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Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts |
I think I find inspiration in many things and places, in life really. Sometimes I am inspired by the most mundane things, like a clock ticking, a weird sound in the middle of the night, water boiling in a kettle, a piece of jewelry someone’s wearing, whatever I read, quotes, proverbs, etc. When something inspires me, I don’t just attack the keyboard or pen and paper. I let the moment seep in. If I do get an idea for writing, then I jot it down in a few sentences with the notion of getting back to it later. Sometimes what inspires me can remind me of something nostalgic or makes it easier for me to get over a rough patch. At times what inspires me makes me try to be a better person, do better work in all areas, or accept life as is. If I have to make a list of what has inspired me or may inspire me, however, here is a partial one: People I am a people watcher. I just love people of all ages, ethnicity, and gender, their our vulnerability, foibles, emotional reactions, quirks, how we relate to one another, how we play, how we are so quiet when we see the spiritual in the tiniest moments and things. I also like watching (knowing about) people taking risks, overcoming hardships, and becoming successful against all odds. Nature The ocean and the beach, boats, waves etc. Sunsets, animals, plants, (especially new shoots or plants, even weeds, just breaking through the surface of the earth) The Alps mountains with full moon over them looking at a city under moonlight (from a hill or high place) Farms, cities, towns Music: Classical (just about any era) – it inspires affects me in so many ways that it would be impossible to list. Folk music (just about any) – it makes me feel the oneness with all humans. Songs with lyrics—Some lyrics and singing together really get to me. (e. g. Sound of Silence, Bridge over Troubled Waters, Wise men say only fools rush in, etc.) Some New Age music like that of Kitaro. Art I love to look for colors and lines and shapes in anything in everyday life; how they relate to each other and to the overall scene. I also like paintings, photographs and other art work that leave something in me when I look at them. Books: Only those I consider well-written that linger in memory after I’ve finished reading. Poetry: I can be selective, but a good poem is highly inspirational for me. History: Some pages in history can be moving, too, since they have to do with human existence. Movies or TV Very rarely. But it does happen. 00000000000000000 Make a list of inspirations. People, places, things, events, colors and activities. Do these inspire you to write, go to work, help you through life or make your day a good one? I would like to hear about them. |