Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/836102-Chapter-9
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2021930
The battle between Muslim vampire hunters and Volpone, the vampire
#836102 added December 13, 2014 at 3:14pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 9
Scene 9

Lights up

On stage is Astarte and Abaddon. On stage on the floor is Gwynfor's dead body. Abaddon is dressed like a woman.

Abaddon: How are you your vampireness?

Astarte: Very good you stinking jinn! How are you Abaddon?

Abaddon: As fine as a jinni can be! I have news for you! The jinni Astaroth wishes to meet.

Astarte: Astaroth? That is interesting! Does he wish to empower me with maghicks?

Abaddon: I have no clue dearie.

Astarte( looking at Gwynfor's body): And why is Gwynfor's body here?

Abaddon: Because Aleister La Gey right before he had his head cut off sent a magical message to me.

Astarte: Really?

Abaddon: Use your basic second and third initiative spells and use it on this body.

Astarte: Okay. Amo Pullum! Amo Pullum! Amo Pullum! Amo Pullum!

Frightful screams are heard. Smokes appears from the left.

Astarte: Well?

Abaddon: Go closer to him.

Astarte leans over and looks closer at the body.

Voice of Aleister: I have returned!

Astarte( To Abaddon): Was that La Gey's voice I just heard?

Aleister possesses Gwynfor's body.

Aleister-Gwynfor( Sits up and shouting to Astarte): IT'S SODOMY TIME!

Astarte jumps back in surprise.

Astarte( To Aleister): You did that deliberately you prick!

Abaddon( To Astarte): Don't mention pricks to this one or we'll be here all night.

Aleister( Moving around in a camp fashion To Abaddon): This body is nice and younger than my previous body! I've never done this before. I was unsure if it would be a success but I am here in my wonderfully sodomite self! I shall need an eye patch though since that missing eye is not fabulous at all!

Astarte( To Aleister): How did you survive?

Aleister( To Astarte): I transferred my living essence into my werewolf body so when I was decapitated I did not die but transformed into sludge and I was rescued by Abaddon. I told Abaddon of how Gwynfor is dead. Before the Scotsman cut off my head he had stated Gwynfor was a great exorcist not is so I guessed his body would be someplace. I thought it would be fabulously scandalous if a sodomite kuffar like I possessed their beloved Gwynfor!

Astarte( To Abaddon): So that is why you wished for his body! I just thought you wished to make a new lampshade!

Aleister: You young lady have a future ahead of you! You will become the greatest witch vampire you can be! So I tell you now, go to the temple of Astaroth and receive great magicks!

Abaddon( To Astarte): You are your father's seed lovie! With you at the helm the Mohammedians stand no chance. Hail satan!

Aleister: hail satan

Astarte: hail satan! I shall go then. I shall tell my father and I will leave to the temple!

Astarte leaves to the left.

Lights down.

Scene 10

Lights up

On stage is a table. he sits at a table on a seat. A whiskey bottle is on the table near a cup. Max is drinking a cup of whiskey.

Enter James.

James: What the heck are you doing?

Max: Playing football, what do you think I'm doing huh?

James: It's haram to drink whiskey you fool!

Max: We all do haram things sometimes. With my father dead and my sister gone running around with Hakim I think I'll have a drink thanks!

James: Sheik Ali would be ashamed to see you drink alcohol.

Max: Yeah well he's dead!

Max cries.

Max: I have more sins to worry about than drinking whiskey man!

James: Ah man. Listen, let's get you to bed man I-

Max stands up.

Max: No. I'm going for a walk.

James: I'll come with you.

Max: No. I want to be alone.

Max walks off stage to the right.

Lights down.

Lights up

On stage is a man named Travis.

A man passes by from left of stage

Travis( To Man): Hey sweet stuff. I'm available for 160 pounds.

Man: No tonight dude.

Man leaves stage to right.

Enter Max from left.

Travis: Hey there Max.

Max gives Travis 160 pounds.

Max: I'll hire you Travis.

Travis: Sure, your my favorite customer.

Max: Sure.

Travis grabs Max's hand and they walk to the right.

Lights down

Lights up

On stage is a bed. Travis is in bed sleeping. Max is sitting on the bed. He looks troubled. Lights concentrate on Max.

Max( To Audience): My father is gone and with Ruqqayya running around with Hakim i feel completely alone. How could you sis!? Father's body wasn't even cold and you run off to hunt vampires! Couldn't you have waited for the funeral? Ah damn! I've done it again! I can't help it. I need it. What is wrong with a little bit of alcohol and sodomy? I-I'll stop this time. I won't do it again. That's what I said last time though. Ah damn what should I do!?

Max looks troubled and sobs.

Lights down


{Hakim poem to Ruqqayya before marriage.

If love was a palace,

A palace there would be for you.

My princess,

My wonderful one.

A road to be journeyed,

A road with delight at its end.

You are the delight and beauty,

At the end of the road.

I love thee,

oh how I love thee!

May you,

My Princess.

One day,

Become my Queen.


And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought. ( Quran 30:21)

Scene 11

Lights up

On stage is Wallace. He is inspecting Aleister La Gey's werewolf head.

Wallace( To himself): Fascinating! Truly fascinating! The first werewolf specimen that I have come across!

Enter Ruqqayya and Hakim from the right.

Hakim( To Wallace): So tell me Mr Wallace, what have you been doing in this area? This is quite a mansion here.

Wallace( To Hakim): I live here for now boy. This mansion belonged to my uncle before he sadly passed away. The reason I am currently here is because satanic goings are occurring here.

Ruqqayya( To Wallace): Looks like to me that someone has let the devil cockroaches spread a bit too much.

Wallace( To Ruqqayya): Indeed I have. The Muslim hunters have been ordered to ignore this area. The plan is to allow many into the area then when a leader arrives we attack.

Hakim( To Wallace): Who has this territory?

Wallace( To Hakim): Here is a clue. She is promiscuous, spreads fornication and calls people sugar.

Ruqqayya and Hakim( At same time): Lust.

Wallace( To Hakim): Where is the Scotsman?

Hakim( To Wallace): He is feeling ill. he thinks he may have caught a bug or some other thing from Japan. He is resting.

Wallace: I have heard of what happened in Japan. Those damned jinni scoundrels! The Japanese managed to kill Greed so there are only three sin monsters left.

Ruqqayya( To Wallace): Wrath, Lust and Gluttony.

Wallace( Finishes inspecting the head to Hakim and Ruqqayya): Tell me you spring chickens, do you have any Anti-Vampire medicine with you?

Ruqqayya( To Wallace): No. We run out of it all.

Wallace: I have more with I. We'll take some.

Hakim: I remember when I had to take that stuff. It was hell man.

Wallace: Ah yes I heard about that.

Ruqqayya: What will we do about this foul fornicatress in this town?

Wallace: Kill her.

Hakim: Sounds like a good idea to me.

Wallace: I believe we shall do that soon but currently we must keep hidden until reinforcements arrive.

Lights down.

Scene 12

Lights up

On stage is Lust. She stands near Gluttony.

Gluttony: Me hungry!

Lust: Behave Gluttony! I just gave you a gallon of Muslim blood to drink!

Gluttony: But I want chocolate!

Lust: We'll get you chocolate later! Do you smell any Muslims here?

Gluttony: Yep, yep but me not smell any Muslim that hunt and kill Vampires or devils.

Lust: I'm sure the report stated that they saw Muslim hunters in the area. All we have seen are normal Muslims but we have already corrupted them.

Enter Adab.

Adab: Hiya Chalamydia.

Lust: Hello sugar! I've found you a boyfriend.

Adab: Really? Oh coolio! Thanks Chlamydia your such a good friend!

Lust( Calling to the left): Oi! Damian! Come here you handsome devil!

Enter Damian from the left.

Damian( To Lust): Yes madame?

Lust( To Damian): Show miss Adab here a good time will you?

Damian( To Adab): Hello there Adab, my what a fine beauty you are.

Adab( To Damian): Oh how charming!

Damian and Adab leave stage to left.

Gluttony: Yuck! Sex, sex and sex is all some people care about! Me care about food!

Lust: You don't say sugar. Hmmm.... I cannot find any hunters here! What should I do?

Gluttony: Eat cake?

Lust: Eat cake? I need to keep my lusty figure Gluttony!

Gluttony: Some men like fat woman.

Lust: that is true indeed! ( Looking gloomy) Gluttony, what do you think about all this hon? Hunting these muzzies?

Gluttony: Me not know. Me just follow orders and fill belly. Muslims my enemy.

Lust: I wish Master Volpone would treat me better.

Gluttony( looking angry): Volpone bad man! He hit you when you make mistake! It not right! I not like Volpone! He bad!

Lust looks to the left.

Lust: I enjoy fornication. I really enjoyed Adab but I feel bad about what I did to that sweet creature. What is this feeling? Is it? No-it cannot be! Is it guilt? am I feeling guilty?

Gluttony: Guilt? Is that type of chocolate?

Lust: no, its an emotion we feel. I need to stop Damian right now! Come Gluttony!

Lust and Gluttony leave stage to the left.

Scene 13

On stage is Adab and Damian.

Damian: So there you have it. There's nothing wrong with some fun!

Adab: Oh ok.

Damian: So how was Chlamydia?

Adab: oh Chlamydia has been great. She is soo nice.

Enter Filthy from the right.

Filthy: Is this the one I'll be possessing?

Adab looks shocked at Filthy.

Damian: Yes.

Enter Lust from the left with gluttony.

Lust( To Gluttony); Kill Damian and Filthy hon.

Gluttony kills Damian.

Filthy( To Lust): damned traitor!

Gluttony kills filthy.

Lust( To Adab): We need to leave right now sugar.

Adab( To Lust): W-what the heck was-

Lust: No time to explain honey! Let's go!

Lust grabs Adab's hand.

Gluttony( To Lust): I want food! I want to eat Filthy!

Lust( To Gluttony): Only the hands then. Be quick about it! We'll meet you outside!

Lust and Adab leave to the left.

Gluttony: Yum! Yum! Jinni meat to fill my tum!

Lights down.

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