My mom died on Halloween. Creepy. Things like this are rarely taken lightly. What struck me odd about the holiday, is how easily people slip into witchcraft. And that is what Halloween is about. You dress like the dead to raise the dead.. Lawrence Krause is fond of saying that, "Most people are 99% atheist." We reject the old pagan gods, but still hold onto mono-theism like , Judeism , Islam and Christianity. But, that does not disprove the existence of the supernatural. Particle physics states that particles can be in two places at once and that these particles of energy blink in and out of existence from nothingness. That is supernatural. Nature has a beginning and a end. Life comes from life and dies. Nature abhors a vacuum. But, what if life were supernatural? Could the ancient pagan magic be real? I grew up in Cambridge, Massachusetts, every kind of new age Wiccan magic is practiced there. My mom warned me about Witchcraft, "You don't know what your dealing with." I've met good Witches and Satanist. The thing about Satanism is that it's angry. Good Witches want harmony with nature. Therein is the divergence. No offence intended, but why would you want to go to Hell? To each there own in the time allowed. I believe Jesus would not be taken seriously if he had begun preaching today. Most people are skeptical and cynical. He most certainly would not tolerate Halloween. Jesus taught, "That those who are not with me cannot enter Heaven." That is not multiculturism. This Halloween ask yourself do you believe in demons. And then consider what you would do if you encountered one. You could draw a magic circle around you. Or would you ask God or Jesus or Buddah to protect you? A Devil by definition is very angry. I make no bones about Halloween. . It is conjuring demons. Is that okay? Shalom, Muzzy |