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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/835381-Favorite-Christmas-Activities
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#835381 added December 4, 2014 at 11:50am
Restrictions: None
Favorite Christmas Activities

Prompt: Create a Top Ten List of your favorite Christmas activities. Your favorite should be #1.


1. Listening to Bach, Corelli, and Vivaldi on Christmas Eve.

2. Watching people be nice to each other and wishing they would carry it throughout the year, but ALAS!

3. Poinsettias and wreaths…giving them as gifts and hanging a wreath of holly on the door

4. Watching children on Santa’s lap in the mall

5. New York City during Christmas time, even if I am not there anymore to wander around.

6. Seeing everyone’s Christmas trees with their family-specific ornaments on them

7. The Christmas tree on Rockefeller Center, walking through FAO Schwartz’s toy store, and if you have never been there, here’s a YouTube video, although it doesn’t do it enough justice.

8. Egg-nog although I can’t drink it anymore at my age.

9. People making Christmas cookies, jams, handmade items and giving them as gifts instead of squishing others to buy stuff

10. Amish ginger cookies, German Pfeffernüsse, Bavarian Springerle, French meringues, Scillian Fig cookies…There’s more, but I’m enlarged far too much sideways already, just by the mention of them.

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