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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#834483 added November 20, 2014 at 9:09am
Restrictions: None
Unicorns and Dragons, Food Choices & Living Out on my Own
Today's blogs...

Blog City – Day 262

Prompt: What would life be like if unicorns and dragons really existed?

Hallucinogens central. Yikes! But hey, whatever floats your boat. So let's see a world with unicorns and dragons. Well, I could see a lot of little girls wanting their own unicorn instead of a horse; though I am thinking unicorns would prefer the warmer climates so the don't have to take their horns into shelters.

As for dragons we would need a new legion of dragon slayers. Or dragon trainers, depending on whether you see them as friend or foe.
Airplane travel would take on a new level of traffic control. The concern of flying into dragon territory.... or perhaps we would not need airplanes at all if we trained our dragons...

This is all too heady for me... I am going back to my contemporary love story, where the only villains are petty bitches whose jealousy is a vile green slime...

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Forty Eight

3. When it comes to the food you eat, how much attention do you pay to where and how it was produced? Do you buy organic vegetables? Do you turn your nose up at battery farmed chicken? Tell us how much your conscience affects your grocery shopping.

If it was not for Dr. Oz I would probably remain oblivious to food concerns. The new thing is arsenic in rice - with brown rice being the worst culprit. Apparently if you rinse it first and cook it like you do spaghetti, but using extra water and pouring off the excess you can reduce your consumption of arsenic. Also buying rice from India, California and one other place is ok - but not China. Those places have lower levels of arsenic in their soil to leach into the rice.

The more we ruin our earth with our disrespect the more we are killing each other. It is sad to know everything will eventually get us... but it probably has always been that way. Ignorance is bliss... not sure about that.

Veggies with thick skin is fine... so much to know. I find I just try to make sensible choices and not be too traumatized by the in pouring of these details. It could make you crazy if you let it.

7. How old were you when you moved out on your own? What did you find the hardest? What did you appreciate the most? If you haven't left home, tell us what is stopping you, what you're looking forward to about it and/or what makes you hesitant to move out.

Leaving home for me came when my mother decided to sell our house. I was in university, she had married the fall before and was living in Kitchener. She and her new husband were going to buy a new place together and the need to keep a Guelph address was no longer a concern. My grandfather had also passed away in our home the December before so it was time.

Mom helped me apartment hunt and I found a nice little place at the other end of town. Given that my mother had moved out when I started university to be with her new husband my transition to 'moving out on my own' was probably not the usual one. With mom out of the house, I had roommates in the basement and my grandparents stayed with me from October to March for my first two years (?) of university. It was great. My grandparents were family central. Everyone came to visit them. I also got the occasional breakfast and some nights my Gramzie would come into the kitchen and ask if I was interested in ordering pizza. I would make the call, she would pay and my grandfather would gripe about eating pizza, then be the first to nab a slice. Life was good.

After my grandfather passed away (cancer), my Gramzie moved in with my Aunt and Uncle at the other end of town. Mom decided it was time to sell the house.

I had always been pretty independent so having my own place was fine by me. The hardest part? Was probably making sure I paid my rent on time. It would have been harder if I was completely alone, but I had my cat with me and that made the transition pretty easy.

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