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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/829184-Writing-Imparts-Hidden-Energy-to-Most-Any-Communication
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#829184 added September 26, 2014 at 3:35pm
Restrictions: None
Writing Imparts Hidden Energy to Most Any Communication
It goes without saying that I like writing for anything. Some people can hold long lists in their minds whereas, despite the mnemonics tips I have tried to use, I usually forget something if I don't have a written list. The same goes for every communication. Writing works better for telling another person or the world what I mean.

On the other hand, speaking face-to-face with a person has its advantages, too. Then, I can add other means of communication to speaking, such as gestures, the tone of my voice, etc. Some of those additions go both ways, as our faces and body language signal meanings. This, however, is not necessarily done with conscious decision; yet, it is helpful in transcribing or adding to the meaning of the words the other person is saying. When informal give and take between friends are the issue, speaking or even speaking without much thought is fine. Even then, I find taking care with what I say is needed, so I don't unknowingly say something that would hurt the other person.

Communication skills are essential in handling all aspects of life. Be it an interview or dealing with friends or writing a report, getting the point across is what matters. Good communication is key for creating relationships between people, groups, and nations. I have a strong suspicion that most wars and misunderstandings take place due to poor communication skills and methods, and misinterpretations happen because, while interacting, people forget to give importance to their messages or they haven't thoroughly thought out the situation and their words.

For the success of any communication, thinking skills, writing skills, speech skills, listening skills and non-verbal skills are needed. The tenets of good writing, however, is the basis for all good communication. When writing skills are perfected, the other areas of communication also benefit, because writing skills are based on thinking skills. That is why presidents and heads of other groups have speech writers, and most of us usually write down at least the vital points of any important thing we need to say.


Prompt: How do you communicate best? Speaking or writing?

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