I will share the many thoughts that invade my introspective soul. |
I look at the whole idea of gift and can take it any number of directions. At the base of it all is knowing that we are all gifts of God. I say often enough what we do with the giftedness is our gift back to God. From then on I find myself digressing into moments where I have experienced the word "gift" in one way or another. I realize the importance of time, being listened to and cared for. I also realize the gift of writing a story or singing a song that comes from a deep place. Christmas disappoints me as it relates to gift in taking eyes off the gift God sent, a scandal. Who would think a baby could be a solution to the problem of sin. material gifts can serve as a symbol. Since divorcing as much as ten years ago, I remember the Christmas in which my older son confronted me with my passion to want to give my kids gifts whether I got anything at all. My favorite Christmas was when I became a gift. I pray that I might find ways to express the gift that God has created us to be in relationship and in a spirit of acceptance. I am loved for who I am and not for who others want me to be. |