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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/831465-Oh-That-Color-Orange
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#831465 added October 17, 2014 at 1:00pm
Restrictions: None
Oh, That Color Orange!
Beware the color orange!

It is a double-edged sword, since it is said to increase the craving for food through its stimulation of creativity and enthusiasm. Like I needed to be more enthusiastic about food… Yes, all those carotenes that beckon me to the kitchen and to the table: carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, oranges, melons, etc. I only wish that support of creativity could show itself in some other ways.

No wonder I keep wearing my new red-orange tee to the restaurants, or do we go to restaurants because I wear that shirt? As I said, that color is dangerous and foxy. Talking about foxy, what we call a red fox is in reality an orange fox. See the color orange keeps jumping at me from all corners.

Come to think of it, monks and holy men in Asia are wrapped in orange, but then so do the prisoners. Are the two somewhat related? Then, are the Egyptians’ tomb paintings that used orange mineral pigment mostly in this category also? Does that mean what the human being is enthusiastic about what portends death, like fire which is mainly orange but burns?

In the same vein, don’t the beautiful fall colors mainly flaunt the color orange? So beautiful, so enticing, so amazing…Yet, what comes after is the deep freeze, ice and snow. Now, I love snow, maybe because it is forthright and truthful about its own personality. It says, “I am beautiful and I am frigid, and I’ll freeze you to death if you don’t take care.”

Not so with the color orange. Orange is tricky. It promises one thing, and later, after giving you a sip of what it has promised, it grants you the nasties.

Unlike the frank snow’s white, the cunning orange with its beauty and mouthwatering tastes and promises of creativity and enthusiasm is out to get me right in the gut. I know this, but still, I can’t say no to a pumpkin pie, and I can't say I don't like orange.

What the heck, I love orange, even if it kills me.


Prompt: Orange is a color that people either hate or love: tell us how you feel about it.

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