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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/832957-I-Dreamed-a-Dream
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#832957 added November 1, 2014 at 2:41pm
Restrictions: None
"I Dreamed a Dream..."
Prompt: If you had to get locked in some place (book store, grocery store, a church, amusement park, etc) overnight alone, where would you choose to be locked in?

*Bookopen* *Books5* *Bookstack2* *Bookstack3* *Books1**Books2* *Bookstack3* *Bookstack2* *Books5* *Bookopen*

I love this prompt because in my wildest day and night dreams I see myself locked up in our local library, which by the magic of imagination grows far and wide with more goodies—that is, books and related material.

In most of my recurring night dreams, I have my laptop with me, since I love listening to books on CDs while I peruse art and photography books. This also gives me the freedom to take notes and write, if I so desire. That kind of a night, I always wish would never end, and when I wake up in the morning, I don’t want to get out of bed although I am wide awake to face the day.

If such a thing could really happen, I would gladly volunteer for it, even though I may be sounding like a teen accepting her first invitation to a school dance. Now, who in the world thought I ever grew up?

In the dreams dictionary, the interpretation of finding oneself in a library is:

“To dream that you are in a library signifies your search for knowledge and your hunger for ideas. You may be trying to seek out new meanings to life. You need to study and evaluate your situation before taking action. If the library is disorganized, then it suggests that too much information is coming at you at the same time. You are having difficulty sorting it all out.

To dream that you cannot find a book in the library or that the book you are looking for is already checked out suggests that a certain aspect of your self is lacking enrichment or is under developed.

To see a library in your dream symbolizes the knowledge you have accumulated over the years.”


During sleep, I always find what I want in my well-organized library. Such a sweet dream, isn’t it!

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/832957-I-Dreamed-a-Dream