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Rated: 18+ · Book · Mystery · #2002544
Lexianne is a young real estate agent who is finding dead bodies in her showings.
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#823819 added July 29, 2014 at 11:32am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 5
Chapter Five

After saying good night to Detective Holland Lexianne was ready to relax on the cushy couch and watch a few minutes of mind numbing garbage, but as she glanced at the clock she realized the ten o’clock news would be airing. She flipped on the television as she slid on her favorite yoga/sleeping pants. The soft blue fabric always gave her comfort. Changing into a cotton cami top she heard the voice of the reporter commenting on the murder. She ran back to the living room watch the television.

No one has been arrested in relation to this heinous crime. Viewers are asked to call the crime watch number at blah, blah, blah. Lexianne flipped of the TV and went to her laptop. No news could not be good news. She focused on work for the next two hours until her eyes felt they’d pop from her skull.

Bright and early she woke to the sound of knocking at her front door. It was Becky. “Ugh, what the hell are you doing here at 6 a.m.?”’ Lexianne grumbled and pushed the hair out of her eyes.

“Going for a run, wanna join?” Becky smiled, bright and perky.

“No!” Lexianne left the door open and turned back into her house, walking away from her best friend.

Becky followed her inside and closed the door. “Come on, you could use the stress relief.” She yelled to Lexianne whom had disappeared into her bedroom. She started making coffee.

“Running is stressful.” Lexianne said from her doorway, around a mouthful of toothbrush.

“You’re the one that said you wanted to stay in shape and needed me to help motivate you, so here I am motivator extraordinaire. Come on, you have two hours before work.”

“Fine.” Lexianne conceded and went to throw on shorts and a bra. The cami was staying. It was summer in Florida and already freaking hot.

Walking out the door Lexianne tied her keys to the string in her running shorts.

“When will you get an arm band?” Becky asked as she shook her head at her friends’ lack of running fashion.

“When I enjoy running.” Lexianne grumbled and stretched.

“Well, come on let’s try to make this fun.” Becky took off down the sidewalk.

“Yeah right!” Lexianne followed, caught up, and stayed with Becky for the first two blocks, after that she seemed to get in a groove. Jogging wasn’t so bad she thought. As long as Mrs. Lightsey keeps that ass hole dog in his yard. She was lost in thoughts of running up a tree if the mixed breed giant dog came after them. She didn’t hear Becky say lookout until she had already stepped in a broken piece of concrete. Twisting her left ankle and falling not so gracefully to the ground, Lexianne glared at the dog that had remained in his fence. “Stupid dog” she said. As if it were his fault she was daydreaming. Becky reached for her friend to help her up but Lexianne was already half way back to her feet. As soon as she put pressure on her foot she knew her ankle was crap. “Dangit! See why I shouldn’t be exercising in the stinking morning?” Becky shook her head, worried about speaking.

Lexianne turned back toward her house and started to hobble home, her arm slung over Beckys shoulder. I think we should put some ice on that then we will get you settled and call the office.

“I am not missing work today just because I’m a clumsy oaf.” Lexianne protested as she accepted the icepack form Becky.

“Okay crazy, is there any way you can get out of walking so much?”Becky asked as she placed a throw pillow under the obviously swollen foot.

“I can try,” Lexianne smiled at her friend. “It’s not a big deal. I’ll be fine. You go on and get home so you can get ready for work. This is minor really. I didn’t hear anything pop.”

Becky put her hands on her hips and prepared to argue but she knew as well as anyone that once Lexianne set her mind to something it wasn’t easily changed.

“Fine. But you call me if you decide you need to go to the doctor or if you need anything. Promise?” Her friend wouldn’t leave without the promise so Lexianne agreed. She knew she would be fine.

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