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#823525 added July 25, 2014 at 3:50pm
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12 Months of Christmas Project: Gifts of YOU

12 Months of Christmas Project: Gifts of YOU. Get a big calendar with space to write in what you did – every day. Put calendar, thank you notes, a special pen in a box and wrap it up. Give it to someone with a letter explaining this is a year long gift of themselves to others. Emphasize the importance of the calendar to write what is done every single day. They will be amazed at the end of the year when they look back. Then, they are to give YOU their filled in calendar so you can share and enjoy it together. Then they choose to whom they will give this gift for the following year!


January: Be Grateful. Send Thank you notes for every Christmas present you receive. Even if you get three gifts from Grandma, write three separate notes. Don’t just say “Thank you for my whatever. Say why the gift means something to you. If it doesn’t or you didn’t like/want it: dig deeper and find a reason. Let the person know their time and energy is appreciated.

February: Love Giving. Give a gift every single day. Only one time can you actually buy something specific. The other days give of yourself, give your time and effort. This is in addition to normal, daily chores. Shovel a driveway, carry groceries, babysit, set the table, play a game, help someone who needs it, make a card and Make a card for someone and explain why you love them. Give it to them and watch them smile.

March: Spring Cleaning. Each day clean something. Clean out a closet. Go through your clothes and pack up what you don’t need or want and donate them. Wash windows and mirrors. (Smile!) Clean out the car. Wash the curtains. Help an elderly relative around their house. Say yes when someone asks you to help move their washer or piano.

April: Complement Others. Tell someone they look nice. Tell them they did a good job. Tell them you appreciate them! Someone different. Every day.

May: Be extra-special nice to Mom, grandmother, wife, aunt and/or teacher. Or pick a dad, uncle, brother! Give them a flower, make them smile. Spend extra time doing something they like to do. (Especially if it is something you don’t like to do!) Dust the furniture, make a special dessert. Go fishing, help clean a workshop.

June: Be kind to critters. Give the dog a bath. Brush your dog, take him for a walk. Take the neighbor’s dog for a walk. Get catnip for the cat. Clean the bird cage. Volunteer at a shelter. Adopt a pet. Donate the cost of a rabies shot. Teach your pet a trick. Take the dog for a ride. Take him to a park. Go to obedience school.

July. Give back. Volunteer with the Veterans. Thank a soldier. Clean a grave site. Read to a vet who can’t see. Help a vet do chores. Plant a flower. Raise a flag. Donate blood. Volunteer at a home for vets.

August: Be a family do-bee. Be extra helpful. Weed a garden. Babysit for free and let the Mom and Dad have a fun day. Bring someone coffee in bed or a glass of lemonade when they are working outside. Wash a car. Water the garden. Mow the lawn. Pick tomatoes.

September: Be a helper. Rake leaves, walk a kid/child/brother to school or to the bus. Meet them at the bus with a special cookie. Help someone with homework. Sharpen pencils. Help with flashcards on math or science facts. Clean a blackboard. Help a teacher. Donate books to a classroom. Volunteer to help in a classroom.

October: Family time. Spend time with all local family members. Write a newsy letter to a far-flung grandmother. Have a picnic. Take some kids trick or treating. Carve a pumpkin for someone in the family and surprise them with it. Go for a walk with your sister. Help dad rake leaves and then get in a leaf fight with him. Then re-rake leaves for him! Take your mom or dad to lunch. Invite your folks to dinner (make their favorite meal!) and go through the old albums. Print out the pictures on your cell phone and make some albums. Have a memory night where everyone talks of a special memory.

November: Think of something every day to be thankful for. Write it on the calendar. Put some real thought into it. Give yourself the gift of appreciating that for which you are grateful!

December: Christmas Wishes. Pick five people to give the 12 Months of Christmas TO! Pick a few people and try in some way to fulfill a Christmas wish for them. (Not necessarily a present!) Find a family that can’t afford a tree and get them one. Grab some friends and go caroling at a nursing home. (It really won’t matter if you can sing or not—it is the thought that counts!) Help someone decorate their home or put lights up for them. Put together a tree for someone. Bake and surprise someone with Christmas cookies. Put together a Christmas stocking full of silly things (Don’t forget the orange!) Send a care package to someone in the military.


Today is July 25th. It is exactly five months to Christmas. So this got me to thinking. What if we have the 12 Months of Christmas instead of the 12 Days of Christmas? What would each month represent. You may present this in a short story, poem, or article form.


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