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** Image ID #1802740 Unavailable ** PROMPT: Have you ever read a book in a single sitting/day? If so, describe the experience. If not, could you see yourself ever doing that? The short answer is no, I've never made it through an entire book in a single day or sitting. I've come close on several occasions, and to be fair I'm not counting things like bathroom breaks or grabbing a quick snack. I consider one sitting a span of time in which the reading isn't disrupted by any other activity of significant duration. Like running an errand, taking a break to do something else, sleeping, etc. One sitting, for me, is an uninterrupted span of time (bodily functions and sustenance needs notwithstanding) where your only focus is reading. The closest I've managed to get is reading a book in two or three sittings, and I've accomplished that with the following books: As I was trying to remember the books that I've powered through, I noticed that most of them are genre fiction (mostly mysteries/thrillers), and that there's only one nonfiction book on the list. I suppose that's because my power-reading sessions usually need a story to keep developing and keep me interested, whereas I typically read nonfiction for information... and there's only so much I can cram into my brain in one sitting before I need a break and to focus on something else. I suppose mysteries and thrillers are the easiest for me to get into and stay involved with because the best of them keep me guessing the entire time; like a serialized TV show, each chapter leaves me wondering what happens next and convinces me to just read one more chapter... just one more chapter... Although it's still possible that I'll be able to read a book in one sitting, it's becoming increasingly difficult to do because I don't often have an entire day that I can devote to reading without getting pulled into something else. I am reading more than ever now, but it's more often broken up into segments; I'll read a book over the course of a week while listening a little each day in the car. Or I'll read a few chapters of one thing and then get pulled into another book for a little while. If I'm ever going to reach the "finish a book in a single sitting" milestone, I think it'll probably have to be while I'm on vacation and if I happen to choose a book that really captures my interest and holds it. I don't think it's going to happen sitting on the couch on a lazy Sunday afternoon, or just because I picked up a book I've been eagerly anticipating. It's going to take a combination of factors; just like all of the books on this list did. They were all compelling books that I just happened to pick up at a time when I could afford to spend the majority of a day disappearing into their worlds. |