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Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
Half past September October, NaNoWriMo Prep Month, & November, NaNoWriMo, are around the corner. Have you started brainstorming your novel? It's half past September, It's time to remember Your experiences from last November. Did you completed the novel you started? Did you accomplish the goal? Did you write 50,000 plus words in 30 days? Everyone is a winner! Starting your novel proves that. Were you one who completed the 30 day marathon That begins on November 1? What are your plans for November? Have you started brainstorming your novel Or will you wait until October? It is half past September or close enough to start reviewing the lessons learned form last November and contemplating the theme of this year's NaNoWriMo novel. In 2013, I encountered a lot of stress due to time issues. I think this is something all of us encounter at some point during October (NaNoWriMo Prep month) and November. This year, I decided to take a different approach to the time issue problem. I am looking at the things that steal time from writing and separate those that waste time from those that I have to do in order to function. Next is the theme for my NaNoWriMo novel, which I usually decide at the beginning of October. I started brainstorming my novel in August. I started out with two ideas for the book. I have decided on the second novel or book idea in "Invalid Item" ![]() ![]() My second dilemma concerns the novel's genre. Until today, when I read one of the post in "Writing.Com General Discussion" ![]() What did you learn from last year's experience with NaNoWriMo? Have you ever realized you were planning or writing a novel in a genre different from the one you normally use? Have started brainstorming your NaNoWriMo novel? Do you have any questions you would like answered? Do you have anything you would like to submit to this newsletter? Next Month's Newsletter Different Types of Intelligence Editor's Picks 1. Maybe Tomorrow 2. Feeling the Heat 3. Relic Hunters 4. Anthros Versus Zombies 5. The First Return 6. Ancient Atrocities 7. The Roy Dog 8. The Woods Man
Excerpt: The force of the explosion lifted Eric off his feet, throwing him against a wall fifteen feet away.
Excerpt: Cassie stretched her arms over her head and grimaced at the stiff, unforgiving wood chair beneath her. She blinked her gray eyes a couple of times before she actually saw the scene before her.
Excerpt: Reaching into his pocket, Geeves takes out a microbot dragon. As he hands it over to Savannah, he says, "I am not sure except this interesting creature was the carrier of the note."
Excerpt: The signal appeared on the radar screens without warning in close Earth orbit. It could be that of an unidentified space ship!, If so, what everyone on Earth half hoped and half feared for generations had happened. How could it have avoided all the warning sensors that dotted the Solar System and far beyond out into interstellar space?
Excerpt: Stripped of the wings that held her so high Mortal and suffering so that she may return Tears burning her cheeks, staining her skin, Agonizing pain beating her at every turn. The little angel knew only one thing, Being human was intended to hurt.
Excerpt: Lightning flashes and 100 eyes fill the darkness.
Excerpt: Something was wrong. A clap of thunder rang through the forest, but the sky was not right for it. Clear blue was all I saw through the canopy of green. Not a cloud was in sight. Submitted by the Readers
Excerpt: By the late 21st century, flying cars and android servants were being made available to the public. There were also two companies performing genetic experiments, one working on a way to stop the rapid growth of a form of the Flesh-Eating Virus. The other was working on a way to make communication between humans and other animals easier- mainly so that search dogs, and other such animals, could tell their handlers/owners what the situation was. Quick-Quill ![]() The Run-on King PDG Member ![]() Lawless - Proud Pantser ![]() The best way to combat that is to continue writing. Write something..anything. It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad because eventually, the good will come again. There is no such thing as "Writer's Block." BIG BAD WOLF is Merry ![]() Elfin Dragon-finally published ![]() ![]() ![]() |