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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/831866-Losing-itwith-technology
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#831866 added October 21, 2014 at 11:40am
Restrictions: None
Losing it...with technology
Funny isn’t it, at about 10.30 A.M. in the morning just when I started to work on WdC and was about to write this entry, a weird sound like a car coming to a sudden halt was heard and we lost all electricity. First, I worried that something went amiss with the electrical system in the house, but the fuse box was intact. Then I remembered that FPL, our electric company, had alerted us about a month ago that they would be doing some repairs around our neighborhood, which would take at least six months. Concerning this blackout, I bet a worker made a booboo. Anyhow, nothing worked and I worried about not being able to stay too long on my laptop and without a connection to the internet.

To answer the prompt’s question, I don’t use tablets or smart phones all that much. I have a Kindle Fire, but compared to my other two Kindles and one Nook, it is the least used one. And the cell, I only use it to text my sons, to receive messages, and in an emergency, as I hate talking on the phone.

Yeah, my reading tablets have been a big help and it would be difficult to live without them, once I’ve become used to them, but then, the books in print would come to the rescue, and it wouldn’t be the end of the world. But if we lost electricity, that would be terrible, as everything in my house works with electricity. I would probably have to invest in camping gear and what have you.

Even then, people are adaptable. We survive anything as long as our loved ones are all right and our very basic needs are met. I think I would be okay if we lost some or all of the technology and manage to be happy once I adjust to the new norm.

By the way, electricity came back after 35 minutes, which meant going from room to room to adjust the clocks and what have you. As long as it is back, I can take this little inconvenience. Let’s hope we don’t lose our lights too often.


Prompt: If all tablets and smart phones ceased working, how much impact would this have on your daily life and routines?

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