I have posted my response to MHWA Mental Health Challenge and other items to this journal. |
Istijlal (Majesty), 12 Qawl (Speech), 171 BE - Thursday, December 4, 2014 Day 65 of My 95-Day Gratitude Challenge "Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation." Brian Tracy This afternoon I am grateful that I can print items off my e-mail for $0.10 a page. This is a big help because my printer is still not working properly. This afternoon I am thankful that I was able to print the contract off with Windham at the library for $0.80. I took the money out of my laundry change to pay for it. This afternoon I am grateful that I did not get a ticket this morning when the police officer stopped me because someone stole the little sticker off my tag. I did not have the proper insurance card. This afternoon I give thanks that I was able to call my State Farm agent and have one of the associates e-mail me a copy. I had it printed off at the library and when the printer is working I will print off a color copy. This afternoon I am grateful that it only cost me $5.00 to get a copy of the sticker I needed for my tag. This afternoon I am thankful that it only cost me $9.75 to fax the items to Windham Professionals and that I was able to use my debit card. This evening I am grateful that the $ 10.00 from PayPal hit my checking account today. At least that covers $ 10.00 of the extra items that came out of the account so far this month. This evening I am thankful that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn. This evening I am grateful that I had dry cereal to eat with my soup because I was out of crackers. I like to have crackers or something in my soup so the dry cereal worked out nicely. This evening I am thankful for strong hot coffee. This evening I am grateful for the rain we have received in Las Vegas the past few days. |