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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/832543-Five-Moments-and-Halloween
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#832543 added October 28, 2014 at 12:42pm
Restrictions: None
Five Moments and Halloween
Prompt: If your life flashed before your eyes, what are 5 moments you know would be included? Bonus points to the monthly blogging if you tie this in with Halloween.

There are many moments that will flash before my eyes, if such a thing could happen. But if I have choose any one special memory, it will be this: One evening on top of a hill overlooking the city with the full-moon and someone very dear to me. Those hours shine because we were together that night, heart and soul and poetry and literature. As Gaston Bachelard said, “Love is never finished expressing itself, and it expresses itself better, the more poetically it is dreamed.”

The second moment will be the day I went out to choose rings with my fiancé, now my husband. Third one, the day I was married. Fourth and fifth moments are the births of my children.

Funny thing is, when the five-moments question came up, these were the first five that suddenly rushed forth. After those, I remember the Halloween parties I used to give in my home for my sons and the neighborhood children. I suspect that we parents had more fun than the kids in those years.

Talking about Halloween, I bought the Halloween candy and treats yesterday, and already opened two of the big bags --for me *Blush*--, but then, who can resist KitKats and the like? Come Friday, I just hope, when the little ones in masks and costumes ring the doorbell, I’ll have enough candy left.

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