I have posted my response to MHWA Mental Health Challenge and other items to this journal. |
Jamal (Beauty), 15 Qawl (Speech), 171 BE - Sunday, December 7, 2014 Day 68 of My 95-Day Gratitude Challenge "Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation." Brian Tracy This evening I am grateful that I live in Las Vegas where we set our clocks to Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time depending on the time of the year. This means that I can log onto writing.com at 9:00 pm in Las Vegas and it is 12:00 midnight writing.com time. Talking and laughter echoes through apartment walls on Saturday night. This morning I am grateful that I have 256,344 GPs in my Gift Points account. To purchase a 3-mont premium membership I need 243,156 GPs. To purchase a 6-month premium membership I need 593,156 GPs. I sip hot coffee eat golden cream filled sponge cakes breakfast on Sunday. This morning I am grateful for hot coffee and Hostess Twinkies because they make a good first breakfast on a cool late autumn Sunday morning. cool autumn morning the birds shivering in their nest winter is coming This morning I am grateful that I had a cucumber in the refrigerator that I could peel and slice for my Sunday snack. I checked cucumbers on FoodFacts.com and it shows that they have 76mg of potassium, which is on my low potassium diet plan. Eat cucumbers sliced with a dash of Mrs. Dash a good morning snack. This morning I am grateful that my Bank of America checking account is no overdrawn. Gratitude is the attitude of thankfulness practiced everyday. This afternoon I am grateful for cafe mocha made with chocolate flavored Ovaltine. Sunny afternoon with children playing outside brings back memories. This afternoon I am thankful for the scriptures revealed by Baha'u'llah because they help me deal with the stress I feel when confronted with tests. I know I have the power to deal with the tests because Baha'u'llah say that God does not burden any soul beyond its ability to deal with the tests and difficulties that confront it. "...God hath never burdened any soul beyond its power." Baha'u'llah I cause most of my worry and stress myself because of procrastination. I have to learn to take action immediately rather then put off things off. If I would just take action of some type then most of my problems would be solved without too much difficulty. At least, this is what I think at the moment. I am grateful for the lessons that I have learned now I need to apply them. I need to celebrate the small victories in my life because it helps me see where I am making progress. A quiet evening I do not hear the neighbors through apartment walls. I am grateful that sometimes I do surveys rather then playing computer games. I need to work on this aspect of procrastination. If I am going to procrastinate then I need to do something that will earn me some money. "I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self." Aristotle |