with life, its good to submit to Allah.

Astarte: Comforting? My father has been dead for a week now and I've never felt so lost in my life. My mentor Satanica is also gone and I seek vengeance but it seems a bit pointless now.

Aamil: vengeance is unhealthy.

Astarte: Maybe. Why do you stay if you still consider yourself a Mohammedian?

Aamil: Because I love you.

Astarte: Love? You truly love me and that is why you have stopped attempting to escape?

Aamil: Yes.

Astarte: That is very glorious! Oh Aamil I was not sure before, even after you helped me search for Hakim so valiantly! I loved how you protected me from that Mohammedian even though i do not need the protection! Oh Aamil!

Lights down

Lights up

On stage is Hecate, Abaddon and Aleister. Abaddon is dressed in woman's clothing.

Hecate( To Aleister): My witchy jinn heart is fascinated by you Aleister! This new body of yours is gorgeous!

Aleister( To Hecate): Thank you Hecate. I must admit that I am alleged to be a cruel monster but the way you left Volpone was simply harsh.

Hecate: A woman scorned shall not help! I loved him and he rejected me after all I did for him!

Abaddon( To Hecate): A woman scored? More like a bitch I'd say!

Hecate( To Abaddon): Thou rude hellish stinky jinni! At least my witchy heart is able to connect with love!

Abaddon: Love? Love is overrated! What you need my good friend is some ale, flogging and some sodomy!

Aleister( To Abaddon): Get me a nice looking fellow and I'll enjoy that!

Abaddon( To Aleister): You can have my arse and make me squeal like a pig!

Aleister( To Abaddon): Ah no thanks. No offense my good gentleman but you are one hideous fellow!

Abaddon: That's what your mother said!

Aleister: Did she now? Never knew my mother had such an interest in ugly old men.

Abaddon: Well, she had a real interest in me!

Hecate( To Abaddon): I remember that first orgy we had together. He took me like a mad donkey in heat!

Abaddon( To Hecate): Ah yes! He took me last and did I squeal!

Aleister looks surprised at Abaddon.

Aleister( To Abaddon): Volpone? You and Volpone actually?

Abaddon: Oh yeah!

Aleister looks nauseous.

Aleister: No wonder he had no interest in me! You put him off manly buttocks for the rest of his life!

Hecate( To both): Where is Astarte!? No manners that woman! Turning up late! I do not like to wait!

Abaddon( To Hecate): Must be with that boyfriend of hers! Cor it must be good to be young! Wish she'd allow me to posses her pet so I could fornicate with her!

Hecate( To Abaddon): Do not be greedy! Share!

Enter Astarte and Aamil from the left.

Astarte wears a cloak and has a crown.

Astarte( To Hecate, Abaddon and Aleister): I am queen Astarte! Vampiress of doom! Champion of Witchcraft! Eater of Pork! Killer of Mohammedians and endless hatred towards Allah!

Hecate( To Abaddon): Someone likes drama!

Astarte( To Hecate): What must I do to gain the powers my father had?

Hecate( To Astarte): Nothing! You have accepted satan as your master so all you must do is accept the energy I and Abaddon give you! We have already captured seven people to become sin monsters! We are ready to carry out the satanic rituals! ( To Aleister) Begin!

Aleister chants satanic words. Screams are heard. Enter foul jinnis from right and left. Foul jinnis march around.

Foul jinnis: Woo! Ah! Astarte! Oh Astarte! Queen of falsehood and spreader of false doctrines! Woo! Ah! Oh yeah!

Jinnis leave stage to right and left.

Aleister: Amo sodomiticum! Da mihi effeminatos! Indiget ingenii mei asinum!

Enter vampire. Vampire gives sword to Abaddon.

Abaddon takes the sword.

Abaddon( To Astarte): Oh great witchy bloodsucker! You shall become the new sin spreader! Queen of Vampires!

Abaddon puts the sword above Astarte's shoulder. Astarte goes on her knees.

Abaddon: I pronounce thee Majesty of bloodsucking! Sultana of ass-kicking! Queen of fornication! And holy bootylicious babe of doom!

Screams are heard. Astarte screams.

Astarte stands up.

Astarte: I feel power! great power coursing through my veins! Power! Oh the power! I feel amazing! Oh I feel majestic! I feel the maghicks!

Hecate( To Astarte): Would you like to meet the sin monsters?

Astarte( To Hecate): I feel so good! I feel so evil! Evil is live spelled backwards! I have no patience to meet the monsters yet! ( To Aamil) Come to bed with me right now Aamil! I am in mood for you to take me like a demoniac in mad heat!

Astarte and Aamil leave stage to the left.

Hecate( To Abaddon): Aww! I wanted an orgy!

Aleister( To Hecate): That man must be quite a charmer.

Abaddon( To Hecate): What a shame! The new vampire monarch it seems will not be as lewd as Volpone was!

Lights down.

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