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#830395 added October 8, 2014 at 5:58am
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The Meet Up
*ExclaimBl* Warning: This is a blabber's account.

How did you find out Writing.Com?

By simply typing the word "writing" in google.

Why did you type the word writing?

It was the result of my desperation in finding a job.

Why were you looking for a job?

Okay, at first I hope to start writing about my life journey (as if it is interesting *Bigsmile*) but I don't know any way on how to start it and so I resorted to finding an online job but there was no good result.

And then?

And then, when I typed in "writing", I read the phrase 'where the writers go to write' and caught by the word FREE in writing.com. I signed up.

What?! I thought you were saying something about the job???

Yup! But It's finished. I am now on my find of writing.com.


I shared my thoughts.

Shared to whom?

In writing.com. I already have my account. Okay? Got it?

After two hours, someone replied encouraging me to post an item and that people in WdC are never brutal but helpful. He's Wayne Foster Author Icon. He even gave me gift points which at that time doesn't have any meaning to me.

And then?

I don't know how to post one. It took me fourteen days to figure it out.

After posting?

I received feedback from ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy Author Icon...it was awesome! and another from Wayne Foster Author Icon stating that I am a writer. I was delighted!

That's all?

I tried browsing on the site until I couldn't find my way back to where I started.

What do you do whenever you get lost?

I would log out and then sign in again. Presto! Back again...along the way, the name ~ Santa Sisco ~ Author Icon attracted me. I always see his name until in one of the pages he said something like "for those interested in grammar, check out Coursera." Exactly what I was looking for. I am now presently enrolled in some of the courses on that site. Anyway, this is another story.

If that's another story, why did you mention it?

Because of its connection with ~ Santa Sisco ~ Author Icon. I wonder where I could find him. I would like to thank him. Also, his name is unique and sounds like a good person but at the same time I wonder why his suitcase is blue in color. Well, as I browse more, I noticed those suitcases in yellow. All the more I got mystified.

Did you find him?

Nope. I gave up because the site looks huge to me. What I did instead was read more and review more until I felt the need for an in-depth review of my one and only item. In one of the newsletters that I received, I saw the name The Run-on King PDG Member Author Icon. His name looks cool and that being a warrior could also mean direct and investigative. Without hesitation, I asked him to review my item.

So, how's the review?

It was helpful. I cried...out of joy in receiving his review because it has depth. I even received correction on my work. More than that, he guided me in utilizing the site. He asked about the reviews I made which at that time was plenty. He helped me do the review with a reviewing template. When I received the template, it looked like a la n g u age f r om an ou t er sp ac e.

He sent you that template but why you're not using it on some of your reviews?

It was a hassle for me to find his mail with a reviewing template every time I review one. You see, I never thought I could save the template somewhere. I couldn't be stopped from reviewing because the good thing about it, was meeting new friends. I've met a lot of authors, enjoyed exchanged conversations, and learned from their works.

By the way, what are we really talking about here?

It's about how I found out writing.com. I am already finished about that.

That's what I noticed.

But I am not finish on how I found out the Paper Doll Gang.

Ah...okaaayy...Please proceed.

Here's what happened. One day, along with his answer on my question, The Run-on King PDG Member Author Icon sent me a link to "Newbies Academy Registration - OPENOpen in new Window..

Wait! I thought this is about Paper Doll Gang?

Yes, let me finish first. By then, I received a message that someone gifted me an upgraded account which would last until October of this year. I asked myself, "How would I live with this account?" Definitely, I'd like to take advantage of all the features it offers.

Good idea. But how come this time you are mentioning about upgraded account thing?

Because that motivates me to follow the link that was emailed to me. After a few days, I figured out how to post in "Newbies Academy Registration - OPENOpen in new Window.. I found ~ Santa Sisco ~ Author IconMail Icon over there! So, the blue case means moderator. I was glad because I could finally thank him about the Coursera link. He acknowledged it and I was warmly welcomed. Angels in my Ear Author Icon invited me to join the Mentee's Group. I signed up.

I see. Good thing you've finally found ~ Santa Sisco ~ Author Icon.

I also joined in Angels in my Ear Author Icon's group because it's about writing non-fiction. Isn't it what I intended to write? But it was overwhelming for me. So, what I did first was to submit items for newbie's contests until my port has 8 items.

What's the point of mentioning the quantity?

You'll know after this.

One day, I was in the mood of reviewing. I reviewed eight items in a row. After...maybe...two days, ShelleyA~15 years at WDC Author Icon tagged me in a reviewing group forum.

Now, it's about reviewing eight items...my mind is whirling!

*Smirk* "Is this another mistaken notification?" I asked myself because prior to that I also received notification from northernwrites which shouldn't be sent to me.

However, when I checked out the group, it is all about reviewing which I am most interested.

I thought your interest was to write? Are we playing boggle here?

Well, because, if I know how to review then I would know how to write. Right? Anyhow, I sent mail to ShelleyA~15 years at WDC Author Icon telling her that I don't understand why I received the notification but regardless of the reason, I told her my interest in learning how to give good reviews.

What happened next?

Then ShelleyA~15 years at WDC Author Icon replied if I was signed up to take the review course hosted by PDG. I wasn't.


However, she sent me the link, I emailed Bonnie Author Icon of my interest. Then Bonnie Author Icon said that the class will start on Sept. After that, I received a warm welcome from Hannah and then a link from Rhonda where I am enjoying the activities in her playground. Actually, this one is part of it.

Oh, I see!

That's it!

It was when I reviewed 8 more items and my port has 8 items that I received the maybe an accidental notification. Well, wasn't it cool? That's how

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The Rockin' Reviewers Open in new Window. (13+)
~Quality reviews given in a positive and encouraging manner
#1630911 by Osirantinous Author IconMail Icon


My PDG sig



Finally! Now I can read another one. Goodbye! *Bigsmile*

Wait! There's one more. Right now, we are at the end of our reviewing class.

And so?

I am learning so much and this month, the fruit of those lessons are these badges

Merit Badge in Reviewing
[Click For More Info]

Ranked # 32   Public Reviewer  for the month of  September 2014 . For more details, please see  [Link To Item #614925] . and Merit Badge in Reviewing
[Click For More Info]

    This badge celebrates your visually appealing, insightful reviews as selected by me for  [Link To Item #1735780]  Also, please accept this small honorarium for your efforts! Keep up the good work!

Looks the same.

Yes, but if you click the badges, you'll know the difference.

PDG is like a mother to me. Her influence is not obvious from the outside but leaves a good foundation that wherever I go, it reaps unexpected results. *Wink*

That's all for now!

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Beautiful Candy has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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