Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life. |
Today's blogs.... BLOG CITY – Day 238 Prompt: Unique Family Traditions: Do you have any or do you know of one done by another family. Do you feel tradition is important? I am trying to think of traditions that don't revolve around the holidays... those are more obvious traditions and most families devise some type of tradition to smooth over the onslaught of obligations that those holidays entail. If I think back to my childhood I could come up with one that I would consider it a tradition is the sense that most Sundays my mother and I would pack ourselves up and head out to my grandparent's farm. It was often the only day we took the car. In the summer, we often took a small brick of ice cream - vanilla, as my grandfather would eat no other flavour and ice cream was a treat for him. They did not have a freezer, or a fridge for that matter. Electricity was not at their farm. So the ice cream needed to be eaten right away. Gramzie would cut the block in four equal portions and we would each enjoy the tasty treat. Later, I would go for a walk to the creek with my grandfather and his dog, Laddy. Laddy would make dashes into the bush and when he would emerge he would have to run by us to catch up. He loved these walks but would only go with my grandfather. My mother got him to go once with us but she would get mad at him if he managed to catch any of the wildlife he was after, so he only did it once. The walk was usually Grandpa, me and Laddy. Grandpa would tell his stories and stop numerous times to light his pipe. At the bridge we would turn back. Dinner was often ready by the time we returned. In the winter we were confined to the indoors for the most part. The road was ploughed in from the highway further down because that way was shorter and the plough would only come as far as the mail box at Proud's Corner before heading back out. The other two roads were left blocked in by snow. My grandfather would make a little footpath out to the mailbox and his walks headed in that direction for the season. Not too bad. For a time there was at least a neighbour down that road and Grandpa ususally used their log house (also without electricity) as his turn around point - after a visit, of course. He did like to talk. Welcome To My Reality – Week Forty – Five 3. What is one school subject that you think is completely irrelevant in today's world? In a way, I would say Geography because much of that can be learned in internet searches and few people remember the details anyway. If you find it interesting you can look stuff up for yourself, if not you don't have to take the one elective in high school that was mandatory. All the geography teachers in our high school were odd - stuck in time warps. One wore those polyester pant suits that were a hit in the seventies - ten years out of date. Another treated his students like we were Kindergartners, which as 15 year olds was not cool. History could also fall into this category as well. We had to take one elective in each to graduate, but beyond that... not many people took any senior level classes. Although they were probably easier credits than maths and sciences. The topic covered above - for Blog City - could also fulfill prompt #4 - Share a happy childhood memory, as the farm was my happy place. It was a refuge from the things I will probably discuss when I tackle prompt #1 - The pivotal moment that helped shape my life. 30 Day Blogging Challenge So far nothing is posted... so I am going to go ahead with today's adventure. I will start off by being grateful for a sunny day that is expected to warm up to a decent temperature. Today I will post my Weekly goals as I usually do to the forum. Already I have accomplished my entry to week 9 of the I Write - September, October, November contest. I have not missed a week yet and with all the activities I have been doing, I have not had to do an activity that takes me away the ones I have signed on to do. For the Seasonal Endurance Challenge which is focusing on the Thirteen Days of Halloween, I am the only one that has been able to complete and submit my entries to the daily prompts on time. Of the ten or so people that signed on, many have forgotten or have fallen behind. The organizer has lowered the winnings for the overall contest, but has said anyone completing all prompts on time will get something special - I am working on that little gem - that and having accomplished the task is what makes it for me, but the bonus would be nice. |